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Thread: campaign players are noobs?

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    campaign players are noobs?

    I pretty much never play campaign cos its so damn booring playing against bots.
    tonight i felt like dropping in on some before logging tho.

    I mean.. I thought the versus mode was filled with alll the noobs in the world.
    but compared to every campaign game I came to these versus noobs are fucking pros lol.

    Like on dead air map 1.. we all had loaded and all, one guy throws a pipe bomb so I take that as a good opportunity to run past that room out the windows while the infected are chasing the pipe bomb.
    I waited like 5 mins outside there killing off a few special infected that dont know how to play since their bots. (yea this is expert too)

    I mean every game is the same, even if all the rooms ahead of us are cleaned out of infected they always move suuuper slow like even crouch walking would be faster.

    So why are they this damn slow is what im thinking, right?
    well one of them amazingly in some super weird way get incapped, and the other stand around his body looking at him for a while and then moves on, so I have to go back and get him up while the other 2 are moving forward at their super slow pace lol.

    I even ask in most games if their new and most of times they say they played for 2 months and 50 hours per week. How can they be this amazingly bad then?? lmao

    I thought I had seen the worst possible teams ever in versus mode, well from every single game i had tonight in campaign mode, they all beat that record by a mile.

  2. Been around a bit
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    Expert with random players=no.

    As simple as that.

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Tbh I hate joining a campaign randomly now. The majority of people don't have mics, or if they do they don't use them. And if I play online I want to talk to people.

    So I think I should just play with friends on campaigns.

    A little-off topic.. I was playing on NM5 on advanced with these people who didn't talk, I start to melee one of them just for the hell of it and he shoots me from 60 health to 5...
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  4. Australian.
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    OMG, MindTrick, you played a campaign!? U R NOOB!


    Generalisations are great when you include yourself in them, eh?
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    I don't like joining random online campaigns for that very reason. Maybe not because they are all new, but so many people don't see the value in using a mic.

    I've only played a handful of co-op online and I was only paired with decent people once. The rest of the people had no idea what they were doing. Like, not even how to pick up first aid kits and stuff.

  6. Zombie Cat
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    You can't just brand every campaign player as n00b.

    Kind of a shitty assumption tbh
    Just play with friends.

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    Idk what to tell you. One team was so noobish, one person just shot everybody else down then went out and got pinned.

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    you all defending campaign players cos it was all random games I joined?
    That's what I do in versus a lot too, and sure they're bad but like I said before, they look fuckin great now compared to campaign players.

    It wasn't just 1 game I played. It was like 5 games I dropped in on cos I couldn't believe people could be this bad, thought I had seen the worst already.

    I'm not branding exacly every campaign player, I'm just branding the majority and pretty much everyone until that person prooves himself otherwise and i'll make a exception for him

  9. Community Staff
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    It's a little hard to compare campaign expert with versus normal, in my opinion...they call for two very different approaches..

  10. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    doesnt really mean anything that you found them in a coop game. If this happens like, all that time, then yeah, coop players might be noobish.

    but, regardless of what you play, you will come across at least 1 noob.

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

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