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Thread: Possible Boss Infected?

  1. On the way to greater things
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    Possible Boss Infected?

    Abyss Crown and myself have been discussing on and off about new Infected. And today we came up with a rough idea about Boss Infected. Here's some of the details.

    *Colossus (No Mercy boss): 40k Hp on Expert, 10k less per difficulty. Resistant to normal weapons.

    *Albatross (Dead Air boss): 10k Resistant to normal weapons, 50-Cal has massive recoil, must reposition after 5 seconds and must wait 10 seconds to cool down
    Near the beginning of the battle the Albatross flies into the back of the Plane and there is a detached 50-cal turret near the cockpit of the plane and you attach it to a box facing the door thing, the albatross eats through it allowing you to attack.

    *Dread-Worm (Blood Harvest boss): 50k HP, No resistant. Burrow Ability
    Unable to hit when underground, you do 2.5x more damage with weapons then you would normally do if you shoot its body (90% of the time will be shown when attacking\ramming) and 4.0x the damage when shooting its head.

    *Fiend (Death Toll boss): 20k hp. Shootable underwater. Deducts 75% damage. Harpoon hits 2k damage every time limited shots.

    This is just the beginning, we will eventually get all the loose ends together, work out the balancing issues and whether it should be on Advanced\Expert only or all 4 difficulties. Rate\Hate

    Also, I have thought of a new Special Infected. The Reaver. Completely harmless but what it lacks in attack it makes up for in annoyance. The Reaver, as with all the Special Infected, are basically literal names of what their abilities are. The Reaver will forcefully take your items and it will run for the shadows after stealing your ammo, health kit or pain pills. And if you're lucky and it doesn't jump on a building or an unreachable place, you can get your items back.

    I'll be back for more updates and whatnot. Happy hunting.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marzera View Post

    Also, I have thought of a new Special Infected. The Reaver. Completely harmless but what it lacks in attack it makes up for in annoyance. The Reaver, as with all the Special Infected, are basically literal names of what their abilities are. The Reaver will forcefully take your items and it will run for the shadows after stealing your ammo, health kit or pain pills. And if you're lucky and it doesn't jump on a building or an unreachable place, you can get your items back.

    I love it.

    Good-bye unbalanced extra health packs that you get but we don't!

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiiteyyy View Post
    I love it.

    Good-bye unbalanced extra health packs that you get but we don't!
    One problem with our idea... I'd be afraid to be on the team with a 10 year old with a Reaver around :P
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  4. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiiteyyy View Post
    I love it.

    Good-bye unbalanced extra health packs that you get but we don't!
    Not exactly the aim I was going for, but it seems to have worked out heh.

  5. Boomer
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    I dont think valve will add bosses like that because they want to keep infected as human as possible.

    Huge abominations and zombie monsters are very possible with future mods though. The concepts sound great but theres alot of balance issues with the ammount of health they have

  6. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marzera View Post
    *Colossus (No Mercy boss): 40k Hp on Expert, 10k less per difficulty. Resistant to normal weapons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marzera View Post
    *Albatross (Dead Air boss): 10k Resistant to normal weapons, 50-Cal has massive recoil, must reposition after 5 seconds and must wait 10 seconds to cool down
    Near the beginning of the battle the Albatross flies into the back of the Plane and there is a detached 50-cal turret near the cockpit of the plane and you attach it to a box facing the door thing, the albatross eats through it allowing you to attack.
    What?? Does it have a .50 Cal? I don't really like this one...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marzera View Post
    *Dread-Worm (Blood Harvest boss): 50k HP, No resistant. Burrow Ability
    Unable to hit when underground, you do 2.5x more damage with weapons then you would normally do if you shoot its body (90% of the time will be shown when attacking\ramming) and 4.0x the damage when shooting its head.
    This ones not bad

    Quote Originally Posted by Marzera View Post
    *Fiend (Death Toll boss): 20k hp. Shootable underwater. Deducts 75% damage. Harpoon hits 2k damage every time limited shots.
    What kind of Fiend? Need more of a description of what it does...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marzera View Post
    Also, I have thought of a new Special Infected. The Reaver. Completely harmless but what it lacks in attack it makes up for in annoyance. The Reaver, as with all the Special Infected, are basically literal names of what their abilities are. The Reaver will forcefully take your items and it will run for the shadows after stealing your ammo, health kit or pain pills. And if you're lucky and it doesn't jump on a building or an unreachable place, you can get your items back.
    Does it only steal Items that you carry? Cuz if it does, I like this idea, although i would hate to have 1 person be wasted on this if no one has anything to steal... it should have like a shorter respawn when you die as this infected...

  7. On the way to greater things
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    Wizav: I suppose, but then again Mutations and the Virus spreading to other species could also happen.


    1. This is still being worked on, gimme some time to work on it.

    2. The plane they are on is a military plane. So it only seems logical it would have some sort of weapons on it whether in the cockpit or a patch is made to add some into the plane at the end of Dead Air.

    3. I have been thinking about whether to lower the HP on that or not. As 50k is quite a bit.

    4. Things are a bit sketchy, but what I would say is that it can walk on ground and swim (whatever its called I honestly can't remember.)

    5. It will steal a random item from your inventory (First-Aid, Pipebomb\Molotov or Pills) and if nothing is there, it'll steal some of your ammo, which could be a problem if you run out on a horde and then run into a tank. But then again, it might not be.

  8. On the way to greater things
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    I'm not very sure it could happen but I agree this would be a lot of fun. But the fact that it would happen once every game would go away from the "this game is different with each play" concept they were going for. This might be reallycool in the new survival mode there coming up with. But ya still cool ideas

  9. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizav View Post
    The concepts sound great but theres alot of balance issues with the ammount of health they have
    Well, not really. A Tank on expert has 8,000 health, and since a Tank would be a sub-boss (if you're going to classify it), it shouldn't to long to kill. Say it takes one minute to kill a Tank on expert (just a guess, it all depends on your position), well it would take less than roughly 8 minutes to kill the Dread Worm, however since your guns do more damage than it would it will take even less time, lighting it on fire, obviously, well help (however Marzera and I have not talked about fire with the bosses yet, so I'm just assuming).

    Note: On the time of killing a Tank, like I said it's all about your position. If your up high, you light it on fire and you all shoot at it it's going to take much less than one minute.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  10. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    the reaver = infected kleptomaniac.

    i love it.

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

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