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Thread: Vote Kicking is a bad feature.

  1. Just getting started
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    Vote Kicking is a bad feature.

    Hi guys, this is my first post here and I just had to get something off my chest so to speak.

    I just joined two versus games in progress, and during both I felt that I was doing fine, and contributed to getting to the safe room once as the survivors and stopping the survivors twice as infected.
    But yet the smallest mistakes and some wanker is voting to have me kicked from the game. Are these people really such pro's or bigheads that they have never made a mistake?

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lancelot View Post
    Hi guys, this is my first post here and I just had to get something off my chest so to speak.

    I just joined two versus games in progress, and during both I felt that I was doing fine, and contributed to getting to the safe room once as the survivors and stopping the survivors twice as infected.
    But yet the smallest mistakes and some wanker is voting to have me kicked from the game. Are these people really such pro's or bigheads that they have never made a mistake?
    It's a double edged sword. I've been votekicked for such stupid reasons as well in the past but on the other hand, I'm happy to have it in case there are AFKers, griefers, spammers, TKers and assholes.
    But I understand your point. I know the feeling

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    There is no real fair way of this system. Votekicking is the fairest it's gonna get probably.

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    what i dont understand is why the gaming industry hasnt learnt by all following suit with a matchmaking system.... just like halo2!

    its the perfect way to play against and with people of your level so you wont get the godlike players such as myself playing with the noobs like everyone else except me

    you have a party system where you can invite your buddies...hit a start button...and let it find a game for you!
    if you aint got buddies...just hit start!

    Damn its so simple! im 100% convinced that people who make games...dont play games :/
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  5. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    Blehh, vote kicking does suck sometimes

    but it is a necessary evil.

    would you rather be stuck with someone who lags in & out/has literally no, and i mean NO, idea how to play l4d or once in a while get kicked for a shit reason.

    hell, everyone gets randomly kicked at least once in their playing careers.

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  6. Just getting started
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    Thanks for your replies, while I agree that it is a necessary evil, I think that some people are abusing it.
    They could at least have to courtesy to tell you what you are doing wrong or why they are kicking you. If its as simple as its a friends game and they are making space, then tell me and I will leave. If I have annoyed someone be big enough to tell me about it!

  7. On the way to greater things
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    If you have a microphone it helps a lot, or if you even type it helps. I hate nothing more than ignorant players.
    E.g I was having a....not so great day (I play l4d when I'm meant to be revising, but it stresses me more than revising...) haha.
    And I was screaming down the mic at this guy who was being a complete noob with the tank lol. I don't usually cast votes but then the guy just quickly typed,
    "Sorry, I'm new."
    And instantly I apologized and felt little haha. But least the guy could hear me shout at him...some people just ignore me and it annoys me =.= Ha!

  8. On the way to greater things
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    The most frustrating thing is when you get past the lobby and are at the first level of a campaign and you haven't even left the safe room (as survivors) or spawned yet (as infected) and people kick you.

    That happened to me once while playing Blood Harvest, I was looking for somewhere to spawn as smoker and a VoteKick was called against me. One of my "team-mates" (I use this term loosely) came on the mic and said "Sorry dude, you just look like an idiot".


    How exactly can one look like an idiot before the game has even started? Even if I didn't pick the best place to spawn (which I hadn't even yet), that's no reason to kick me.

  9. Rob Zombie
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    That's called an excuse to kick you to free up a slot for a friend.

    In my opinion, the votekick feature has some problems, but it's a necessary evil,, as was stated before. If we didn't have it, then we might have to deal with more griefers, AFKers, laggers, and all of those undesirables.
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  10. Smoker
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    Vote kicking isn't gonna get any more balanced then that... Unless they install a Feature that pauses the game and allows the Person who wants to kick someone a reason on why they should be kicked.

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