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Thread: Would you fight them, or join them?

  1. Staff of the Forums +5
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    While I'm sure some fanatics would join the craze, I would presume the majority would try a fight or flight sort of reaction, rather than jumping into being bitten/beaten/etc.

    I would fight, assuming I still have ammo left for all my firearms (always try to keep stocked!)

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    Fight untill all hope is lost. Then bang to my head. If i can not kill my self then i would charge out and distract the zombies while the other people i would hopefully be with can hid somewhere. Oh wait thats what i would do if i was turning. Nevermind lol. I would sacrifice my self or try and find a agem on l4d to take the piss. Lol

  3. On the way to greater things
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    Trying to survive of course!

  4. Junior Member
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    Honestley as much fun as it is to moan and complain about how you lost your arm the other day in the railing. I rather try and fight them off with my lucky shotgun.
    I was dead, but now I've risin

  5. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
    I find it funny how most people claim that they would fight the zombies. How many of you have even used a gun? Killed something? You would probely need to be a war veteran to avoid a complete breakdown, and even then i'd doubt you would make it.
    Oh please! Someone's been watching too many Hollywood films where people have an emotional breakdown when they're forced to kill a bunny. This is survival - people adapt, and shooting a weapon is hardly rocket science.

    "...need to be a war veteran to avoid a complete breakdown" - give me a break!

  6. Junior Member
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    Shooting at people is not rock science. Shooting at a seemingly endless ammount of people who charges for you regardless of cover, even when their bodies are smashed beond oblivion, completely oblivious to self-preservation, now THAT's a complete different matter.
    Imagine playing left4dead on expert. Imagine the zombies having strong melee than yours, and more hp. Imagine playing without a crosshair and a huge sprea/kickback on every weapon. No medpacks. No pipebombs. The zombies would continue charge after you even after being lit on fire. Firing your guns would make you temproary hearing-impared.
    Ammo would be scarce, at best.
    How far would you make it?

  7. Zombie Cat
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    So you're suggesting that when faced with a zombie horde, MOST PEOPLE will completely abandon their survival instinct and become a mass of whimpering blubber, i.e. just serve themselves up on a platter for the zombies.

    Yeah, right.

    Look, I've fired weapons. I've faced down looters armed with nothing more than a wallet. Heck, I've even been shot at. The strange thing is, being shot at doesn't make you worried or nervous - it makes you laugh! If it was a case of someone trying to kill me, my wife or my daughter I'd kill them - all of them. I'd do it with zombies and heck, I'd do it with living people. It's not that emotionally draining. You just laugh and get on with the job.

    This is not Hollywood, people are not over-emotional movie characters.

  8. Junior Member
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    You know i read somewhere how people inside the twin towers reacted when the airplanes crashed into them. Alot of them was dumbstruck, having no idea what to do. Many called relatives on the cellphone, because they had never encountered a situation even remotely close to then one they were in at the moment, and had no idea how to respond. Only a small number actually instantly realised that they needed to get out.

    Let me guess, most of you who belive you could handle a zombie outbreak, also think that you could stand a chance against a full grown dobberman, using melee only?
    Because you wont. . .

  9. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
    Let me guess, most of you who belive you could handle a zombie outbreak, also think that you could stand a chance against a full grown dobberman, using melee only?
    Because you wont. . .
    Most Dobermanns aren't trained to be attack dogs. You're assuming that the Dobermann will be trying to kill us. The vast majority would not. So you too are presenting a fantasy scenario that is built more upon Hollywood stereotypes than on reality. Yes, a full grown attack dog would probably mess up a human REALLY badly (if it was ordered to attack), but my neighbour's Dobermann - no way. Now if it was a wolf, you might have a point. But even a wolf won't attack a human alone unless it's desperate for food, because it knows a human is a predator, and any predator-on-predator attack involves a certain amount of risk. Predatory animals are not stupid, and they don't attack unless they have a good reason and a reasonable chance of getting out uninjured.

  10. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
    The point of my statement about dogs was that reality is not the same as movies/computer games.
    No one here ever suggested that it was.

    We can discuss these "humans are weak and feeble-minded" fantasy scenarios all day, but the fact is, no one knows how they will react in a crisis situation unless they've been in a crisis situation. I know how I react in a crisis. I was shot at in Spain in 1984. I was in the L.A. riots and I went out voluntarily to help defend my corner store from looters. I've challenged armed people (who I know were perfectly willing to shoot me) while defending my neighbourhood. Turned out they were just helping their family get out of L.A. So people do act in a crisis. We are not all sheep.

    Where were you in a crisis?

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