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Thread: Essential Console Commands

  1. On the way to greater things
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    Essential Console Commands

    I wanted to gather some of the basic console commands around for everyone to be easily accesible in one thread. The list is far from finished and I would be glad if others contribute. I will try not to include any gamebreaking sv_cheats 0 commands (there are still some around). You can find some more sv_cheats 1 commands here.
    To enable console, set the developer console to enabled in game menu.

    Commands can be chained using ";".
    Example: bind x "sv_cheats 1; z_spawn boomer; z_spawn hunter; z_spawn smoker; z_spawn mob; sv_cheats 0; vocalize playerhurrah;"
    will toggle cheats on/off and drops you a pretty surprise when X key is pressed.

    You can store your commands in a "autoexec.cfg" or "myCommands.cfg" file you create in a text editor like Notepad and put it in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\cfg. It will get executed when your server runs. You can also execute a particular config file, e.g., "die.cfg", by using "exec die.cfg" in the console.

    sv_cheats 0

    thirdpersonshoulder - toggles character view mode (bugged shotgun sounds)
    bind <key> "<action>" - binds an action / multiple actions to a key
    example: bind x "vocalize smartlook" (very handy in game)
    kick <character> - kicks the selected character from the game
    example: kick Zoey (getting rid of the bots)
    sb_add - fills empty bot slots with fresh bots (spawns kicked bots)
    crosshair - toggles crosshair visibility - 1337 mode (boolean 0/1)
    net_graph <number> - shows connection, fps and other info overlay in game ( no overlay 0 - full info 4)
    changelevel <levelname> - loads selected map (start with "l4d" to get console hint on map name)
    sv_search_max_ping <value> - as a Lobby Leader, you can specify the max ping values for server search (default 250)
    spectate - moves you to the spectator mode (also handy in VS to change autoswitched players back)
    cl_playerspraydisable - toggles player spray texture visibility (boolean 0/1) - thx to ZENTRiERER <hVn>
    voice_recordtofile - starts/stops recording microphone inputs to voice_micdata.wav in game dir (boolean 0/1)
    startmovie <parameters> - starts recording the gameplay (explore the parameters in console)
    example: startmovie testmovie jpg wav jpeg_quality 75
    endmovie - stops the recording
    record <demoname> - records a demo (.dem file)
    stop - (stops demo recording)
    playdemo <demoname> - replays a saved demo file
    retry - retries connection to the last server used
    status - shows user and other information in console (only usable in-game)

    sv_cheats 1

    noclip - fly mode
    thirdperson - Tomb Raider camera view
    god - IDDQD mode (boolean - 0/1)
    kill - kill yourself with generic damage
    explode - kill yourself with explosive damage (same effect as kill)
    z_spawn <character> - spawns a desired character or mob at your cursor
    example: z_spawn witch / z_spawn mob
    z_common_limit <number> - changes the limit of zombies drawn at one time
    give <item> - equips your character with item or effect desired
    example1: give molotov / give ammo / give health (anti-knockdown)
    example2: give oxygen_tank / give propane_tank / give gas_can
    givecurrentammo - refills your current main weapon ammunition
    sv_infinite_ammo - current weapon gets infinite ammunition (boolean 0/1)
    nb_delete_all - clears all infected, bosses and bots in the area
    director_force_panic_event - calls a horde
    director_panic_forever - neverending panic event trigger (boolean 0/1)
    nb_blind - infected become blind (boolean 0/1)
    cl_drawhud - removes HUD elements from screen (boolean 0/1)
    boom - spawns an active pipebomb at your feet
    fire - spawns an active molotov at your feet
    warp_all_survivors_here - instantly ports everyone to cursor position (handy when the bots are a bit away)
    z_tank_has_special_blood - changes tank's blood to a darker sample (boolean 0/1)
    z_gun_kick <value> - adds a kick effect to all the guns
    sv_crash - if an admin ever screws with you on a sv_cheats 1 server, use this to crash him
    achievement_status - checks achievement status through console (handy with Nothing Special, Untouchables etc.)

    Useful Examples

    Lamb 2 Slaughter fix
    sv_cheats 1;
    sv_cheats 0;

    For the people with Lamb 2 Slaughter achievement not showing on their Steam Left 4 Dead stats page, these commands are a working fix.

    sv_cheats 1; achievement_reset L4D_ACHIEVEMENT_INCAP_AFTER_SAFEROOM; sv_cheats 0
    It's basically activating the cheats permission, the reset command and disabling the cheats permission. Then you can just get the achievement.

    You WILL HAVE TO get this achievement again in-game, but afterwards it will show on the stats page correctly.

    Enhanced red crosshair:
    (sv_cheats 0)
    cl_crosshair_alpha "100" (default 255)
    cl_crosshair_red "255" (default 138)
    cl_crosshair_green "0" (default 182)
    cl_crosshair_blue "0" (default 220)
    cl_crosshair_thickness "1" (default 2)
    cl_crosshair_dynamic "1" (accuracy/recoil autosizing - default 1)
    More on it here. This setting WILL stick on game reset.

    Scoreboard with NetGraph: (sv_cheats 0)
    bind "TAB" "+sb";
    alias "+sb" "+showscores; net1; net_graph 5";
    alias "-sb" "-showscores; net0; net_graph 0";

    This will toggle a net_graph 5 / net_graph 0 command on TAB press. Thanks to linfosoma.
    Also has to be used in autoexec.cfg or else, otherwise the alias binds will be lost on game reset.

    Joining your OWN server: (sv_cheats 1->0)
    sv_cheats 1; ms_force_dedicated_server "server_ip:server_port";
    Usable in lobby by a Lobby Leader.

    Single player Campaign Infected play:
    (sv_cheats 1)
    sv_cheats 1;
    director_no_human_zombies 0;
    sb_all_bot_team 1;

    Then press the default "M" key to switch to Infected. Bots will progress normally through the level and you can own them to your liking. Keep in mind that single player campaign maps don't have zombie ladders. Noclip is your friend here. With "z_spawn" special and normal infected key binds this really turns to sort of a Zombie Dungeon Master.

    Single player VS Infected play:
    (sv_cheats 1)
    sv_cheats 1;
    sb_all_bot_team 1;
    changelevel <level>;
    (console offers you level name hints, VS maps start with l4d_vs_)
    Press default "M" to join Infected.

    Hunter Walljump single player training: (sv_cheats 1)
    sv_cheats 1;
    director_no_human_zombies 0;
    director_no_death_check 1;
    sb_all_bot_team 1;
    jointeam 3;

    Select SP Campaign map of your choosing in the game menu (No Mercy 1 is a good map to train, thanks to the tall building next to the Hotel) and input these vars in. All NPCs will become latent and you will spawn as a default Smoker. Then input:
    z_spawn hunter;
    give health;

    to spawn as a fixed Hunter.


    Fairly simple, the hunter's best friend. Causing up to 25 damage maximum (yes, even while on fire) depending *solely* on the distance from point a (jumping off point) to b (victim). It can be hard to quantify how much distance will net you a 25, so get out there and find your favorite spots. I find new 25's every day, and soon me and a friend will try to release a tutorial to show hunters just where they all are. If you are on fire, it will *not* up the damage the pounce does. It will, however, up your claw on ground damage greatly. I also want to add that you do not need to hit crouch again to wall jump at any time. If you know you're going to hit the floor though, you'll want to tap or hold crouch just before you hit the floor to immediately jump again.

    *Patched Mechanic*
    The hunter initial damage from pounce has been altered, and needs to be tested to see if it has an impact on the hunter meta-game.
    *Needs testing*

    In addition to everything above, if you pounce someone close to his teammates, said teammates will be stunned and shoved away seven or eight feet. They are always pushed away in relation to where the teammate is that got pounced, and while slightly useful in most scenarios, there are some maps that give this mechanic potential. If you mange to stun someone off a ledge, it will incapacitate them in the hanging state, functioning exactly like as if a smoker pulled them off.

    *New mechanic*

    It's been elusive to nail down, but the "push" mechanic of pounces is indeed a consistent and intended mechanic. For anyone who doesn't know, you can "push" people off surfaces for extra damage in pounces, while it has a minimum drop distance of about 35 feet to do damage, it scales up VERY quickly, getting up to 75+ damage at 45+ feet for a fall. To do this, pounce someone on a ladder (no mercy map 3, final ladder is a great place), you may not see it, but when you pin them to the ground below the game will make a "ding" noise confirming the push damage, if you're in the air long enough or don't do initial pounce damage, you will see "player pushed other player for xx damage". This is extremely deadly, and I would like to see if there are other ways this mechanic can be implimented into the hunter game.
    *Needs testing*

    Pounce Sliding:

    Something I'm sure everyone has accidentally done, you can actually slide your jump if you know what you're looking for. If you hit *any* edge of a surface at the end of a pounce, you will slide off the edge with the velocity and angle you hit it at. The angle and speed of approach is irrelevant for the success of this mechanic, the sweet spot for sliding is *very* hard to hit, so if you're going to try it, prepare for a lot of practice, or a little luck. The most important part of this mechanic is that it DOES NOT re-set your jump distance like wall jumping does, thus, elongating your jump for more damage and range. The places you can do this tech and hit someone are very few, but if mastered, can really take people by surprise and do a lot of damage.
    *Needs testing*

    Wall jump:

    A hunter's best *best* friend. The true virtue of the wall jump itself, is it's ability to get a hunter out of bad situations quickly. If you miss a jump, bounce off the floor, get out of there, and re-set. The wall jump can also be used as a wonderful distraction, if you can wall jump quickly and accurately, you can distract a group of survivors long enough for a boomer or smoker to make his move. The actual mechanics of the wall jump are generally known, but haven't been specifically discussed much. Left click to jump off wall when you hit it, right? Well, there's much more to it. First off, wall jumping has minimum angle requirements. These numbers aren't quite concrete, but they are very close to accurate for in game purposes. You must be looking roughly ten degrees away from the wall, and at least 10 degrees up or down, to initiate a wall jump. This creates a conical "jump zone" while you are touching or gliding on a surface you can leap off of. Also, you do *not* have to hold crouch the entire time, and it's actually better if you don't. I'll explain why next...

    Jump curving:

    Many people know you can slow or even stop your jump mid-air by using the "s" key, but for those of use who have "surfed" in CS or TF2, we know that "a" and "d" are even more useful. Using your mouse look, and "a" and "d" you can curve your jump to an extent. Obviously this has great utility for correcting your aim mid air, but it also has some more technical uses involving wall jumping. First, I'll explain how to curve specifically. To curve left, gradually look to the left and hold "a" mid air, it's the opposite for right. If you are holding crouch, stop it! You're losing a lot of air control if you do, so stand up mid air to better your curving. Now for wall jumping, knowing the minimum wall jump degree "cone" helps here, as you can curve yourself into a wall you would have otherwise missed, and jump off of it. Curving also helps you attack from places survivors can't see. Now, curving leads to an even more advanced tech...

    Strafe Jumping, A.K.A, Kai Jumping

    This tech comes in two versions, diagonal, and vertical. I'll explain diagonal first, since it's the easier of the two. To attempt this, it would bee a good idea to have wall jumping, and curve jumping mastered first.

    Diagonal: To do this, first you must find a relevant place to practice it. No Mercy 1, off of the spawn to the right there is a really tall building with some stairs on it, that's where I suggest to practice both of these. Once there, remind yourself of the jump degree cone, because it's going to be really important. Jump and curve into the wall you want to do this on at a 45 degree angle upward (diagonal is focusing on both horizontal and vertical distance). When you curve into the wall to jump, look 10 degrees away, and jump again, holding your strafe button to curve the entire time, curve *back* into the wall, and do it again. Doing this, you can jump up a single wall diagonally. You can, of course, adjust your angle for what is appropriate, but much under 30 and you start to lost altitude. This is best suited for long flat walls close to areas the survivors pass by, and can easily get 25's in places you can't usually jump from. For vertical distance without much space to work with, try vertical...

    Vertical: Much more difficult than diagonal vertical requiers that you have the following mastered: Wall jumping, curve jumping, diagonal jumping, jump cone.

    To perform this, begin your jump just as you would for a diagonal, only instead of around a 45 degree angle up, you will need to use something much closer to 75/80. Do your first jump, but instead of holding your strafe key, and looking away from the wall again, turn all the way around towards the wall, going from your beginning strafe key, to "w", to the opposite strafe key.
    The goal of this is to keep yourself sliding on the wall the entire time you're turning around, once turned around, proceed just you would with a diagonal jump with an angle of 75-80 still. If you can repeat this, congratulations, you've learned the hardest hunter tech I know of. This is useful for 25's in mostly unknown and unexpected places, much faster setups for jumps, awkward escape angles, and very high angled attacks.

    100% vertical method of vertical oriented hunter jumping. You can climb straight up any mostly flat surface, no matter how thin it is. To do this, simply put your back to the surface you want to climb, hold "s", jump straight up, and wall jump by looking 10 degrees down. While holding "s" you will continually go back to the wall. While this tech gains no horizontal distance, and gains it's vertical the same speed as the strafing method, it is much easier, and just as applicable in many scenarios.

    Character/Item glow: (sv_cheats 0)
    Variables here:

    <Visible for INFECTED>
    //Glow of spawning infected
    //Glow of infected team mates
    //Glow of barfed survivors
    //Glow of Healthy survivors
    //Glow of slightly hurt survivors
    //Glow of badly hurt survivors
    <Visible for SURVIVORS>
    //Glow of barfed survivors
    //Glow of survivors
    //Glow of incapped survivors
    //Glow of items after you are in black and white mode (after 3rd incap)
    These vars WILL be changed to default values on game reset unless you specify them in autoexec.cfg (l4d/cfg folder). Setting these values to 0.0 will remove the glow completely for a more "realistic" experience.

    Creating props: (sv_cheats 1)

    To use the command, you have to type:

    prop_dynamic_create props_folderofprop/nameoftheprophere.mdl

    So an example would be:

    prop_dynamic_create props_fortifications/fencesmash.mdl

    Here's an example of a physics object:

    prop_physics_create props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl

    We found out if you type the command listmodels it will bring up a list of props/models (I'm guessing the ones that are in use in the current map) so you can copy them right out of the console.

    Be sure you don't copy the MODELS/ infront of the props_ (that will only spawn an Error sign, which can still be used to block zombies)

    REPEAT: When you see Models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl DO NOT copy the Models/ part.

    Rotating/Deleting Props

    Picker Shows the object your pointing at with a yellow outline, very useful.

    This will rotate the object VERY SLIGHTLY. However if you type ent_rotate 90 it will rotate it 90 degrees, same with 180. I bound a key to do "ent_rotate;ent_rotate;ent_rotate" and that seems to work for my purposes.

    ent_remove Removes the targeted Entity

    CAUTION: YOU CAN DELETE YOURSELF! If you do, you CAN'T hit ESC to get into the menu. It won't show you as being in the game anymore, you won't be able to move at all, and may have to alt+ctrl+del out. (Also helps to bind this to an easy-access key, but treat it as a loaded gun and don't go pointing it at your foot!)


    Some objects are STRICTLY physics or dynamics, so you if try the command:

    prop_dynamic_create props_junk/woodcrate001a , it just won't spawn the object, and it will give you an error message in the console telling you to use "physics" instead - pretty straightforward.

    Some Dynamic props have a tendency to stick half way in the ground, such as fences - I don't know a way around this.

    Some props already in game can't be removed or rotated. Some can.

    After setting up your binds, be sure to exit the game to save them! I've deleted myself a couple times by mistake and was forced to hardshutdown my game. (I'm sure I don't have to tell everyone this)

    Rambo mode v1.5: (sv_cheats 1)
    sv_cheats 1; nb_delete_all; director_force_panic_event; director_panic_forever 1; callvote ChangeDifficulty Hard; z_common_infected 50; z_gun_kick 1; hidehud 4; vocalize playerincoming;
    Enjoy the pain and glory.

    Unbeatable mode (by Fruggert): (sv_cheats 1)
    sv_cheats 1;z_common_limit 60;z_hunter_limit 3;z_exploding_limit 3;z_gas_health 500;z_health 100;z_hear_gunfire_range 600;z_speed 500;z_mob_spawn_max_interval_expert 90;z_mob_spawn_min_interval_expert 45;director_tank_min_interval 175;director_tank_max_interval 250;pain_pills_decay_rate 0.54;pain_pills_health_value 25;first_aid_heal_percent 0.5;first_aid_kit_use_duration 10;z_gas_limit 3;z_gas_speed 420;z_exploding_speed 350;z_hunter_speed 600;survivor_drag_speed_multiplier 2;z_tank_speed 420;z_witch_speed 600;z_witch_speed_inured 400;z_gun_damage 5;z_gun_force 150;crosshair 0;

    1)Have developers console enabled (go to keyboard/mouse settings and select "enable developers console")

    2) start an expert game. (if with friends the game MUST be local)

    3) as soon as it loads type in these commands in the console:

    ] z_common_limit 60
    ] z_hunter_limit 3
    ] z_exploding_limit 3
    ] z_gas_health 500
    ] z_hunter_health 500
    ] z_exploding_health 100
    ] z_health 100
    ] z_hear_gunfire_range 600
    ] z_speed 500
    ] z_mob_spawn_max_interval_expert 90
    ] z_mob_spawn_min_interval_expert 45
    ] director_tank_min_interval 175
    ] director_tank_max_interval 250
    ] pain_pills_decay_rate 0.54
    ] pain_pills_health_value 25
    ] first_aid_heal_percent 0.5
    ] first_aid_kit_use_duration 10
    ] z_gas_limit 3
    ] z_gas_speed 420
    ] z_exploding_speed 350
    ] z_hunter_speed 600
    ] survivor_drag_speed_multiplier 2
    ] z_tank_speed 420
    ] z_witch_speed 600
    ] z_witch_speed_inured 400
    ] z_gun_damage 5
    ] z_gun_force 150
    ] crosshair 0
    4) restart the campaign (DO NOT TURN SV_CHEATS OFF!)

    5) prepare to die.

    Awards if you make any achievements:

    Leone S. Kennedy Award: make it halfway through the first chapter.

    Gordon Freeman Award:
    finish the first chapter.

    Duane Jones Award: finish up to the second chapter.

    Simon Pegg Award: finish up to the third chapter.

    Cillian Murphy Award: finish up to the fourth chapter

    Chicago Ted Award: finish an entire campaign.

    Father Grigori Award: Finish an entire campaign without using exploits. closet camping and non scripted melee spams are exceptional.

    I will cut off my Gonads if anyone posts a video of them getting Chicago Ted. I will cut off my legs if anyone posts a video of them getting Father Grigori.

    This thread is dedicated to those who actually think Expert mode is FUN.

    Personal Rosetta radial command menus: (sv_cheats 0)
    Browse to the following folder on the hard drive that has Steam installed:
    X:\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\scripts

    Look for RadialMenu.txt. In it, is a list of commands that you can make according to current team and if you're alive or dead.

    Here's a little something I made:

                "command"    "vocalize PlayerHelp"
                "text"        "HELP!"
                "command"    "vocalize PlayerWarnHunter; say_team Hunter nearby!"
                "text"        "Hunter!"
                "command"    "vocalize PanicEvent"
                "text"        "Cuss Words"
                "command"    "vocalize PlayerWarnBoomer; say_team Careful, Boomer!"
                "text"        "Boomer!"
                "command"    "vocalize PanicEvent;  say_team Incoming!"
                "text"        "Hoarde!"
                "command"    "vocalize PlayerWarnTank; say_team TANK Incoming!!"
                "text"        "TANK!!"
                "command"    "vocalize PlayerWarnWitch; say_team Watch it, witch here!"
                "text"        "Witch!"
                "command"    "vocalize PlayerWarnSmoker; say_team Smoker around here!"
                "text"        "Smoker!"
                "command"    "vocalize PlayerWarnCareful; say_team Stay away from the car!"
                "text"        "Car Alarm!"
    Achievement progress check: (sv_cheats 1->0)
    sv_cheats 1; achievement_status; sv_cheats 0;
    To check your achievement progress in game. Failed achievements will be marked "FAILED" in console (unexpectedly).

    Pitch Black mode (disabling fog): (sv_cheats 1)
    sv_cheats 1; fog_override 1; fog_enable 0;
    Amazing feature, only really usable indoors though (outdoors like Blood Harvest reveal horizon textures).

    Useful Vocalize Samples

    laZee has parsed the data and wrote an incredibly useful Vocalize Command Browser for you - see it here. This should solve out all the "what is the vocalize for this & that" questions. Keep in mind that a lot of those commands are conditioned (require a certain place/event) and will not work universally.

    Common useful vocalize samples include...

    Numpad Key Codes

    1 = kp_end
    2 = kp_downarrow
    3 = kp_pgdn
    4 = kp_leftarrow
    5 = kp_5
    6 = kp_rightarrow
    7 = kp_home
    8 = kp_uparrow
    9 = kp_pgup
    0 = kp_ins
    Period = kp_del
    Enter = kp_enter
    Plus = kp_plus
    Minus = kp_minus
    Slash = kp_slash
    * = kp_multiply

  2. Junior Member
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    Very useful

  3. Senior Member
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    Isn't this taken from the main Left 4 Dead forums on steam?

    Shouldn't you credit the original author...?

  4. Hi, my name is...
    Join Date
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    Nice list, but there is something that I am looking for...

    How on earth do you make people shout "Tank" without tank being nearby?

  5. Senior Member
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    You bind any key you want with the vocal file...I forget where there's a link to the list of character voices. But find it either on wiki or the steam forums.

  6. On the way to greater things
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    After you make your own radial menu, how do you bring it up in-game?

  7. Been around a bit
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    I cant play infected on single player. When I enter those commands and press m I cannot move or swap team.

    Tried it over and over again it doesnt work.

    have those fucks in Valve pathec it or something?

  8. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by BedWhiner View Post
    I cant play infected on single player. When I enter those commands and press m I cannot move or swap team.

    Tried it over and over again it doesnt work.

    have those fucks in Valve pathec it or something?
    Post the exact commands you use so we can help you better, I know if you leave out one command it wont work. To my knowledge they havn't patched it, and don't really see why they would even bother. Chances are you either typed something in wrong or missed something.

    Also you'll need to spawn a SI in order to play as it.

  9. Been around a bit
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    I used the exact commands what were given at top.

    I didn't spawn a SI tho.. But why can't I even open console when I press m to change team after using those commands? I mean the window with infected and survivor side pick appears, but I can't change team or close the window. I can shoot, but not aim or move. (At this point I have to exit the current game to main menu)

  10. Zombie Dog
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    Hmm It might be your game... I remember when I tried those commands, the only time I could get to play as SI in single player was when I followed the 'Single Player Hunter' practice set. I know that using the "m" key wont work so you'll have to use the console command for it. If that doesn't work, then idk what to tell you except maybe re-install your game?

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