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Thread: Idea for a new class of infected

  1. Just getting started
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    Idea for a new class of infected

    The Lurker or The Screamer (working title) the Lurker would be able to call whatever zombies available to horde them into a formation possibly or make specific attacks etc. Also while waiting to respawn you should be able to control a common infected. Just some ideas I've heard and thought of myself post your thoughts

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    i agree and have an idea of an infected of my own. They already had an idea for the Screamer but as replaced by the Boomer.

    Name: The Rapier
    Appearance: covered in black silk clothing and a blck silk scarf around its face. 3/4 of its forearm is a hard steel blade.
    Health: that of Smoker and Hunter (250).
    Ability: paralyzes opponent by repeatedly stabbing them; 6 DPS. claw attack is 10 direct damage and 20 bleed damage over 60 seconds.

  3. Just getting started
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    The above is similar to hunter but lacks the mobility he has...

    I was thinking of one that helps the current infected:

    Two abilities, left and right click. If possible to code, these abilities are to be placed on the keyboard, leaving the mouse for normal attack.
    Ability 1: Smoke Screen. Bigger version of the Smoker's death. Reduces HP 1/Sec. Otherwise, same effects as smoker's smoke (no outlines, coughing, vision loss etc) Lasts 15 seconds, cooldown 20 seconds. Large enough to fill in a room.
    Ability 2: Paralyzing Dart. Shoots a small dart thats about smoker's ranger. Target starts limping as if red life. Red life targets fall down and must be helped up, but no effect otherwise.
    Slow duration, 7 seconds, cool down is 5 seconds. If you hit, 20 seconds.

    The smoke can be placed strategically, like at the elevator in mercy hospitable 4th level, heck if you do it well, inside the elevator as they rush in, causing 15 damage. You can do it in long corridors, hiding smokers or boomers. Actually you can hide boomers well with it, by smoking any given doorway.
    With the low damage, and good cooldown, you can walk ahead of them constantly smoking, forcing them to wait and camp giving time to your infected to position themselves, or increasing the risk of a director rush.

    The single target slow works well in the smoke, and generally helps the other infected aim them. Great with tanks and when everyone is running their butt off.
    If there is two people down, slowing one would mean one of those that are down will stay down that much longer. Im sure you can think of other benefits to slow.
    The red life one, since they are ALREADY slow, you technically disable one "gun" for a bit, and a 2nd gun to stop shooting and come back and help.

    Terrain control, either by forcing them to wait, or to take damage and vision loss.
    Slow someone, forcing team to slow down along.

  4. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zavia/GenX View Post
    The above is similar to hunter but lacks the mobility he has...

    I was thinking of one that helps the current infected:

    Two abilities, left and right click. If possible to code, these abilities are to be placed on the keyboard, leaving the mouse for normal attack.
    Ability 1: Smoke Screen. Bigger version of the Smoker's death. Reduces HP 1/Sec. Otherwise, same effects as smoker's smoke (no outlines, coughing, vision loss etc) Lasts 15 seconds, cooldown 20 seconds. Large enough to fill in a room.
    Ability 2: Paralyzing Dart. Shoots a small dart thats about smoker's ranger. Target starts limping as if red life. Red life targets fall down and must be helped up, but no effect otherwise.
    Slow duration, 7 seconds, cool down is 5 seconds. If you hit, 20 seconds.

    The smoke can be placed strategically, like at the elevator in mercy hospitable 4th level, heck if you do it well, inside the elevator as they rush in, causing 15 damage. You can do it in long corridors, hiding smokers or boomers. Actually you can hide boomers well with it, by smoking any given doorway.
    With the low damage, and good cooldown, you can walk ahead of them constantly smoking, forcing them to wait and camp giving time to your infected to position themselves, or increasing the risk of a director rush.

    The single target slow works well in the smoke, and generally helps the other infected aim them. Great with tanks and when everyone is running their butt off.
    If there is two people down, slowing one would mean one of those that are down will stay down that much longer. Im sure you can think of other benefits to slow.
    The red life one, since they are ALREADY slow, you technically disable one "gun" for a bit, and a 2nd gun to stop shooting and come back and help.

    Terrain control, either by forcing them to wait, or to take damage and vision loss.
    Slow someone, forcing team to slow down along.
    I like this one a lot. An idea is to use Mouse 1 for main attack and mouse 2 for melee, and "Q" can switch between ability one and two. But, it is a little too powerful, maybe it omits a small plume of smoke around it and is very large, stands out in crowds, and is kind of slow. Also, maybe making the smoke attack last about 5-7 seconds for the full amount of smoke to be released, allowing players time to react and kill it before it releases the large gas cloud. That would make it a little more balanced, imo.

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    Yeah but hows it going to work for 360?

  6. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by IzI M V P IzI View Post
    Yeah but hows it going to work for 360?
    Alright negative. lmao.

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    Quote Originally Posted by x19x JaMmY x88x View Post
    Alright negative. lmao.
    I'm just stating the facts, they said alternate attacks for keyboard, we don't have a keyboard. It's a good idea but how do you make it on both platforms.

  8. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by IzI M V P IzI View Post
    I'm just stating the facts, they said alternate attacks for keyboard, we don't have a keyboard. It's a good idea but how do you make it on both platforms.
    Well, lets use our brains real quick. When you're spawned as an SI, what buttons aren't used? LB isn't, right?

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    Zombie dog
    has 1hp
    attack : zombie bite and zombie dog pee

    Zombie bite = if it bites you your health constantly goes down, like when your downed and brought back to your feet - even if you are on 100%.... but a medkit fixes you back to normal.

    zombie pee = you can pee on multiple doors/ladders/pickups (say 4pees per life). Should a survivor open or close the door, climb the ladder or pickup the pipebomb, medkit or watever it attracts zombies to you for maybe 'X' amount of distance or maybe revereses your controls for 'X' amount of time...or even stops you reloading for 'X' amount of time!
    and the pee is invisible...or maybe it leaves a little puddle i dunno lol

  10. THE TANK
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeasonsInTheAbyss View Post
    Well, lets use our brains real quick. When you're spawned as an SI, what buttons aren't used? LB isn't, right?
    LB is crouch

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