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Thread: I don't see the point in L4D clans...

  1. Zombie Cat
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    I don't see the point in L4D clans...

    Whats the significance in having a clan in this game?

    Surely just knowing a few decent players is good enough?!

    Maybe it's just me haha

  2. Boomer
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    To play other clans in vs.

    Join a clan or team and play another clan in a vs match and then ask yourself the same question.

    Versus with randoms and publics is nothing compared to two good teams battling it out all the way to the finale theres alot more adrenaline and pressure and not missing your pounces and every attack counts it makes it alot more fun and challenging.

  3. Zombie Cat
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    But you don't need to be in a clan... Just add some good players on steam friends?

  4. Boomer
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    Well you have Tournaments and leagues also that requires a clan Tag as remembering who is part of what team etc would get very confusing.

    And general clans are more organised than just friends having a match together. Playing with friends is just fun at the end of the day Clan matches and such are just a bit more professional and strict

  5. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Meh, personally I'd hate that strictness and 'professional' stuff. Generally those sort of things are run by a bunch of little hitlers who take a computer game far too seriously. I get told what to do in life quite enough as it is, so god only knows why I'd want to spend my spare time doing that by someone with no authority to do so. :-/

    Still, each to their own. I guess there are some people who don't get enough of that with Counterstrike.

  6. Boomer
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    I didnt mean professional in the sense there is someone bossing you around or anything like that.

    Just that clans generaly have all there tactics and strategies down to a tee before even entering the match. And generally you know what your team mates are going to do and how there going to react to things just like any good team

    Whereas friends playing together generaly make them up on the spot and just go with the flow using mics etc and its just not as professional as a team. Its the same concept of a bunch of friends playing football/soccer together compared to a team.

    I played CS competitively in enemydown premierleague and i didnt see any bossing about once its just friends having laugh but also playing at higher level. I agree that changes when u enter professional play though and money is involved. But your getting paid for that.

  7. Just getting started
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    Clans are always fun. We stick together and own ass.

  8. Junior Member
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    I'm pretty impressed with how well a random group of people do work together in this game. The Co-op play is THE reason I bought it. I've always liked the idea of playing through a single player game with teamwork. That said, I think there is a place for clans in this game. I would imagine playing with a group of people that share a higher level of organization would allow some very efficient strategies. Possibly to the point where the game is too easy and then you'd need the same organization on the Infected side to make it interesting again. Anyway, I look forward to seeing Youtube videos of the action.

  9. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizav View Post
    I didnt mean professional in the sense there is someone bossing you around or anything like that.

    Just that clans generaly have all there tactics and strategies down to a tee before even entering the match. And generally you know what your team mates are going to do and how there going to react to things just like any good team

    Whereas friends playing together generaly make them up on the spot and just go with the flow using mics etc and its just not as professional as a team. Its the same concept of a bunch of friends playing football/soccer together compared to a team.

    I played CS competitively in enemydown premierleague and i didnt see any bossing about once its just friends having laugh but also playing at higher level. I agree that changes when u enter professional play though and money is involved. But your getting paid for that.
    I don't get it though - where's the fun involved if everyone knows exactly what everyone else is going to do? Once you've played a few games, it all becomes the same - you know exactly when and where the opposition are going to strike, and take whatever strategy is needed to counter it. You basically end up playing through the same game over and over again - even though the teams are different, they're doing the same moves.

    I enjoy the 'x factor' of playing with players I don't know inside and out - that way, when you manage to snare someone with a smoker, and just as the survivors go to rescue your victim, out pops the boomer player from nowhere, a hunter lands a big pounce, and suddenly it's mayhem. It's moments like that, when 4 players who hardly know each other at all work together that make L4D so enjoyable for me.

    I can see why people enjoy games like CS and Battlefield competitively, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't feel like L4D was supposed to be played that way - it was designed with the feel that it should be 4 near-strangers united by a common goal, be it to survive, or to wipe out the survivors - and the team who adapts to their teammates' playstyles fastest will usually win out - it shouldn't be a game where the team with the fastest average reaction time wins, or the team who hides in the right closet at the right time.

    Maybe that's just idealistic of me. :-/

  10. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by br0ken View Post
    Whats the significance in having a clan in this game?

    Surely just knowing a few decent players is good enough?!

    Maybe it's just me haha

    Uhm well i personally think its way much better to have a clan in l4d because you all have the same tags and it helps other players know that you guys are working together in a form known as a clan, and have scrims agaist other clans and record victories or defeats in your clan page to help others know if your clan is worth fighting or not.

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