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Thread: Funny Infected Moments

  1. Junior Member
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    NM finale on the roof waiting for the ambush as infected, the survivors were going incredibly slow making their way to the roof about 10 minutes later they reached the ladder, had to dodge 2 molos wait for them to defeat a horde then they finally started going up the ladder got on the roof for me to then miss my pounce right off the roof, me and my team mates just couldnt help but laugh at my fail

  2. Senior-Senior Member
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    i was playin roof top finalie and my friend was bill and i was a hunter. the suvivors were spread out and bill was right at the edge so i tryed 2 pounce him but he moved and he moved when he saw me coming. it wasnt pretty

  3. On the way to greater things
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    I was a smoker and waiting for survivors to come down the drainage. I pulled the last one from above the drainage and after quite a while they managed to break the last one free. But they did not get away from drainage and again I pulled one of them again. I did it like 4 times before finally getting shot and it was so hilarous.

    After hordes of zombies and survivors barely survived the wave of attacks and only Bill was left standing and seriously hurt in red. Others were incapped. As soon as he tried to take a breath, I immediately spawned around the corner as boomer and in no time, puked on him again and there is a another screaming hordes of zombie finally took down on him. It was soooo hilarious.

  4. On the way to greater things
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    last chapter where we were waiting helicopters at the mercy rooftop and we were holding real good till tank come out. I saw francis was downed and surrounded by zombies below, so I come to the edge and squatted and started raining down bullets around Francis to save him. Then came boom blow comes from tank which I did not see coming at all and next moment I was flying off the hospital 100 story below.

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    Today I was a smoker, and we had 3 hunters. We were already winning big and I wanted to watch tv, so we just waited on top of the roof. I smoked the first guy, and the second and third guys got pounced. The fourth guy came up and the hunter missed the pounce. We all heckled him cause we thought it was ruined, but the last survivor only melee'd one of the hunters, giving the 2nd and 3rd hunters time again to pounce the survivors giving me my first ever 4 survivor beat up on the roof, ending a huge pub stomping where we won 6312-317. Not that funny but my team thought it was due to their fail.

  6. On the way to greater things
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  7. Feet under the table
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    LONG time ago, beginning of dead air. I bagged the smoker, lucky guy that I am. I was a noob back in the day, and this hunter was helpfully showing me the first kill spot outside the saferoom; on the plank-bridge, the little watertower? you know that spot?

    Well, the survivors trooped out, wiping out one or two C.I. When you play survivors, do you ever have the tendency to jump a lot? Bill did. Funny Bill. He got pulled straight off the plank to where I was. I died from gunfire, but Bill took a fatal fall. Then the hunter that had aided me had jumped down, pounced one of them and knocked the two remaining survivors off the ledge to cling to it! But I'm sure this is common among you folks.

    This one time, me and Keith spawned as the tank, and I knocked down all the survivors, an- Oh. hold on. You guys also probably did that as well!

  8. On the way to greater things
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    I was at the beginning of no mercy, I had lagged and the rest of my group was ahead of me by a lot so I jumped onto those ac things across from the start. Mid-air a smoker grabbed me. Funny thing is I realized half way though the jump I was gonna miss.

  9. Just getting started
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    On The parish campaign on L4D2 when you are at the Gauntlet event where you have to turn off the alarm on that catwalk, all of the survivors were on the catwalk standing still in a line and i spawned and the charger and bowled 3 of them out of the way and incap'd 2 of those, then i bashed the fourth back near the trailer and killed him.

  10. Feet under the table
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    As a charger i charged the entire survivor team off into the water in Hard Rain.
    As a tank i incapped all the survivors when i punched a car.
    As smoker i pulled someone right into a witch.
    When i was a survivor i threw boomer bile at a jockey and he jockeyed me but when the hoard came it killed the jockey off me.

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