I actually posted this in a different thread earlier, but I figured it'd be better off here.

Here's the original post:

Sorry for straying a little off-topic here, but I'd like to play a couple matches with a friend of mine, wherein I would use the keyboard and they would use the gamepad I have. However, last time I tried to use my gamepad with Left 4 Dead (set up as a 360 controller, even though it isnt. Worked for Halo 2, I figured it'd work here) everything was fine other than the look-left and look-right axis, which for some reason registered as the left and right triigers. The left and right triggers did nothing. I'm just wondering if anyone has a .cfg file of a Logitech Playstation-esque controller and could post it, or if someone knows how to the edit the controls for looking left and right (which aren't in the control set-up menu), it would be much appreciated.

Please don't tell me to buy a 360 controller. I'm not going to waste my money when I already have a perfectly good gamepad.
I'd like an answer as soon as possible, if at all possible. Thanks!