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Thread: anyone else feel me?

  1. Staff of the Forums +5
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    I actually just returned from a somewhat forced 2 week break. When I returned, I wasn't really compelled to get back into the L4D swing, and it worried me a little.

    Some contributing factors would be 1) the fact that I've played this game heavily since the demo and it's starting to run its course, 2) the community, be it ragequitters or just silent players, 3) friends have begun playing other games more frequently, or arent gaming at all, and 4) content is still rather minimal in my beloved VS mode.

    However, as of late, I decided what the hell and broke the mold to play again. Luckily, my return game was a maxed out Friends Only game, and they tend to be more fun all round. The fun that ensued reinvigorated my desire to play L4D, and now I back to playing regularly. This current go at it is fueled by cool people to play with, and if they dissipate, I'm sure my interest will wane too.

    I feel for the OP, but there's still hope to be had. Once more content releases too, all bets are off for me; I'll probably be right back into the solid L4D grind.

  2. Been around a bit
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    I think this game was released early or valve had really crappy play testers. Never had i seen so many exploits and a giant imbalance in an online game before. It's like giving counter terrorists all the weapons but terrorists get rubber chickens to slap people around with.

    Why is it take so long for updates, didn't cs and cs:s get updates at least once a week?

  3. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    I was actually talking about this with Metall_Pingwin the other night after a particularly good game - I always feel that I'm starting to get a bit bored with L4D until I actually start playing. Once I'm in game, that boredom vanishes, and I remember why I enjoy the game so much.
    Like Kenny, I think my recent reinterest in the game has been sparked by a couple of brilliant games with forum members, and I'm really starting to get my enthusiasm back.

  4. Zombie Rat
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    As much as I love the game, I've been playing now for a little over 1 month and I'm just about done with it. If I liked VS it might add another month or so to my playing time... but I hate VS, so I've just been playing Campaign over and over. Once I get the achievements I'm out. Need. Updates.

  5. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Out of interest, Thanatos, why do you hate versus? I ask because up until recently, I was also a versus hater, but having had a good game the other night (ie one without any exploits/cheap moves, no ragequitters etc), I have to admit that it's actually a lot better than my first impressions lead me to believe.

  6. Zombie Cat
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    I think we simply need new campaigns and new content. Also, custom campaigns, if they're good quality (as in not some crappy aggregate of undetailed and poorly textured brushwork but detailed,well-textured and well built maps) will probably give the game a higher replayability factor. Counterstrike would have been dead for years if it wasn't for custom maps.

    Lets just hope the good custom campaigns won't drown in an endless ocean of crappy orange textured blocks clumped together where the words "detail" and "solid architecture" don't apply...

  7. Staff of the Forums +5
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    There was a lot of reason to hate VS prior to the patches (part of the reason I temporarily quit, and came back after the patch). Cheap tactics and exploits detracted from the experience. Now, the only thing to fear is doing TOO well, lest your opponents quit from rage. Other than that, it is far more satisfying that CO-OP could ever be (though trying for Expert completions is an interesting evening...).

  8. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Out of interest, Thanatos, why do you hate versus? I ask because up until recently, I was also a versus hater, but having had a good game the other night (ie one without any exploits/cheap moves, no ragequitters etc), I have to admit that it's actually a lot better than my first impressions lead me to believe.
    Oh, there are a few reasons, some of which I'm sure I will forget to mention here. Maybe I just haven't been in any good games; my experience in VS is admittedly limited.

    It's just very frustrating for me because for some reason, I am just bad at controlling the SI, especially hunter. But even if I was good at it, the survivors just seem to have such a huge advantage, especially with melee. It's like, you spawn as an infected, spend a few mins looking for a good position to attack or a few chasing them down... finally get to attack... 2 seconds later you are dead... sit there staring at the screen for 25 seconds waiting to respawn... spend another few minutes trying to catch up to the survivors thanks to a shitty respawn location... catch up to them just as they are entering the saferoom.

    Combine all of that with stuff like teams blocking exits and eh... I'll stick to campaign. Being the survivors is pretty fun though, I admit. A lot more action than Campaign mode.

  9. Call me Pingwin
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    Despite the utter failure that it can be, I generally prefer to play VS on pubs rather than Campaign, if only because it requires less of a commitment. If I have half an hour for a quick game, it's not really fair of me to start a new campaign with some folks who expect me to stick through it. Whereas in VS, I can quit and be replaced almost instantly.

  10. Staff of the Forums +5
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    Well, if you're on the 360 I can't help you (seems like you might be cuz you mentioned blocking exits), but if you ever want to try VS on PC I'll play along with you, and not flip shit when you mess something up while learning.

    Somethings happened to the game, and the Survivors still definitely have the edge, though it's diminishing. Sure, the bash spam still sucks, but it's not AS prevalent. Play with a good team, and I'd say you could be hard pressed to go back to Campaign mode.

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