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Thread: Crash when opening game.

  1. Just getting started
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    Crash when opening game.

    alright just got the game, installed it fine, updated fine, but when i clicked to launch the game, it crashed. Didnt even bring up the game at all, just crashed. i have windows vista 32bit with dual amd athlon processors 2.3 ghz
    2 gigs of ram (i know its the minimum) my graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce 8400 gswith 1011mb of total memory directx 10 enabled. I am currently trying to instal the game on my laptop which has 3 gigs of ram instead of 2 so maybe that will point out the issue, but im afraid the laptop will be unable to run it anyways because of the graphics card that came with the laptop, although it does have sufficient graphics memory. I read above the statement on turning of multicore rendering, but i cannot find where to fix that. I checked inside the Nvidia Control Panel and could not find that specific thing to change. if somone would like to email me on this issue, that would be awesome, or you can just reply on here. (

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    Quote Originally Posted by skatetillyewdie View Post
    I read above the statement on turning of multicore rendering,
    Go here:

    and go to the first multicore fix, also make sure you're using the 178 video drivers from nvidia (not the 180s which have problems with L4D)

  3. Just getting started
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    alright, on my laptop it ran, choppy as all hell, but it ran. And i recently waited for the whole thing to download via steam on my desktop, and it still crashes in the same fashion. right when i click launch game from the steam my games menu, it crashes saying:
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: left4dead.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 491a4be1
    Fault Module Name: shaderapidx9.dll
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 49385b17
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0002df66
    OS Version: 6.0.6000.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: f708
    Additional Information 2: 2d645f9807c58f9e6bcea951e3ac2c9c
    Additional Information 3: 0b6a
    Additional Information 4: be03e2e8ec14b80cd2a48029a205f311

    so ya please help. my specs are above, if you have any other questions ill be happy to post them.
    oh and edit: i went to nvidia to the link you have to get the 178.24 driver that you mentioned, solved nothing.
    you wouldnt think that it would be because of the 2g of ram on my desktop would you?
    i am currently verifying game files, for the second time so i dont believe that will solve anything.

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