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Thread: The Complete Newbie's Guide to Versus

  1. I've done my time
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    The Complete Newbie's Guide to Versus

    Since there's been an influx of newbies to the game, i thought it'll be a great idea to help all new players on how to play Versus. Most of the scenarios as described below are from personal experiences from months of intensive play with Pros and l33t players and clans from all around the world.

    (Any contribution from the community is welcomed, no Lewd comments please, we want this guide to reach the greater Noobie community).

    Unlike other shooters, L4d is a non-cooperative team game. Contrary to popular belief and Vulcan Logic, you my friend is Rambo's brother and the Hunting Rifle is your bestest friend.

    The Start
    Always remember whenever you're in a versus match to quickly open the door and stand in the door way to snipe with your pistol/uzi. Standing in the door way makes it hard for any infected to attack you and in many cases you can even block the tank!

    Choosing a Weapon
    As mentioned. The best weapon in the game is the hunting rifle, bar none. With one bullet, you can kill many many zombies with one shot, in fact you can snipe the tank from a distance from a safe spot, like a car or forklift.

    However, since you want to appear as a non noob, always comment that you're using pistols/Hunting Rifles as you're trying to improve your madz skillz.

    In the off chance that you get hurt, always remember the basic rules of healing;

    1. Always stand in the open to heal.
    2. Stand at the top of stairs. (You can block infected from running up the ladder!)
    3. Stand in doorways and windows. (fresh air you get to spot infected!)

    Now, when you've progressed well into the map and can't find ammo, it's always wise to run back and grab some more from the Safe Room. (it's a Safe Room after all and you'll be safe there). This goes for Pipe Bombs and Molotovs as well. Don't need to have the rest of the team follow you. In fact, you should always insist your entire team run around the map looking for Pipe Bombs, Molotovs, Pills & Health Packs not to mention Ammo. You'll find them faster and sooner if you spread out more. (Just like in the movies!)

    How to Deal with the Special Infected
    The Special Infected are all very weak in the game.

    Tank Management
    Somewhere along the line in each map a Tank will spawn. Never fear, Tanks are wimps in this game if you know what you're doing. The best way to Engage a Tank are as follows;

    1. Always crouch behind a car, or similar obstacle. You can snipe at the Tank with your L33t Sniper skillz just like Counter Strike! Show off your madz uzi skillz with continuous headshots to the tank for triple damage!

    2. Any great tactic is to all Hide in the Safe Room and try to get the whole team to stand in a corner and blast the Tank. You don't need to do this of course and in most cases (since the tank is a wimp) you can get two team members to go engage the tank while you and your other team mate split up and go hunt for Cocktails and them pesky Special Infected.

    3. If by the off chance you are nominated to be the team leader, (hey look at mr bush! you can be all you can be too!) Always try to deploy your team in a spread formation. Assign each team member behind a car/forklift/cargo containers. Kick troublesome players who ignore your commands, can't have naysayers in our team now.

    The Final Leg
    The trickiest part of the game is actually when the Safe Room is in sight at each level. Most Infected teams always lay around to try to ambush you one more time. Hence! It is thus most preferably to RUSH the Safe Room as the area is usually lightly populated with normal infected.

    If a team mate goes down from a Hunter Pounce or Smoker pull. Leave him be... he wasn't that good a player anyways. Make sure you run into the Safe Room and close the door. Ignore all your incap teammates and let them bleed out. (You can safely activate the kick function afterwards) They suck as team mates anyways and just cramping your l33t style.

  2. On the way to greater things
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    your leet you are

  3. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by hcookie View Post
    If a team mate goes down from a Hunter Pounce or Smoker pull. Leave him be... he wasn't that good a player anyways. Make sure you run into the Safe Room and close the door. Ignore all your incap teammates and let them bleed out. (You can safely activate the kick function afterwards) They suck as team mates anyways and just cramping your l33t style.
    That is all bull, you help them up! just cause they get incapped doesn't mean they suck. Also most of this stuff you have said is barely true, If I did percentage I would say 15% out of 85 is actually right/true.

  4. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nova_Hunter View Post
    That is all bull, you help them up! just cause they get incapped doesn't mean they suck. Also most of this stuff you have said is barely true, If I did percentage I would say 15% out of 85 is actually right/true.
    You do realise the whole post is being sarcastic? Please tell me you do?
    Raagghh. Uurggghhh. Blluuurgghh.

  5. Smoker
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    75% yes 25% no. Some of this is actually true. but most of it is not as I stated last post.

  6. On the way to greater things
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    That makes me smile

  7. Community Staff
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    Another tip - anytime you've lost atleast 5 hp, it's always good to Heal up ASAP.

    Why have 95? You need that full health to properly fight the apocalypse!

    And..nova, just no. None of that is right, how is a quarter of that is correct?

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Remember, when there is a tank, get your pistol out and shoot him. If you're l33t, you'll shoot him in the eye.
    Secondly, if there is a horde, all 4 of you should toss out their pipe bomb right away.
    Also stay away from your team. Stay far away. They might be infected and pass it on to you.

    And as infected, make sure you never spawn, or as a Boomer spawn somewhere far away from the survivors and make sure you run out in the open. DO NOT AMBUSH! It's not l33t.

  9. Senior-Senior Member
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    Sticky this for all to read

  10. On the way to greater things
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    Thanks for the tips guys

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