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Thread: Your Pre-Infection Special Infected

  1. Junior Member
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  2. Chicago Ted
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    Actually, it seems no one likes to read up on L4D and assumes a lot.

    Still interesting to read though.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  3. I've done my time
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    I always assumed witches were women on the rag when they caught the infection.

    It was the fact they go for you if you disturb them.
    Raagghh. Uurggghhh. Blluuurgghh.

  4. Junior Member
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    He was just a normal guy who happened to like hoodies, and when the infection broke out he wrapped his arms and legs with duct tape to help mobility, instead of having his pants and sleeves flopping around. Another explanation for the duct tape is he was with friends, and when they found out he was infected, they taped him down to a chair, but he broke out and killed them.

    He probably turned infected as any other zombie did, but obviously not brutally because his body isn't destroyed. He may have been bitten, or possible had a girlfriend, and she was infected(witch?). So, let's say they made out, and guess what: he caught the infection through saliva. He was obviously thin and agile, and the infection built on this strongly, giving him his long jumps and fast running.


    Well, this guy may have been in the Army due to his haircut, and he was off-duty when he was infected. He was either bitten or the same thing the Hunter got, because he isn't terribly injured. He obviously was smoking profusely before infected, and the merging of tobacco and the virus caused massive pus bubbles all over his face and body.

    The combination also mutated his tongue, obviously because the tongue is where all the tobacco went. The tongue grew long and regenerated fast, and the Smoker is now what you see him as today.


    This unlucky fellow was clearly chubby or fat before infection, and due to this, he wasn't fast enough to outrun the horde. All the fat and carbs and what-not mixing with the virus made huge, massive pus bubbles similar to the
    Smoker's, but worse. All the fats and sugars in his body caused continuous vomiting, creating the Boomer's bile.


    Most likely the outcast of the social system, she was neglected in her family and ran away from home. While away, roaming the empty streets, she was unfortunate enough to come across the horde, who ripped her down until she had almost no clothes left and was covered in scratches. Mutation grew her nails long and firm. Her emotions and low self esteem was too much to go away as an infected, so it continued. The Witch, now in eternal sorrow, roams the country crying and keeping to herself.


    The Tank was in his late twenties or early thirties, and got into alot of fights. He worked out alot, and took the risk of taking steroids. However, the horde attacked him while he was injecting himself with heavy amounts of steroids, and the combination of the virus and the steroids created a monster. Since his collarbone and torso grew massively, his jaw was ripped off since there was no room for it.

    As for the Horde, these were average, everyday people who were slaughtered in the infection, but had nothing to create them into a special infected.

  5. Smoker
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    The Jockey must have been scarier version of that LotR-monster before the infection. Charger was just big hillbilly what have had big hand since he was born, well I cant explain it, but you know.

    The Spitter was clearly some drug addict and now it spits some weird drug acid. Mud Men was just some random zombies who died in the woods and now throws muds in your face. Other UCIs are just so normal that you cant describe 'em.

  6. I've done my time
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    Eh, why not. lol

    Boomer: I wouldn't think the Boomer could've been an overweight survivor. After all the majority of his body is under a lot of pressure due to his bile buildup. Meaning the excess fat stored in his body would have nowhere to go and his stomach couldn't extend. Before infection the Boomer was probably of higher intelligence. Not a good mind as a hunter (not the SI but type of animal) but a good strategist. In this since the Boomer developed the ability to coordinate infected in hope of spreading the disease efficiently.

    Hunter: Parkour anyone? The body, style of attack, and even clothing point to this. The bandages around the arms and legs of the Hunter also indicate that the person the Hunter once was was into something of a dangerous nature. However we gotta keep in mind that the Hunter was originally to be a dog. But was later turned into a dog-like human zombie. However this clues us in on the type of zombie they are and what their personality type is/was. Hunters hunt in groups. In L4D we often see a more then one Hunter out at a time. The Hunter hunts like a wolf. In groups. In my mind, the Hunter was something of an outgoing person. Wild and bold in his living life. Think surfer meets parkour dude.

    Smoker: The Smoker is the hard one. Obviously the Smoker is the hardest to peg. He doesn't smoke but seems to be a mix between a Human and the fungus, Lycoperdon Perlatum. It's full of green spores that seem lighter then air. And seems so immensely full of these things that the Smoker seems to vanish in a puff of smoke when killed. Since the Smoker is able to use it's tongue as a tool it's apparent that the Smoker's mutation is done through design and not by the an interaction with the fungus. However the Fungal spores that float from him have no purpose. They aren't used to reproduce as spores typically do. So the only other reasoning is that they are used to spread the virus via air. Something that the game indicates isn't a typical method of travel for the virus. If this isn't the case then perhaps the Smoker was taking a fungal based medication during initial infection? Anyway, I see the Smoker as a loner by nature. He did his own thing when he was alive and didn't let what was said about him get to him. In turn he saw things from a different perspective and his personality was infectious to those around him.

    Witch: The witch doesn't actively attempt to spread the illness. So I see her as being "partially immune" for a lack of better categorization. Clearly undead, but being controlled by very human emotions as oppose to instincts. I can also agree that she was infected during her minstrel cycle of during pregnancy. Any female specific hormonal imbalance that could A) Account for partial immunity; and B) Account for her two prominent moods. Sad and agitated.

    Tank: People with genetically larger frames. Meaning they have some sort of cue for the virus to trigger itself from. Super strong and with roughly the same mental capacity as the common infected. I also see Tanks being as common as other SI but fight for supremacy. Which usually leads in death. At the very least it would explain the absence of their bottoms jaws. The weakest part of their body would most likely get ripped away in a fight against another of it's kind. However this could also be caused by the sheer muscle mass appearing from all around the bottom jaw and was merely "popped" off by the strain.

    Jockey: I see him as the clingy neighbor. The one who's always wanting to do what you're doing. A very kind person in living life, but just very anxious for company.

    Charger: Working man. The strong arm and weak arm seem to give a nod to this notion. Probably no nonsense and lacked the ability to reason outside his expertise.

    Spitter: this one is the biggest stretch. But I see the Spitter as a bit of a whore. A teenage girl that got her way by being easy. Of course she clearly wasn't the girl of everybody's dreams, she was probably still popular in her own way. He method of attack seems to suit this characteristic. She is the most diseased looking of the SI as far as I"m concerned and of all places her moth is her weapon. Her kiss has become poisonous and a viral melting pot of sorts.

    Wandering Witch: Same as previous witch, just needing to find some shade to hide herself in.

    Anyway these are just my opinions, however they do in my opinion fit better then anything else I can come up with. ^_^

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    I thought of the witch as a girl or woman who is aware that she is infected, so she becomes depressed over what she is.

  8. Boomer
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    The disease affects its hosts differently depending on their DNA, not the superficial things they did in their everyday lives.

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