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Thread: Favorite weapon????

  1. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by 53595andcounting View Post
    well you havent met me lol im always emptying the shotty, prolly cause i always charge into the hordes lol
    I guess I should have said "The auto shotgun rarely runs out of ammo when I'M using it."
    ...__o.. Stress, obesity, heart disease, traffic congestion,
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  2. Chicago Ted
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    UZI really i use it more than a tier 2 wep.

    Low recoil, close to accurate at times and used it to beat expert games

  3. Smoker
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    My choice of weapon depends on the level:

    If it's an open stage (e.g. BH 1, DT3 etc.) I'll go for the Uzi/AR. If it's a close-quarter stage (e.g. NM4) I'll go for either of the shotties. I sometimes change weapon half-way through depending on the stage (I usually do this for finales: taking the shottie for the horde and switching to the AR for the tank). I stay well clear of the HR 'cos I'm crap with it.
    RIP Mike Starr

  4. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous Rain View Post
    Uzi. 'Cause nothing beats blastin' blastin' some zombies in their faces yo. But seriously, I've completed campaigns on advanced with the Uzi lol. Such a fast rate of fire and large amo cap.
    Single Pistol: 105 sustained DPS
    Uzi: 172 sustained DPS
    Pump-Shotgun: 175 sustained DPS
    Dual Pistols: 181 sustained DPS
    Hunting Rifle: 193 sustained DPS
    M16: 259 sustained DPS
    Auto-Shotgun: 411 sustained DPS
    ...__o.. Stress, obesity, heart disease, traffic congestion,
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    (_)/ (_). If only there were a simple solution.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beery View Post
    Single Pistol: 105 sustained DPS
    Uzi: 172 sustained DPS
    Pump-Shotgun: 175 sustained DPS
    Dual Pistols: 181 sustained DPS
    Hunting Rifle: 193 sustained DPS
    M16: 259 sustained DPS
    Auto-Shotgun: 411 sustained DPS
    I hate having to justify this lol... Here goes!

    DPS isn't everything my friend. It all depends who is using what weapon that really makes the difference. The Uzi has a slightly larger amo capacity than the Assault Rifle, a big plus in my books (especially when you place your shots on stragglers) and fires 300 RPM faster than it's teir 2 counterpart. Essentially making it equal to the Assault rifle albeit lesser total damage. Spraying an Uzi into oncoming horde quickly weakens them for the guys behind you to finish them off. I have completed campaigns on expert with the Uzi. Not having to pick up teir 2 weapons and go exploring for them means getting through levels quicker, ergo, safer. The Uzi is a beautiful little weapon that's so underrated just because many people fail to see its greatness. :cc:

  6. Zombie Cat
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    I never said DPS is everything. But if each weapon is in the hands of an expert on that weapon, 'SUSTAINED' DPS becomes the essential factor. If you can get all your bullets to count, the shotgun is without a shadow of a doubt the best of all weapons. At close range, which is where the vast majority of the game's real danger moments occur, the shotgun kicks arse.

    The fact is, the only times in the game when sustained DPS is not an issue is when the survivors are in no danger. As with the hunting rifle, you can spend all the time you want taking out targets at leisure when times are not tough and basking in the weapon's positive aspects, but if you can't put a lot of zombies down fast when they're all over your comrades, you're not doing your bit for the team - and the uzi is very bad at those times.

    I'm bemused by your comment that DPS is not everything when you go on to cite the uzi's ammo capacity and rpm - as if these factors were everything! These are mere contributing factors to the very sustained DPM you ridicule! Ammo capacity is largely irrelevant in the case of the uzi, since as you admit, it has a high RPM, effectively going through ammo as if it's going out of style. This is not a positive factor in bringing damage to the target - DPS and accuracy are the essential factors here. Besides, that very same high RPM means that the uzi user has to use ammo super-conservatively if he's to make it to the next ammo dump. This is the defining negative characteristic of what is a very poor weapon and it alone negates every single positive attribute that the weapon has (and of all the game's weapons, it has the least positive attributes).

    If you use an uzi to "weaken the horde" when you could be hitting them one time only with a shotgun for a mass kill, you are wasting time and chances to do something else. An uzi has no stopping power, no mass kill capability and a low DPS. As such, if the guy with an uzi is hitting the horde first, he's not only wasting ammo, but he's probably getting in the way of someone with an M-16 or auto shotgun who, rather than tickling them, can put those zombies down.

    With the uzi, you essentially have a weapon that is completely useless. It's about as ineffective as the more deceptive hunting rifle. People using either weapon just take up space. They labour under the false belief that they are being useful to the team when actually they are not.

    The fact that you 'can' kill infected with the uzi does not mean that it's a good weapon.
    ...__o.. Stress, obesity, heart disease, traffic congestion,
    ._`\<,_. pollution, peak oil, global climate change.
    (_)/ (_). If only there were a simple solution.

  7. On the way to greater things
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    Lol, okay man point taken.

  8. Senior-Senior Member
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    Left 4 Dead: Rifle why? ive always wanted to go frenzy with something with lots of bullets

    Left 4 Dead 2: AXE FTW?!

  9. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous Rain View Post
    Lol, okay man point taken.
    Another one crushed by Beery's walls of text. :rofl:

    I can't not use all the weapons. I got a new soundpack for the SMG which makes it a hundred times cooler, and I just love sniping with either the AR or HR. But nothing beats the shotties for charging in and blasting through.

  10. Chicago Ted
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    Whatever I'd prefer not to get in an argument that the auto-shottie is better because of it's "DPS" and because of that every other weapon sucks and is boring... sure, whatever...

    Left 4 Dead ~ Tier 1: Uzi, Tier 2: Hunting Rifle

    I have not, for obvious reasons, decided on my favorite weapon for L4D2, though most likely I'll pick the axe over any other melee weapon because I can't stand the noise the frying pan makes.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

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