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Thread: 5 best players.....

  1. Chicago Ted
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    5 best players.....

    Okay i know most of us hadnt play together but who would be in your top 5 players list for L4D
    p.s cant include yourself, chuck norris, chicago ted and Jesus

  2. Junior Member
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    no one. as you can see by the huge response to this thread.

    since everyone else is throwing out their props, here are mine.

    mLiquid. Maud Dib. <<Khaos>>P!ke is pretty good as well. [Elite]Sunsnail KTM++ pwns on hunter rifle.

    of course me, Rachkir.flaS I apologize in advanced if any of you quit while you play us in vs mode. We have a hard time keeping people in the game.

    fly like a Squirrel

  3. Zombie Dog
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    Well I played a little Versus against Alan, PsyK (were you there too, Pingwin?) and some others from here. Was fun

    Otherwise, I got one of my danish mates from TF2 to play Expert with, and two random dutch ( I think, hope they don't kill me if they're not ) people I ran into that I also like to play with.
    Most people'll do anything if a cop tells 'em to. If we meet anyone, tell them we're cops. - Francis.

    Left4Dead Demo Vid // Steam Group // Forum Rules

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    I have seven people on my friends list whom I play with. Of them, I mostly play with three. Unlike most teams as well, we take our time in the Saferoom to formulate a generic base plan for that first little dash out.

    I wouldn't say any of us would be in the Top 5 Best, but we're good. Aka, Fast, BJ and I have even come out with some devastating scores too. It's fun to make people Rage Quit. ^_^

    Here's the largest score we've gotten so far. Unfortunately Fast and Aka had to leave before the Finale, so we had to PU's with us. Another 90 points and we would've had them by a full 5,000. ^_^

    Largest pounce: 25 points

    Unlisted Achievements:
    Epic Pounce (Land a 20 point pounce or greater)
    Cutting Corners (Land a pounce by clearing a roof between you and the Survivour)
    Mutilation (Kill 2 or more Survivours in 1 life as the Hunter)

  5. Staff of the Forums +5
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    This is a rather difficult thread to answer; it assumes we know of many members in the community out and abroad to compare each other to, like baseball players or something.

    I've been anxiously peeking on the steam group servers here to catch people playing on them, but haven't found people yet (they were all Campaign servers too?!). If I had, I could at least list people from this forum.

    I would have suggested my group, but they're disappointing me lately...they took a small break from the game without me, so while I'm still at the top of my personal game, they literally leave me for dead and act like noobs! After getting mauled at the first level of No Mercy (One didn't drop down the apartment hole...dead, the other ran off while I fought the horde.....HAVE THEY PLAYED THIS GAME BEFORE!? lol) So, for now, I have no one to list, but I do pretty good from time to time! Hope to play with more people here more often so that I could make a list!

  6. Just getting started
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    unless this game in versus mode goes cal it would be impossible to answer. Also this game is nothing like other cal games in the sense that great skill and teamwork is required.... this requires mostly just teamwork and mediocre skill.

  7. Senior Member
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    If advanced mode *or* tweaks to the infected are made, then it would be more competitive, but as of now, yeah, it's not really CAL material.

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    Aye, unfortunately true. Though, there isn't anything to stop us from doing L4DF tournies, right? Set up some kind of "Season Exibition", similar to the NHL or other major sports, ending in a play off. The reward? Well, it wouldn't be anything monetary obviously. Maybe a special title given by the Mods to the winner's, so that atleast our community knows who our best are.

    I'd be totally in to working on that kind of Forum Project, anyone else?
    Largest pounce: 25 points

    Unlisted Achievements:
    Epic Pounce (Land a 20 point pounce or greater)
    Cutting Corners (Land a pounce by clearing a roof between you and the Survivour)
    Mutilation (Kill 2 or more Survivours in 1 life as the Hunter)

  9. Join Date
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    I have yet to play with with any of the folks from L4D forums
    [SIGPIC] 97[/SIGPIC]

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