=EG= Elevated Gaming
Hi my name is Lyle and I am the Founder of EG (Elevated Gaming)

EG is a brand new clan looking for dedicated members. We are going to be a multi-game clan. We will branch off in to games such as listed below

**Left 4 Dead**
* Gears of War 2
* Call of Duty 4
* Call of Duty World at War
* Rainbow Six Vegas 2
* Halo 3

As you can tell that's a lot of games to manage a clan in. So if you think you are up to the job you can join this clan and soon become a leader in one of these games because as you can imagine I will not be able to be everywhere at once. Now are clan runs on a ranking system as do many other clans. To move yourself up these ranks all you have to do is attend clan games and matches. The ranks are the following...

* Private
* Private 1st class
* Specialist
* Corporal
* Sargent
* Staff Sargent
* Sergeant First Class
* Master Sergeant
* Sergeant Major
* Command Sergeant Major
* Lieutenant
* Lieutenant Major
* Captain
* Lieutenant Colonel
* Colonel
* General

There are few catches to joining this clan. If you are to join you can get to the rank of Sargent and then if you would like to progress up more ranks you must put "EG" before your name.(But if you want to remain a Sargent you can stay there without changing your name)

This has been just a little sample of how this clan "is" going to run so hurry and sign up at our website
Thanks for reading...Elevated Gaming

Please contact EG Halibut on xbox live if you are interested in joining the L4D part of our clan. If you are interested in joining any other part of our clan please message me on xbox live on EG Lyle.

Website: http://z3.invisionfree.com/Elevated_...ex.php?act=idx
