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Thread: All Aboard (Fan-Fiction)

  1. Junior Member
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    All Aboard (Fan-Fiction)

    After starting the safehouse topic, I thought it might be fun to do a fan-fiction of survivors on my own safehouse, a houseboat. There are three survivors, Adrian, James, and Alexis.

    Part I

    Adrian sat at the front of a small speedboat, a pump shotgun cradled in his lap. He fidgeted, pumping the gun, catching the released shell in the air, and reloading it.

    Behind him, Alexis, a former student at North Idaho College, sat stock still, staring off at a point somewhere over Adrian's shouler. He'd normally assume that she was looking at the houseboat that was their goal, only a couple minutes away from them, but her eyes had glazed and it seemed like she was someplace else.

    A concerned look painted the face of the third and final member of the small boat. James, Alexis' older brother, a college dropout who had worked in the shipping business and was in the National Guard, was worried that their last encounter with the zombies had shaken Alexis deeply. It'd been close, trying to get to the speedboat. Every time he closed his eyes, even to blink, images flashed through his head.

    Adrian was leading the group, smashing his way through the preternaturally fast zombies with his shotgun, blasting them apart when he had a chance to take down more than one with a single shot. His face and arms were covered in scratches.

    "We're close." Adrian called over his shoulder. He loaded the final shell into the shotgun, pumped it, and rolled his shoulders. "You two ready?"

    Alexis stumbled behind Adrian, firing her pistol only sporatically, but with surprising accuracy. She had a long gash above her eye from a zombie fingernail, and it bled messily, painting her face like some kind of morbid makeup.

    "Yeah." James called. He looked to Alexis for an answer. He recieved none.

    James brought up the rear, firing his Styre AUG on semi-automatic. Zombies collapsed and lost limbs whenever his bullets connected with rotting flesh. He felt more than heard Alexis go down in front of him, but his back was turned and he couldn't see her.

    James toned back on the motor, letting the boat glide in the last few hundred yards to the houseboat. He picked up his AUG and checked the clip. Half full, he thought. Or is it half empty?

    Adrian was screaming something, yelling at James to keep him covered. James blasted two zombies, swatted at another, and turned to look over his shoulder. Alexis was down, a zombie sitting on her, leaning down to take a bite out of her neck.

    The motorboat bumped against the houseboat, giving each of them a little jolt. That seemed to snap Alexis out of her reverie. "What? We're... we're here?"

    "Yeah. We're here." James said. "Hopefully, we'll be safe now."

    As James cut down another pair of zombies, Adrian kicked the one on Alexis in the head, ripping it's head completely off. He dragged the zombie corpse off of her, grabbed her shoulder roughly, and dragged her to her feet. "Get to the boat, we'll cover you!" He shouted at her, shoving her in the right direction down the dock. He calmly pumped his shotgun, blasted a zombie apart, and grabbed a hold of James' shoulder. "Time to go! Let's move!"

    They carefully debarked the motorboat, tied it to the side of the houseboat, and crawled up the ladder. Adrian pulled a flashlight out of his backpack and duct taped it to the pump on his shotgun. James shouldered his AUG, pulled out his dad's home-defense shotgun, one of those short pump weapons, and held a flashlight in his left hand, the shotgun in his right.

    Adrian and James slowly retreated, carefully firing into the crowd of zombies running at them. They could see dozens more pouring down the street to the docks, drawn by the sounds of gunfire. Alexis called that the boat was ready. James jumped in, started the motor, and pulled away the second Adrian's feet hit the deck. He teetered dangerously, but, with Alexis' help, managed to stay in the boat.

    Adrian put his hand on the doorknob to the houseboat, looked over his shoulder, and asked. "Ready?" They both nodded. "Then let's roll."


    Hope you liked it. Criticism is welcome. Keep it constructive, though, please. If you don't like it, say so, but give a reason as well.

  2. On the way to greater things
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    Please do more, for i am seriously interested with this. This is a goo dstart, though those flashbacks kinda made me confused. Otherwise cool, keep em coming.

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