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Thread: Things that NEED to be fixed in L4D

  1. Just getting started
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    Things that NEED to be fixed in L4D

    Ok this is getting to the point of sad.

    After playing all day I managed to finish 1 versus game without people Rage Quitting until there were no survivors left. L4D is in dire need of a cool down time for Rage Quitters (say 10 Minutes) so that there is some kinda of deterent. As is people play until they are losing then quit and join a new game until they find a newb team they can own and then those newbs Rage Quit and the cycle continues.

    Which brings me to my second point, lately the servers are no longer replacing players properly, once in a while a bunch of people will leave and they are never replaced. It've only noticed it since the last couple patches. This kills the game because 3 people will rage and they are never replaced, so the infected stick around waiting for the survivors to be replaced but they never come.

    Hopefully the patch tuesday fixes some issues. Heres Hoping

  2. Hunter
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    I just want the statistic to be up. Esp statistics that show how many games people have played and how many of those games have been completed.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    WTF? they are patching today?! awesome! I like the idea of that stats thing, where is the link to the release notes?

  4. Chicago Ted
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    its Sunday 2day

  5. Zombie Cat
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  6. Been around a bit
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    did they release info on the tuesday patch?

  7. Zombie Cat
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    There are many situations where ragequitting is imo permitted. A few examples
    - Your entire team ragequitted, you're the only one left
    - You ask them to work in team but they don't listen and you get totally stomped
    - People yell and hurl insults towards you for minor stuff
    - You lag like hell
    - People just won't stick together even if you kindly ask them to
    I've said this numerous times, but I paid this game to have fun and enjoy it. If I'm not enjoying a game for said reasons, I don't want to get penalized because I quit. Quitting in such situations is my damn right.
    Yesterday we lost just barely... I think the scores had only 50 points of difference or something... we lost but DAMN both teams put on a nice fight and excellent teamwork. One of my best games ever and there was no reason for me to quit. I don't mind losing, but I do mind idiots in my team.

    The real things that need to be fixed, is an easier way to join a game with friends. Now it's like, searcha random server, stay if there is still a spot for you and your buddy (or buddies) and quickly invite them in the hope nobody else will join while they connect.
    They also really need to fix the endless amount of "Lobby is searching for Dedicated servers" thing... it often takes ages to find one.

    What I do agree with is that they should 'penalize' people for quitting withing the first 10 minutes for example... because people joining a lobby, connecting and quitting as soon as the game starts is annoying.

  8. Junior Member
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    There must never be any penalty in place for quitting a game under any situation. It sucks playing on public servers already, but if something like that gets implemented I'll leave them for good.

    Those whining about people ragequitting should just stop playing on pubs and instead play with friends on your own servers, shit like that doesn't happen then. I find it laughable how the OP holds a wish to >keep< the bad players in the game. Afraid of a challenge? That's just as pathetic as ragequitting in my opinion, why would anyone ever want to play with a person who leaves because he can't handle defeat, unless you're a noob yourself and just find perverse satisfaction in having no challenge at all.

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Not everyone quits a game because of ..rage.

    Hell i il quit if I end up playing too many rushing teams in a row wether im on it or against them. Or if the team just really gets on my nerves.

    Xbox 360 doesn't have a problem with getting new players in a game after some quit. I've seen a 25 player roster change on one whole VS game.

    The one thing that needs to be fixed is the abilty to stack in corners.... Thats pretty much it.

    Fuck quiting stats.. Honestly if you have people quiting maybe you should stop beating them so bad. Some times giving the other team some sort of hope keeps them for the rest of the game.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    Play with friends. I have seen one ragequit in the last 2 weeks.

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