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Thread: [STORY] LEFT 4 DEAD: Home Coming [STORY]

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    [STORY] LEFT 4 DEAD: Home Coming [STORY]

    Wow, It feels so long since I did my old story the very popular LEFT 4 DEAD: The Beginning. It got over 1,600 Views which is pretty damn good.
    I hope this story, can be a sucess and instead of a presequel we can have a wicked Sequel to LEFT 4 DEAD . Like all my other stories, I do all the stories that follow on from here in one thread.

    It's been so long since the outbreak of the first Infection. People turning into these mindless souls and trying to flesh on every living human they can find. People who you thought you know are no longer that person. Their souls are lost and their face tells a thousand words. The person who you thought you know or loved is not the person you first met, they are different… and if they get you, they will infect you.

    Zoey went into a day-dream of when she was in college and she had to kill her friend, who became the “Infected”. She believed in her heart that she could have stopped her from going out that night and that she would be alright. Zoey blamed herself of her friend’s death as it was her who pulled the trigger in her friends head.
    “Uh…. Zoey? Are you there? We need to go.”
    “What? Oh... sorry, yes I’m ready.”
    Bill looked down, as he saw all the Infected on the lower floor. Bill, Francis, Louis, Zoey all got onto an IT (Computer) building. They were on the 6th floor as they looked down and could hear the infected trying to break through the door
    Francis smirked and looked at Bill as he said to them:
    “These mother FU*KERS! Just don’t die do they”
    Bill smirked, but deep inside he wondered how on earth they were going to get out from this and survive.

    Louis heard a screeching noise, and felt he was being watched as he whispered to himself:
    He heard the Hunter coming up behind him and about to pounce as soon as it jumped Louis pulled the Auto-Shotgun at least 5 times as it killed the Hunter.
    Zoey put her head over to see how many Infected were down outside the IT (Computer) Department as she looked one of the Smokers grabbed her by the tongue. It wrapped its tongue around Zoey and started to try and pull her down from the 6th floor. As soon as she was about to fall Bill smacked the tongue rapidly. The tongue broke but Zoey was hanging and was about to fall. The Infected could smell the flesh and was desperately looking up waiting for the victim to fall. Zoey lost grip of one hand as she desperately tried to hang on with the other. Bill put his hand out for Zoey as she swung the arm that fell and gripped tightly onto Bills hand as he pulled her up.

    Zoey was lost for words, as she didn’t know what to say. Francis heard a rumbling noise:
    “Hey, guys does anybody hear my stomach rumbling?”
    Bill was puzzled and knew that wasn’t Francis stomach…
    “Francis, that’s not your stomach that’s a… “
    Louis shouted:
    They looked below as they saw a tank smacking past the infected and crashed through into the door breaking open the barricaded door of the IT (Computer) Department. The Infected rushed in. The tank went in and smashed through anything it saw in sight. They’re other survivors in other rooms below as they could hear screaming from 1st and 2nd floor. The 6th floor was the highest as all they could do was wait for the infected and the Tank to come…

    To Be Continued.
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  2. On the way to greater things
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    dude this is coming from a high school writer and im telling you that is really good!! you might want to add a little more description about the surroundings though but kudos to you great job!!!!!

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    LEFT 4 DEAD: Home Coming Part II

    The Tank smashed past the Infected clawing trying to get into the building. The Survivors heard the rest of the people from the lower floors screaming for help, and screaming in pain. A tear came to Zoey eyes as she wished none of this would have happened, and she could wake up and it was all a dream.

    She began to go into a daze and she blacked out. She fell onto the floor as Bill, Francis, Louis worriedly checked on her. She woke up as she blinked a few teams.
    “What happened?”
    “We don’t know we think you collapsed maybe because of all this shit is going on.”
    They could hear the Infected coming closer and closer. They stayed back as far as possible from the door which was barricaded from office desks. There were also other survivors in the room with them people who worked in the IT (Computer) Department.

    One particular man had a photo of his wife and kids. He just kept looking at the photo and didn’t even worry about the surroundings going on around him. He smiled and looked at his picture as he did up his suit and jacket and waited for the Infected to come.

    The Infected were bashing on the door with sheer force trying to get to the survivors. Bill, Francis, Zoey, Louis looked for a way up to the top floor outside the building. The Infected got in the 6th floor and started attacking the survivors. The man with the photo looked at the infected as he stood up and began walking towards the infected as
    The tank came crashing through and smashed him out the way into the window all the way down the (IT) department.

    The 4 Survivors saw an air ventilator as they all pointed to try and get up there. Zoey jumped on the office desk as she got in they’re and began crawling down the air ventilator. Bill was the last to get up as he got up an infected clawed away at his leg trying to get him.
    “You guys just go, I’ll be ok…”
    Bill turned towards the infected as he fired his gun a few times with his pistol as he got the infected off his leg. He began to persuade his journey down the air ventilator away from the infected.

    They got as far as they could through the air ventilator as the pushed through and they found themselves on the top building of the (IT) Department. The survivors looked over the edge and saw it was a long way down and didn’t know what they could do.
    They heard more hunters around the area. 2 Hunters jumped from one building to another as one jumped on Louis and the other jumped on Francis. It began to claw away at their flesh repeatedly. Zoey and Bill shot the hunters off but it didn’t kill them it just seemed to anger them. As it pounced into Bill and sending Bill over the top of the building.

    Bill was hanging on for his life. Zoey ran to try and get Bill but a smoker wrapped its tongue around her and started to draw her back from Bill. Bill was desperately trying to hold on with both arms but the strain in his arms began to make him feel weak. Bill hands began to give up on him. The Infected crashed through the door as more Hordes began to come. Francis & Louis was busy dealing with the Infected and Zoey had the smokers tongue wrapped around her stopping from getting to Bill.
    Bill had a flashback of his life, as he went into a stance as he let his grip go as he fell all the way down from the top of the building crashing down to the floor. Zoey could only watch Bill as the last thing she saw was a smile and a tear in his eyes before he let go and fell all the way down to his death.

    Francis saw Bill fall as he got angry and shot the Smoker that was grabbing Zoey and began to rapidly smack the Hordes of zombies over and over again off the building.
    A Boomer came up from the stairs as it put boom bile onto Francis.
    “Oh this just never stops… does it?”
    Francis began to blind fire without knowing what he was even shooting not even worrying about if his other survivor colleges were in the way. They fought off the Hordes as long as possible.

    They heard a helicopter in the distance, as they saw it come out from the black grainy clouds. The helicopter saw 3 of the survivors waving and fighting off the hordes. It began to lower the helicopter down.
    “Come on get in, hurry we need to go…”
    The survivors followed into the helicopter as they closed the door.
    As soon as the propellers were spinning again and it began to go in the air.

    The survivors were faced against with the Tank as it began to rush towards the helicopter.

    To Be Continued….
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  4. Rob Zombie
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    Oh come on, why did Bill die, I liked Bill!!
    Khorne Flakes! They're Heretically Delicious.

    PC + Xbox360 Alliance Member

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    I did think long and hard whether I should kill Bill off as in my other stories he has been main part, check out LEFT 4 DEAD: The Beginning. It tells you the backstorys of the Charactors and how they ended up together. I decided to kill Bill off because, I felt he was right to die and would add more dramatic drama to my story. It can also lead to whole new level of desperation for survival if one of their fellow "friends" die. I plan on killing atleast 1 more, but it'll be a huge swerve and you will be shocked who dies.
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    I notice a few things.
    1)You copied No Mercy:Rooftop Finale.
    2)No Mercy is a hospital. Not an IT room.
    3)You only need to do (computer) after IT once. We know what it is when or before you even say that.
    Other than that, nice.

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    Gahh... Nooo! It's nothing like No Mercy ( Well it's not suppose to be ) I tried to set it in IT Computer Department. On Wikipedia it's Louis background story of where he works.

    The rooftop is the rooftop of the building, I don't want you people to be confused. This Isnt No Mercy this is a complete different series .
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    LEFT 4 DEAD: Home Coming Part III

    The Tank ran towards the helicopter as it swung its arm and smacked the helicopter propellers. The Helicopter was half way flying into the air as they had to turn to it upwards from smashing all the way down to the 1st floor. It began to span out of control and smoke started to come out and the alarm went off for “Alert Safety”.
    Francis, Louis, Zoey all held on to the nearest thing they could find as they knew they were going down.

    The helicopter pilot tried to stop it from crashing hard to the 1st floor outside the building. As he knew that if he didn’t stop it then the whole helicopter would explode. He slightly raised the throttle up as the helicopter glided along the floor killing Infected as it turned over and toppled a few times. Most of the survivors were unconscious but Francis slowly began to wake up as he saw Zoey and Louis covered in blood looking like their dead.

    Francis crawled over to the pilot but sadly he had bits of metal stuck in him.
    “Please kill me…” The Pilot had a tear in his eye and with no remorse Francis took the Pilot’s gun he handed him as he raised it to his head and put the bullet in his head as he knew he was in serious pain. The survivors began to wake up slowly as they went through the front of the helicopter and kicked the window open. They got out as they looked around and saw hundreds among hundreds of infected in the distance running their way.

    They slowly began to run down the road as fast as they can as they looked behind them shooting the nearest infected they could find. Francis pointed into a house that looked like they could go in.
    “Quickly I see a house, we can get in HURRY!”
    Francis got into the house door, as Zoey followed. Louis was still stuck behind shooting the nearest infected. Louis began to run to the door but Francis saw boomers and hunters so he shut the door as Louis shouted:
    “Open the door man… I need some help open the door”
    Zoey shouted at Francis to open the door but he didn’t as Louis looked behind him and decided to keep running down the road leading the infected to after him.

    “Francis what the hell, you just left him to die you son of a bitch”
    “Look he stayed behind and those bastards were coming so I shut the door”
    “And it wasn’t too hard to let him in… he could still be here”
    Francis was looking at Zoey as Zoey in the corner of her eye saw a Hunter crawling towards Francis. Zoey pushed Francis out of the way and she Auto-Shotgun the hunter.

    They heard a boom noise as a boom came from the kitchen and boom bile on Zoey. The Infected smelt the boom bile as they began to run back to the house. They screeched and scratched at the door knowing where they were. The Infected smashed through the door as they began to run at Francis and Zoey. Zoey and Francis began to run up the stairs shooting the Infected one by one running up the stairs. The infected came from the bedrooms as they entered through the windows. Zoey and Francis went into the bathroom and locked the door as they waited for the Infected to enter.

    They sat they’re and waited for a couple of seconds as the hundreds of Infected went into the bathroom as Zoey and Francis shot the Infected more just kept entering and entering. Zoey screamed

    As you can see I did not put To Be Continued or The End as it's up to you whether you want the story to continue. In the story atm.
    Bill = Died.
    Louis = Over-Run by Infected, and persumed Dead.
    Francis & Zoey = Dead if stories arent to continue.
    You decide guys, tell me what you think of first 3 stories.
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  9. Zombie Cat
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    I want them all to live happily ever after

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    Come On Guys, I need more reviews about the story :waves:
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

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