When i first got this game a couple of weeks ago everything was fine, i could join a lobby or set up a lobby and people could join and play.

Now a week after that, i would set up a lobby and invite friends to play and they flash up for a second and disapear. They then say they cant join it. So we all took in turns to be lobby leader and i got kicked out in a second, every time (along with everyone else).

I tried joining a game on the net, it keeps failing to join a game.

SO simply put the only way for me to play left for dead is by myself (that works) but i dont want to -_-

What is going on? why cant i play online with anyone?

My pc can handle it, my net is working.

Edit: I found ports in another thread to use, "
* UDP 27000 to 27020 inclusive
* TCP 27020 to 27050 inclusive

Dedicated or Listen Servers

* TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port) "

I can use the first two, but the third is a conflicting port because its within range of the first one.

I am confused, do i need all three of these somehow? or just the two. Either way with the two i still cant connect to a game.