There are more teams lerking and than there are teams on Gamesurge and Quakenet combined. The community is there. So many teams are scriming w/out a config on their server simply because they have no idea how to get invovled. Many teams are finding scrims through steam friends. They'll bump into another player or members of a team, and schedule a time to play by adding one another to their friends list. Lets fix this right now.

There is no need for any special scrim mod, or specific means or methods to incorporate these "lost" teams into the steadily growing community. We just need to get them on IRC. Here are your directions for those of you who are unaware.

Go to mIRC: Internet Relay Chat client - download and install the client - once installed, a box should pop up after you press "continue" on the advertisement...follow the prompts to fill in the proper fields (name/email/etc) and find the "servers" tab under your options on the left. The L4D USA community mainly resides on Gamesurge. Once you've clicked servers, a list of server folders will appear. Scroll down until you find Gamesurge. Double click the folder and double click "random server". Once finished, click on connect on the left side, and then click the actual connect button. Let it connect you and proceed to type /j #l4d. That will put you in the main Left 4 Dead channel. Other channels include: #l4dscrim #l4dpug #scriml4d. Type /j in front of any channel name and it will join you ("j" for join).

Once you are in these channels advertise for a scrim. Type "4v4 your/our server NoMercy/BloodHarvest" and keep an eye out for another team doing the same thing. If you dont have CAL.cfg on your server(s) I would recommend looking for a "4v4 YOUR server NM/BH".

Good Luck! We hope to see some new faces!