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Thread: The AI Director Hates me

  1. Junior Member
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    Before I begin I would like to say one thing. LOUIS IS AN EVIL TRAITOR!!!

    ex. I was playing NM on expert(first level) with AI and had just gotten up to the alarm car before the safe house. Louis found just the right time to shoot a boomer behind the car with a shotgun. The horde comes so we run towards the safe house. The witch suddenly appears at the door and the horde comes from behind us. In the end only me and zoey made it with red life.

    ex.2. In the same campaign as above (lvl 2 subway this time). We had made it up to the train. We went in and the horde came. I ducked and waited...
    they came along with a tank so we ran back shooting at the tank. At that moment Louis stops running and conveniantly enough gets shot by me, bill and zoey. We lost that round.

    I would put more examples but 1)I'm too bored to write any more.
    2)I think you get the point.

    That's all from Demuirge inc. and remember: KILL LOUIS BEFORE HE KILLS YOU

  2. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by demuirge View Post
    Before I begin I would like to say one thing. LOUIS IS AN EVIL TRAITOR!!!

    ex. I was playing NM on expert(first level) with AI and had just gotten up to the alarm car before the safe house. Louis found just the right time to shoot a boomer behind the car with a shotgun. The horde comes so we run towards the safe house. The witch suddenly appears at the door and the horde comes from behind us. In the end only me and zoey made it with red life.

    ex.2. In the same campaign as above (lvl 2 subway this time). We had made it up to the train. We went in and the horde came. I ducked and waited...
    they came along with a tank so we ran back shooting at the tank. At that moment Louis stops running and conveniantly enough gets shot by me, bill and zoey. We lost that round.

    I would put more examples but 1)I'm too bored to write any more.
    2)I think you get the point.

    That's all from Demuirge inc. and remember: KILL LOUIS BEFORE HE KILLS YOU

    Lolz i play as lous on the advanced & expert so he cant screw things up

  3. Zombie Cat
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    I actually have a funny story about Tanks and Doors.

    DT2 - The Small Room before entering to the locked bridge out of the Water Plant.

    The tank, spawned there but I had no idea, so I opened the door and I hear the typical sound when an infected is stumbling because of me pushing a door. But it was no CI, AND yet he stumbled allowing me to RUN Like Hell from there!

    Seriously a Tank Stumbling because of a Door?
    I wanted you to know, that by reading this signature you have wasted approximately 6.235 seconds of your life.

  4. Junior Member
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    This literally just happened to me.

    I was on No Mercy, 3rd Chapter. T'was on easy, as I was going for Stomach Upset. Just gone through the warehouse bit, and about to go to the sewers. I was feeling pretty confident, as I had just dealth with a tank, and was enjoying the slight break that happens afterwards. As I was travelling down the stairs to the room with the manhole cover, I hear the witch "twang", and therfore know that she's been placed somewhere near me.

    I was guessing in the room with the manhole cover. What I did not guess was that she would spawn RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!

    Out of thin air, a witch appeared, barely a foot away. Now, if I had backed up, I possibly could have gotten out of the way, or at least given myself room to fill her with a few shots before being taken down. I did neither of these. In my panic, I melee'd her.

    She did not like that, and proceeded to rip me to shreds. My AI teammates held off firing for a split second, perhaps to laugh, before helping to take her down.

    EDIT: And once I get into the sewers, a tank runs around the corner. Brilliant. I thought easy was meant to be...well...easy.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalec911 View Post
    Wow you must hate stairs lol.
    You know what I don't hate? I don't hate vests.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  6. Boomer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abyss Crown View Post
    You know what I don't hate? I don't hate vests.
    Shame they hate you.

    Yes, I'm trolling.

    What's the matter David? Never taken a shortcut before?

  7. Junior Member
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    I was on No Mercy, first chapter on easy mode (don't laugh.)

    Anyway, it was the beginning and my teammates wanted to jump down to the ground using the generator exploit. I did too, but I was the last to jump. When I hit the generator, I heard the tank music, and somehow a tank showed up. I'm serious. No more than 10 seconds passed after we left the safe room and a tank appeared.

    We were able to kill it though, as we were on easy.

    Then, we were going down that one alley where you can see a police car flashing at the end, and there was a witch. My teammate was an idiot and shot at it from halfway across the alleyway. He got incapacitated at the end of the alleyway on the sidewalk. I went over to kill the witch, and it died. I went over to him to help him up, and out of nowhere ANOTHER WITCH came and incapacitated me.

    And then afterwords for some reason after we reached the safehouse we were put on the infected team even though we were playing on Campaign. Which would explain why we didn't run into any special infected the entire time... except for the tank at the beginning for some reason.

    I don't know I just think the game was flipping out.
    "Crying is for little girls, babies, and men who just had their ears ripped off."

  8. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulsafe View Post
    we were playing expert, and all of us knew the church guy could be a tank. We finished the hoard, 2 in black and white, all red.

    i had subtitles on....*tank growls*
    im like "DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!"

    they all realized it was a tank and we stood there for like 10 minutes planning out how to kill it.

    i was the only one to make it inside.
    I'm no expert but I see a few flaws here.

    1) There is a 0.00% possibility of the church guy becoming a tank or witch. You can find evidence of that here. The Survivors - The Left 4 Dead Wiki - Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Survivors, Infected, walkthroughs, news, and more Just scroll down to survivors

    2) If you stay in one spot for too long then a horde will automatically come get you. In 10 minutes I would imagine that about 3 hordes would have come to get you.

    "Crying is for little girls, babies, and men who just had their ears ripped off."

  9. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Luxray View Post
    I'm no expert but I see a few flaws here.

    1) There is a 0.00% possibility of the church guy becoming a tank or witch. You can find evidence of that here. The Survivors - The Left 4 Dead Wiki - Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Survivors, Infected, walkthroughs, news, and more Just scroll down to survivors

    2) If you stay in one spot for too long then a horde will automatically come get you. In 10 minutes I would imagine that about 3 hordes would have come to get you.

    He is completley right because I seen that page a lot when I'm on the wiki. It is immposssible to get tank
    My dog

  10. Junior Member
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    All the games I played must have been of the "vanilla" variety, as this has never happened to me.

    That said, I wish it would....I wish every game was like that. Sometimes the games get boring.. you already know you killed a tank and sneaked by a witch.. so your fairly certain your golden. But, with all this randomness going on, I think I would be so on edge. that I might actually get startled a few times, lol.

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