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Thread: Vote Kicking is a bad feature.

  1. Boomer
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    agreed lol, unless its the episode of maury with the ghost investigators...thats cool.
    Ghost Videos | Scary Videos | Real Ghosts - Maury Povich Panel on Ghostly Phenomena

  2. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    and I thought I digressed to much lol ^.^

    --I got kicked for a shit reason:

    I was a hunter, and the other team was nearing the safe room on NM2 (im pretty sure i was playing redemption)- so I figured id at least get the health bonus down a wee bit. So I attacked alone - everyone else had spawn times of like, 20 seconds.
    so one guy frREEEaaked out and was like "ahhoommggggoddd dont attack alone ughhhh."
    my team sucked donkey balls anyway & were a bunch of annoying doucheholes. so whatever.
    Yeah me and my team mates were laughing our asses off (no offense) when they vote kicked you, I distinctly remember your pounce - I didn't think twice about it, you did a little damage but nothing serious. and they vote kicked you for it and I couldn't help but think..huh? We were in the safe room 5 seconds later anyway, there was notttthingg your team could of done about it. We made it - we just killed off most of the team and we made it to the safe room and they vote kick you. We knew they were just being dicks and blaming you for the entire thing. They used so many excuses at the end as to why they lost, because they couldn't find a proper 'fourth person' etc.

    Anyway, your situation is why vote kicking can be bad - but let's face it, who wants to play with dicks like them anyway?

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    Yeah me and my team mates were laughing our asses off (no offense) when they vote kicked you, I distinctly remember your pounce - I didn't think twice about it, you did a little damage but nothing serious. and they vote kicked you for it and I couldn't help but think..huh? We were in the safe room 5 seconds later anyway, there was notttthingg your team could of done about it. We made it - we just killed off most of the team and we made it to the safe room and they vote kick you. We knew they were just being dicks and blaming you for the entire thing. They used so many excuses at the end as to why they lost, because they couldn't find a proper 'fourth person' etc.

    Anyway, your situation is why vote kicking can be bad - but let's face it, who wants to play with dicks like them anyway?
    That's because they're dumbest.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    idiots are fun, thats why every village has one

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by eridor0 View Post
    That's called an excuse to kick you to free up a slot for a friend.

    In my opinion, the votekick feature has some problems, but it's a necessary evil,, as was stated before. If we didn't have it, then we might have to deal with more griefers, AFKers, laggers, and all of those undesirables.
    they don't need to kick griefers or teamkillers just..reverse damage on them if they do it more than once. that way they take damage and not the teammates. Hear you on the vote kicks happens to me also...Usually because they want one of there friend s to play...But still they should ask you to leave or not join a public server. Everyone has the same right to play on a public server...and to play with which ever weapon they choose.

  6. Chicago Ted
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    The only time I kick someone for a friend to join is if he/she sucks or doesn't have a mic.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  7. Junior Member
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    n00b: a jackass player that thinks they are all knowing...and fuck the team over.

    newb: a new player, open to suggestions and advice.
    I actually play with newbs a lot.
    Sure i would prefer a seasoned player, but those open to advice aren't really that bad.

    And IMO, n00bs and people with no mics usually go hand in hand.

    But, there should be an auto kick system. If you do not move for more than 3 minutes, auto boot to avoid making the team hold still.
    Above link is a Zombie MMORPG survival with a plethora of weapons, armor, zombies, looting, killing, and fun!

  8. Zombie Cat
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    well you go auto-idle and the bots take over after 15 secs so no one holds the team, thats kinda why they put it in the game

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    There's no idle system in Versus.

  10. On the way to greater things
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    Oh no, it's a great idea. If everyone kicks you off, you know they are all just a bunch of jerks. Unless you've been shooting your teammates...then they might have a reason to want you off.

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