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Thread: Faster isn't Better

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    Faster isn't Better

    Why do people have this dumb idea that faster is better in VS. Im constantly running into people that wanna go go go. Hurry hurry hurry, like WTF. Relax man, use you guns and ears. Use some stealth and watch your teams back. They're so busy zig zaging around they can't even take a second to crouch and shoot anything. ITs like they're all on crack.

    Now don't get me wrong moving toooo slow will give the special infected team alot more chances to get ya. But moving really fast will just end up with the team running blindly into a major ambush. The perfect style in my opinon is a stop and go style.

    Rushers never wanna look for health and are constanty running into ambushes blindly instead of trying to stop it from happening. And just dealing with stuff as it comes. Of course they usually end up sitting on each others faces and spamming melee till the smoke clear.

    Its funny that most rushing teams always cry when a slower team wins because they keep finding health packs. Well duh......

    I don't understand, are they scared or something.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  2. Zombie Cat
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    I've found that as people get better at pouncing, it's usually better to keep moving. I am regularly the target of pounces for damage. I know most people will say I suck, but it's not true. It's easy to get pounced in BH, where trees and rock outcroppings make for big pounces.

    On NM, it's easier to get somewhere that they can't hit you and reorganize. I think part of it is the map you play, I guess.

    I'm not totally disagreeing with you though, sometimes it's wise to regroup. I just don't want to look in every nook and cranny of a level. I only do that if we go second and we know there is going to be a tank coming up.

    Speed is kind of key, and really good teams fly through levels, but stop if someone gets held up, or attacked by SI.

    Just my take.
    Gaming, it's wuts for dinner :P

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    RUN LIKE HELL AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!111111ONE111.... :rofl:

    Never really got that either, I think the best approach like you said is the stop and go approach, another thing I hate is the going off in 2s thing. it's retarded because you just get owned by hunters smokers, when there is 4 of you together you can't be beaten if you are co-ordinated. Because the enemy only has 2-3 hunters at a time or 2 hunters and a smoker so you can't instant lose. But some people are idiots and if we still had natural selection in nature (survival of the fittest) maybe this wouldn't be a problem!

    Maybe when the real zombie/infected uprising starts we will be rid of the idiots forever!

  4. Boomer
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    Why do people have this dumb idea that faster is better in VS. Im constantly running into people that wanna go go go. Hurry hurry hurry, like WTF. Relax man, use you guns and ears. Use some stealth and watch your teams back. They're so busy zig zaging around they can't even take a second to crouch and shoot anything. ITs like they're all on crack.
    Because it is better for obvious reasons. Infected Respawn.

    Team 1 finishes map in 4 minutes.

    Team 2 finishes map in 6 minutes.

    Infected had 2 extra minutes of respawn time vs Team 2 which equals another 3-5 boomers,hunters,smokers.

    3-5 Extra infected team attacks which is more than enough to kill a survivor , reduce Alot of health and lose Team 2 the round.

    Its not only better to move fast its just plain common sense.

    People fail to realise the advantage of infected respawning.

    If infected attack and all 4 get killed. You Start moving as fast and as far as possible for the next 10-15 seconds then slow down a bit a deal with there next attack. Then you push again.

    You cover alot of ground doing this and win the match. Teams that just potter about and wonder around after infected attack are idiots.

    Essentialy when infected attack and fail the game turns into an Easy co-op campaign for the next 15 seconds or so and over the course of the Campaign you can have alot of time to take advantage off. Teams that do not lose.

  5. Staff of the Forums +5
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    The above makes sense. There is a fine line between moving at a good pace, and rushing a map. I do hate rushing.

  6. Just getting started
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    "Essentialy when infected attack and fail the game turns into an Easy co-op campaign for the next 15 seconds or so and over the course of the Campaign you can have alot of time to take advantage off."

    You pretty much said it all. Just because it may be annoying hearing "We need to hurry!" all the time does not mean it's not true.

  7. Boomer
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    Yes ofcourse just plain idiotic rushing is bad. But knowing exactly when to start moving fast and doing it effectively its much better than moving slow.

    On the longer maps such as chapters 3 and 4 you can reduce infected attacks on your team compared to the other team by upto 10-15 if your difference in speed is big enough and its often the case.

    I notice this advantage on BH1 more than any other map. Teams that start moving fast from the start generally get across the bridge with only 2 full infected attacks on them and have alot more health to show for it.

    Most teams however have between 3 and 5 full attacks before getting to the bridge and there not even half way through the map yet.

    Left4dead is all about War of attrition. In most cases infected will not kill survivors in one go they rather take small ammounts off life over the course of the map untill survivors are finally to weak and start dieing off. Survivors can either increase or decrease how many times this happens by moving faster or slower

  8. Junior Member
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    However, this all means that when you know all of the SI have had time to respawn, there is absolutely no reason to rush at all. In fact, you could just stop completely and let them get pissed off and come to you while you clear out zombies with no penalty. This is a great tactic against teams that have a leader that goes "OKAY, boomer: set up around a corner in front of them. Hunters and smoker: wait for the boomer to hit them before you attack!"

    You can punish that kind of tactics by searching every corner of the area you're in for items and health. Sometimes you can even backtrack a little and pick up that health pack you left a little while back. A lot of the more rigid zombie teams have trouble giving up their beloved ambush spot to go back and pester the survivors who backtracked. Sometimes you'll even get their team to split up and hit you with half their SI where you are while the other two stay in the other spot. XD

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Well ya like i said moving too slow is bad, but so is going too fast.

    I've found a mix of stop and go with a lil bit of steathy bait and switching can throw the infected team right off.

    Every map areas which are ambush safe and ambush prone. Say your moving fast and hear a boomer and smoker and hunter. Now you know the threat is there, you can have a few teamates go into stealth and try and find the boomer and smoker. Stoping the ambush and giving your team a good 30-40 seconds of free time.

    Boomers are the only real threat. Smokers a minor one and hunters are just a distraction when all alone.

    It does piss me off when people make me rush with them and i can hear the trouble around the corner... But id rather keep up then be left 4 dead.. lol
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  10. Boomer
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    Now you know the threat is there, you can have a few teamates go into stealth and try and find the boomer and smoker. Stoping the ambush and giving your team a good 30-40 seconds of free time.
    Can you explain that in a bit more detail. Are you saying survivors go into stealth then wonder off and search for infected?

    So not only are you slowing down your also splitting up?

    And btw Stealth dosent make survivors invisible... you can still see them very easy.

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