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Thread: Next patch wish list

  1. Junior Senior Member
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    Next patch wish list

    Hey guys,

    This is the official wishlist for the next patch. This can include fixes, changes and add ons but they must be kept realistic and with the style of the game. No sword wielding clowns if you get what i mean. Ill start.

    1) Remove the ability to spam death screams or any other kind of voice chat, give it like 3 seconds between each time you can say something.

    2) Bring back the old tanks speed, there was nothing wrong with it since survivors could still outrun you.

    3) Nerf the auto shotty more. I played a game today on NM4 in the hospital. I spawned as the tank pretty early. So all the survivors get under the stairs and before i can hit one of them more than twice, they kill me. This is not a nerfed auto shotty IMO, it needs a bigger nerf than that because the tank is a joke with the current strength of auto shotties. Maybe make each projectile do less damage, so the total damage of all the projectiles hitting it like half or even less damage than that of the M4.

    Can't really think of anything else so post your own idea's. You are allowed to criticize other idea's or add to them but only in a constructive and mature manner. Thank you.

  2. I've done my time
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    SDK to come out as fast as they can., Add more weapons., More maps., New special infected., and A character creator (lol).=]

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    - I do agree about the Auto shotty, it should hurt at close range only.

    - not be able to reload during melee (this would just make it a crap-load harder)

    - melee weapons!! (maybe they should have "ammo" also to break after a while)

    - Tier 2 pistols

    -Some special weapons maybe (flamethrower, stuff like that, very limited ammo)

  4. On the way to greater things
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    Crank up the friendly fire for the autoshotgun. That should remedy most arguments against it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by saureco View Post
    Crank up the friendly fire for the autoshotgun. That should remedy most arguments against it.
    Then people will shit bricks about how weak it will be (read: I'm too fucking stupid to not unload a full clip into a couple of zombies and end up hitting Zoey 8 times).


    I'd like to see more nerfs to the autoshotgun and a lot of fixes to infected hit detection. Definitely want DT and DA done for versus as well.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    A baseball bat or steel pipe for melee defense.

    New ONLINE campaigns. We have 4 for solo, why not for online?

    Body armor! At least some Tac armor from the undead police...

    And ya, a little anti-spam would go a long way....

    EDIT: Oh ya, and some connection settings! For example, refuse connections to servers with X amount of lag... I'm tired of pouncing THROUGH survivors.

  7. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Th3sandm4n View Post



    - I do agree about the Auto shotty, it should hurt at close range only.

    - not be able to reload during melee (this would just make it a crap-load harder)

    - melee weapons!! (maybe they should have "ammo" also to break after a while)

    - Tier 2 pistols

    -Some special weapons maybe (flamethrower, stuff like that, very limited ammo)

    Thats the one i forgot That one is very important, this gives the survivors a HUGE advantage.

    Quote Originally Posted by xmandeathx View Post
    SDK to come out as fast as they can., Add more weapons., More maps., New special infected., and A character creator (lol).=]

    The SDK wasn't released so players can handle the responsibility of balancing Valve's game. L4D is a product from valve and when a problem arises they should act accordingly to keep their reputation and customers. So using the SDK to say valve has done enough work is just false, and valve stated themselves that they would have continuing support for the game.

  8. Junior Member
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    Auto_shottie nerf
    Hunting rifle buff
    Melee nerf
    Reload while melee removed
    Friendly fire for smoker / hunter victims

    Return to the old random spawning or at least swapping which team goes first each level.

    Advanced mode for versus

    New guns;
    New pistols
    T1 rifle

    More maps for versus.

    The usual

  9. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiMonkey View Post
    Auto_shottie nerf
    Hunting rifle buff
    Melee nerf
    Reload while melee removed
    Friendly fire for smoker / hunter victims

    Return to the old random spawning or at least swapping which team goes first each level.

    Advanced mode for versus

    New guns;
    New pistols
    T1 rifle

    More maps for versus.

    The usual

    Hunting rifle doesn't need a buff. Melee doesn't really need a nerf. Reload while melee definitely needs to be taken out and so does the hunter stealing smoker kills.

    I would like to add that the smoker should have the old tongue range back. The current range is a complete joke, you can barely reach people anymore if you are on a roof, you have like a 2 second window max to hit them, in which case unless you coordinate a perfect attack it will be useless. And in pubs, coordinated attacks are rare as fuck.

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    Maybe Dead air and Death toll in vs?

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