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Thread: Left 4 Dead RP

  1. On the way to greater things
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    Name: Synchronized Hunter

    Ethnicity: Special Infected

    Age: N/A

    Occupation: Killer.

    Skills: Poucing, tearing, running at a 105mph

    Looks like: A Hunter

    Wearing: Skinny jeans, an AeroPostale white sweatshirt with blood on it, and Jordans.

    Accessories: Brass Knuckles, Hidden Daggers.

    History: Not on the Survivors nor Infected team. I'm on my own.

  2. Just getting started
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    Name: Brute

    Ethnicity: Special infected

    Age: 22

    Occupation: Um, eating people?

    Skills: Ability to unleash a roar that calls in other infected. Incredibly strong. Fast Runner. Can Flip Cars and run through Flames.

    Looks like: The Brute from I am legend

    Wearing: Torn Tshirt, Blue Shorts

    Accessories: Spiked Bracelet on his left arm.

    History: The brute is the bully, those kids you hated in school. But unlike regular bullies, he was always talked about and laughed at. When the infection hit, the first of these brutes was produced in a fight with a Grease Monkey/Charger/CompuTech Infected (GM and CT are two other ideas i have). He is respected by the other infected thuse the effect of being able to call in other infected.

    Other: Playable in Versus, comes out like the Tank, meaning he rarely comes. When he roars he calls in 50+ Zombies. But he does a loud Growl before, letting you know he is nearby. Primary Attack is Roar, Secondary is Brute Force (Clever Eh?). NPC attracted to BB and will kill all other Infected (Including SI's) in the way of him getting to it.

  3. Just getting started
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    Name: Renee Mason

    Ethnicity: Japanese

    Age: 16

    Occupation: Student

    Skills: Good with first aid and has a good aim.

    Looks like: Renee stands at 4"8' and has a petite figure. She has light blonde hair past her shoulders and Dark blue eyes.

    Wearing: White tank top, black skinny jeans, Light pink vans.

    Accessories: Pocket knife

    History: Renee was you're average 16 year old, a trouble maker. She was adopted by Harry Mason at the age of 7. Her full past is unknow, she doesn't remember anything. When she's not making trouble or at school, she'd spend her time watching horror movies, zombies were her favorite. She thought that a zombie outbreak could happen so she would research and take little notes in a book.

  4. Junior Member
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    name: jake mcall

    Ethnicity: australian

    age: 12

    Occupation: bum

    skills: tech

    looks like: 5"1 black hair

    wearing: black work boots, blue jeans, jean jacket, red ball cap

    accessories: pocket knife

    history: some crap that doesnt do any good to anyone

    btw what is this when is it going to get started?
    no online play and its still loads of fun

    ever think of how bad tv is now? i do

  5. Regular Joe Member
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    This one still active or has it died out?

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Character sheet

    Name: Niko Bellic

    Ethnicity: Eastern Europe

    Age: 30

    Occupation: criminal

    Skills: can steal cars with alarms without atracting the horde, basic soldier training speaks Serbian, can handle every kind of weapon and steal medkits, pills etc from his teammates.

    Looks like: this

    Wearing: what you can see in the picture

    Accessories: usually he carries a weaponry in his jacket but this time he has brought only a magnum revolver

    History: Once a soldier, now a criminal. He has seen many bad things in his life (and caused also) so he doesn't mind killing zombies. Persuaded to come in America from his cousin, Roman, he is famous in New York's underworld. Keen on every type of crime there is no doubt that he will enjoy a zomie apocalypse. No cops and so many people to kill. If you want to learn more about his past you can ask him.

  7. On the way to greater things
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    Character sheet

    Name: Paddy Murphy.

    Ethnicity: Irish.

    Age: 34

    Occupation: Gang land criminal.

    Skills: Can handle an auto shotgun and any type of knife.

    Looks like: Tall with long brown hair.

    Wearing: Long baggy pants with pockets for hiding guns/ammo.

    Accessories: Was carrying a Desert eagle and Uzi.

    History: At the age of three he was abandoned in his home town of Sallins where he was found by a rich family of bankers. His family moved to New York to open a bank there. He was sent to juvinal hall at the age of 12 for assaulting a old man in an alley and stealing his money. At the age of 21 he was kicked out of his house and was forced to live a life of crime. At the age of 23 he was accepted into the gang called "The sons of the gun". When the bus was struck by the Tank he was on his way to rob a bank with the other gang members who got killed when the bus hit the building.

  8. Just getting started
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    Name: alex calzada

    Ethnicity: mexican / white

    Age: 23

    Occupation: business man

    Skills: not much just your avrage guy he goes hunting but he dosent have a gun so dosent know what good that will do

    Looks like: short brown hair at a 0 brown eyes dark but not brown dark skin

    Wearing: white T-shirt and bluejeans with a leather belt and brown jacket

    Accessories: watch

    was riding the bus trying to get to a business meeting when the tank attacked the bus he's now trying to go along with every body to saftey

  9. I've done my time
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    Character sheet

    Name: Pablo Tutu-ka-mooner

    Ethnicity: Turrian

    Age: 1337

    Occupation: Works in a XXX hot shop selling comics to sweaty fat men and fangirls...

    Skills: None, he works in a porn shop fer-chris-sakes

    Looks like: A Turrian... or a burrito? Cant tell the difference.

    Wearing: Salad dressing and a duffle coat, maybe hot pants... yes definetly hot pants.

    Accessories: Tomato and cheese

    After failing to be interesting enough in any Mass Effect/fast food forum on the interwebs, Pablo used what little skills he had (He has none) to beg and plead for a job in a local pub.
    It just so happened that Curious George and Yogi were there at the time and decided to help Pablo out of sheer pity by signing him up with the BBC. Enthralled, Pablo worked as a go-to guy handing producer's coffee and adjusting lights and that low grade monkey stuff.

    This however wasnt to last, after passing the camera one to many times, Christian Bale threw a shitfit and Pablo got fired, a few years of drink and hard drugs later Pablo has found himself a dead end job as a mascot for a xxx magazine and toy store.
    He takes the same bus every day to work and is subjected to the strange and unrealistic prsence of the people on this thread, and its seemingly magical warrior inhabitants.
    Yes, Im talking about you Eve Mondschein (Anun)

  10. Zombie Rat
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    Name: Yesfir

    Ethnicity: Russian

    Age: 21

    Occupation: Pilot for the Russian Air Force

    Skills: Has basic Army training, can fly a plane and shoot guns, missles and can lead a team.

    Looks like: Beautiful Russian female with a slender ly muscular build and a fierce yet coldly calm gaze. She wears a brown fur overcoat which is thick and keeps out the cold of night, and a standard Russian Winter hat that rests atop her silver hair.

    Wearing: Standard Russian Army uniform but with a Ghillie camo.

    Accessories: Sniper Rifle and access to transport.

    History: She join the Russian army at 19 after her parents went M.I.A.

    Joined by her trusty pet Wolf, she takes out enemies before they can even see her.

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