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Thread: Funny Infected Moments

  1. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Boo View Post
    A while ago I was playing with a great team. We weren't totally pwning the others (we were winning with only a small margin) but man, we were talking to each other and said such ridiculous things I couldn't stop laughing.
    For example, we get a Tank at the gas station on NM3. I lite him on fire and I played "disco inferno" again while the Tank was burning to death. We were all laughing, even the failing Tank.
    Later, one of my teammates did something so silly I couldn't help but laugh: he was standing right in front of the elevator doors on the last part of NM4. As soon as the door opens he pukes on all survivors and said "Hello. Welcome to my floor."
    And everytime Francis went down, we all started immitating his hillarious death screams on the mic.
    One of the funniest games I played.
    Lmao yea I had one of those today

    DA4 we were about 400ft from the saferoom two of my teammates go down and one ran ahead and survived. I was stuck out there alone with about 32 health and I yell out "You'll never take me alive!' and I'm getting close to the door. I see a hunter and right before he pounces I said "Get the fuck out my face" meleed him, ran inside, closed the door behind me and survived. Everyone keyed up with laughter.
    Body Mind Soul

  2. On the way to greater things
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    Was playing blood harvest. At a container house like place with ammo and weps, we hide in, i decided to rush out and was immietily jumped by a hunter. A boomer vormitted on my teammates, eventually they killed the boomer, the inefected and shoved the hunter off my ass. We took a couple steps more then a smoker drags me half across the map. After walking bit more another boomer vormits on my party, and a hunter jumps me. He incaps me, and when someone finally shoves it off, and is about to help me, then a smoker pulls him away, another mate is about to help me up when a hunter jumps him. The third mate comes to save my ass, and is jumped by a secound hunter.

  3. Zombie Dog
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    Sounds like Me and my buds on the other team.

    Drunk and doing cocaine while shooting our glocks out the window.

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    I was a smoker who was on fire just runong around the survivors shouting WHOOT WHOOOT WHOOT and burning to death. ROFL

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    My younger brother and I were playing a match on Live and he didn't seem to like my "Stealth Boomer" approach to things. I was running across rooftops, trying to get a good angle and still skate away with my life.

    Well, long story short, my brother (as a Hunter) comes up behind me and scratches me off the roof I was on and right in the middle of the Survivors. Naturally, I get popped right away, but when the resulting stumble caused two of them to fall into a hanging incap.

    Needless to say, I took all the credit for such a beautiful opener. My brother and I were both rolling with laughter.

  6. Smoker
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    SO what I'm hearing from this last post is... You fall from a great height you fall right next to the survivors and they get incapped by hanging onto a wall?
    Nice... at first I thought they killed you and the explosion did that but it seems that wasn't the case.

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    I don't remember exactly where it was at. It might have been on DA1 by the planks or something like that (I don't know most of DT levels, it could have been there). I wasn't too much higher than the Survivors, but just enough that it was surprising when I landed between them...

  8. Junior Member
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    Okay, man, I applauded my team mate after this.

    DT 2, right before we get to the safe room, a boomer came down, and puked. We got blinded, and two of us were incapped, the other two made it to the safe room. Zoey killed the smoker and boomer while downed, but I was in range of the safe room, bleeding out. A hunter came along, and pounced me. My teammates opened the door and killed it. A second hunter came along, and they killed it. I said, "Guys, just let them kill me. Then they ran out and revived me, cuz everyone else was all on respawn. Three of us made it in. XD

  9. Rob Zombie
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    Smoker (me) pulling survivor from the dumpster to the death pull spot (where they would be dangling to their deaths), then hunter finishing it off by pouncing on my kill.

  10. Just getting started
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    Not as infected but yesterday this happened to our team. (Yes, it's stuck)

    We had to laugh a lot. :D

    Edit: And this is what happened today. I had this before but didn't take a screenshot back then.

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