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Thread: Tttaaannnkkk arena!!! :d

  1. Zombie Cat
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    Talking Tttaaannnkkk arena!!! :d

    ok dont ask how i got this idea but its been in the back of my head for awhile : P

    OK so bascially its like a 4-way DeathMatch I'll explain

    So each person is a tank, can be customized in 4 ways attribute wise
    - Strength
    - Agility
    - Stamina
    - Special

    So bascially you get a total of 10 points to spend on these 4 attributes. Agility and Stamina can be maxed form 0-3
    Strength can be maxed from 0-6
    Special can be maxed from 0-5


    Strength will determine how much DMG your tank dishes out, and also how strong your block is. When maxed to 6 your tank will get a special lunge tackle ability, which knocks down opponents for a little less than a second(clicking and holding the right stick, let go to lunge tackle recharge depends on stamina anywhere from 30 seconds - 45)


    Agility determines your tanks movement. To make sure we don't get unbalenced tanks who just run around slower ones Agility will only determine how long your tank can sprint. There is no special ability for maxing this out BUT by doing so you will be able to sprint 2x longer


    Stamina will determine how quickly your tanks attack recharge and how quick your sprint recharges. No special ability for maxing this out.


    Special Determines how strong and effective your special attacks are(explained in a later section) No special ability for maxing this out.

    After determining your attributes you can choose your tanks colour and some other deisgn choices.

    Special Abilitys

    You may select 1 Aura from each section of abilities


    Hunter Aura - Allows your tank to leap like a hunter and if you hit soemone at the end of it will enter a quick time event in which the 2 tanks are in a scrum on the ground. Being that you pounced him you get the advantage in that the 3 buttons that will appear if he misses 1 you win, you get 3 chances to press the right button before he does. If succesful you will do massive DMG to the other tank (The action for winning is diffrent each time)

    Recharges Depending on stamina anywhere from 25 seconds - 40

    Smoker Aura - Grows a vine like tentical on your tanks arms which allow you to do a pull. Once latched onto an opponent tank you first both button mash B, if you lose this one as the attacker you do minimal damage from the choking action of the vine. If you win than you can press either right trigger or left to throw them either way or both to pull the tank in. If you chose to throw than youll just throw them and if they hit something it will do more DMG. If you chose to pull than you enter another button mash where if he wins you get 1 punch on him up close. If you win you will get 3 therefore doing more DMG. Pulling and succesfully geting 3 punches will genrally get more DMG than throwing but if you only get 1 throwing is genrally better. So its risk and reward.

    Recharge is same as hunter aura


    Boomer Aura - Once activated all attacks get coated with boomer vile which acts as acid against tanks and slowly does small DMG. Each hit will up the poison time by 5 seconds. Active for 45 seconds. Recharges depending on stamina from 1 min - 1 min 30 sec

    Witch Aura - Once activated tank gorws claws on fist(kinda like wolverine : P) Which doubles your attack, as well as speed for 15 seconds. Recharge is same as boomer aura.

    Basic Attacks
    All basic attack strengths are determined by the strength stat

    Punch(right/left trigger) - each trigger controls either hand, recharge rates are seprate for each hand. tapping is a weaker but quick punch. Holding the trigger will result in a stronger but slower Punch. Recharge depends on Stamina (weak 0.5-1.5 strong 2-3)

    Object throw(right bumper) throws nearest object, if none than it will throw concreate from the floor. Objects genrally tend to do more DMG(IE cars, in TANK ARENA cars cant be punch throwen to allow balence)


    Block/counter(left bumper) - can only hold for 5 seconds after that you must wait 2 seconds if you held for 5 seconds(works like meele recharge) If you see a tank trying to pounce or smoke you you can tap this button when they are a bit in front of you, or when the smoke tentacal is about to hit you and you will peform a counter moved damaging them instead.

    Weak punch counter - you can do a weak punch on a tank if you see them about to strong punch(they'll wind up) to stop their animation and do some damage


    Jump - press A : )

    Sprint - click and hold left stick

    Scale walls - Jump and than press A again to latch on to wall, than use left stick to move on the wall. Smoke auras can pull you off and do fall DMG, same with Hunter aura pounces


    Y - switches between normal right trigger(punches) to basic auras (right trigger activates pounce/smoke)

    X - activates mode auras

    B - Grab, If opponent does not hit you in the 1 second timing window it takes to grab and you are in range and aiming at them, you will be able to either suplex them or by tapping the right trigger OR throw them fowards by button mashing B. The second you start to mash B in grab mode you will both enter a button mash in which if you win you throw but lose and you lose the grab hold. You only get 2 seconds to make your deicision or else the opponent will free themself from the grab hold.

    It would be 1 life rounds, last man standing on diffrent sealed off arenas/maps that are pretty small. No hiding spots just cover,you can not see others through walls, but they will appear in their current HPs aura (green, yellow, red) the lower your HP the slower you are.

    Once an opponent is crippled (flashing red and kneeling) you can go up and peform an execution(similair to gears)
    A - Smashs head into ground (like curb stomp with your hands)
    B - Rips head off than kicks body away
    X - picks body up and rips it in half (body, head, and arms from the stomach down and legs)
    Y - Grabs the crippled tank and finds the nearest enviroment hazard : ) if none in range you will just pick up concreate and impale it through their body

    lol so yeah let me know what you think >.>

  2. Hunter
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    I didn't read all of that and I cannot comment on your idea.

    But the second I read your title, the first thing to come to mind was Survivor Ball!!!.

    4 Tanks. 1 Rooftop arena. Lots of spawning and running and shooting survivors.

    Sry for any thread hijacking that might ensue.

  3. Junior Member
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