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Thread: FAILED ESCAPE thread

  1. On the way to greater things
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    FAILED ESCAPE thread

    We have all been in this situation: All of your friends are dead but one, you have low health and your other friend is pinned down by a Hunter/Smoker, your on Versus so you have a good chance at escaping the Boss Infected and making it into the SR. When you decided to "Run Like Hell" what are some of your staories of FAILURE?

    I have a funny one: We were on the Sewers level of No Mercy while in the sewers, my last surviving friend was pinned down by a Hunter then Jelly-Juiced by a Boomer. Seconds later, he was in the middle of a zombie moshpit. I tried helping for about 2 seconds then I knew he was dead. I yelled "Sorry but I gotta go!!" just as I said that, he died. I turned and looked at the horde and was thinking "HOLY CRA..." the horde started chasing me. I tried going through the mini tunnels around the sewer but ended up getting closed in by Infected. Luckilly, I managed to hit away and kill a Boomer and Hunter. I killed off most of the infected and started heading to the ladder. Whatdoyaknow, a witch was "Camping" there. Yeah, I found out that it is impossible to jump over a Witch and grab the ladder.

  2. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter_Punter View Post
    I found out that it is impossible to jump over a Witch and grab the ladder.
    Haha, that line made the story.

    Anywho, I've got one of these that just happened the other day. Me and three other people were all attempting No Mercy on Expert and we were on the sewers. It was our third try of the chapter, and we were not about to lose again.

    We get to the room that usually contains ammo in the sewers, and wouldn't ya know it, a Tank spawns... behind us! It broke down the door and were were all like "OH SHI-" and ran like hell! we were all at relatively good health, so we could outrun him while the person in the back unloaded on him. As we exit the last mini-tunnel and enter the sewer section with the ladder, the person in the back firing hits a witch on the opposite end of the sewer from the ladder.

    The witch is chasing him like mad, and as me and my other friend are climbing up the ladder, the person in the back gets hit by a gigantic rock and dies in about two seconds from the Tank and the Witch murdering him!

    Me and the other guy aren't about to stop running, so we get above ground and toss two pipe bombs in our panic. As we are nearing the hospital doors, the Tank gets out of the sewer and is able to chunk a rock between the hospital doors, over the reception desk, and incap my friend literally inches from the Saferoom.

    I don't even attempt to save him, I closed that door as fast as I could. That had to be probably the most nerve wrackingly hilarious moment I have had in this game.

  3. Rob Zombie
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    That tank moment is now the definition of lucky.
    Khorne Flakes! They're Heretically Delicious.

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  4. Feet under the table
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    Not quite failed.

    So this isn't exactly a failure, but a narrowly averted disaster leading to a glorious escape.

    My regular team and I were playing Versus on BH1 and we were almost to the safehouse, all of is un green health, when my buddy says "I think we're clear on the Tank spawn."

    Of course as soon as he gets the last word out I hear that familiar music, growl, and see a rock come flying in from the treeline by the safehouse.

    Somehow both of our molotovs miss him, and we get corralled by Special Infected, so as this point I say screw it and rush the Tank with my Uzi, hoping to distract him long enough for the others to get by me into the safehouse.

    He instead incaps me while another of our teammates dies from a Hunter pounce, and another gets Smoked back into the trees.

    Our last man standing dashes for the saferoom with the Tank hot on his heels, manages to juke him in the little room before the safehouse, and somehow slam the safehouse door on the Tank, trapping him inside.

    He then proceeds to come rescue the Smoked survivor just in time for him to bleed to death, then revives me and I limp back to the saferoom, we murder the Tank through the door, then manage to make it inside.

  5. I am Batman.
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    I was doing DT4 and we were at the crescendo event. It was on expert so I pegged it as fast a could and left my team for dead. Then I turn the corner, the safe room in my sight and BAM a knuckle sandwich from the Tank.
    rep if you like.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  6. On the way to greater things
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    I've been trying to get my fourth expert campaign for a few weeks now. So last night on Death Toll all was going well till two of us left, leaving me and one other guy to finish the last three maps.

    Dude was a good player, so we managed(somehow) to get to the finalé. We're defending from under the stairs, manage to not get boomed in first horde, get out and kill the first tank easy stuff, two AI players alive to boot. Second horde manage to kill both AI whilst friend gets incapped.

    Manage to get him up for the tank - only for him to die from first rock thrown from tank. Which leaves me. I managed to set the tank on fire and after lots of running around the outside of the house the tanks drops. I'm running to the pier. To the steps. Hunter comes. Melee him away, shotgun him dead. The boat's pulling up. Hordes charging. Half looking at boat. Boat's pulling in. Horde's getting close. ....Smokered from right-hand side. FAIL.

    So bloody frustrating.

  7. Senior Member
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    this just happened the other day, me and 3 of my friends where trying NM on expert, we where on NM2 and we had just got past that door that calls a horde and a tank spawns, all of us are black and white so we all use pain pills and run with the rule "anyone who falls behind stays behind" well everyone buy one of my friends died, he was at 1 health almost at the car that has a car alarm.
    the tank was running straight towards him, and he was shooting it with his uzi, the tank gets about 2 feet away from him and then right before he gets hit... the tank dies. we all had a good laugh, there where no zombies between him and the safe house so we thought we had won. then out of nowhere one normal infected runs up behind him and smacks him.... he died.....
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
    set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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