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Thread: Vote Kick

  1. Just getting started
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    Maybe it's because none likes you?

  2. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Collective_singular View Post
    Nice to know that I'm not the only guy who's been kicked for no perceivable reason.

    Played one match where two out of the four of my team ragequit after the first round as survivors. We got creamed, but hey, things happen. No-one but me had mics, unfortunately, so I was stuck reading the tiny text comms instead. The next round a guy (without mic) joins up and starts getting on everybody's case about how we all suck and just aren't cutting it. I guess when he found out he was the only guy who wanted to rush through he got a little sensitive. Anyways, I'm trying to keep things positive by giving helpful remarks and encouragement to my teammates whenever something goes right but we were still getting creamed. Buddy gets on my case about how, "That wasn't a good boom," and garbage like that.

    A few seconds later I got nearly voted. The I left anyways. Does that make me a ragequitter or just preemptive to getting kicked by a team of anal retards?
    Is your name Banshit by any chance?

  3. Junior Member
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    No, I'm "the_many". I don't do banning if I can help it.
    "What is a drop of rain ... compared to a storm?"

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    No, the new guy vote kicked you, and everyone else just votes yes.
    They wonder what those pretty colours are and what happens if they vote yes,

  5. On the way to greater things
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    well i get kicked off most of the time without anyone really telling me why and when i ask i dont get a repsone so i just give them a bad rep for it. Its only fair.

  6. Junior Member
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    How easy it is to kick people really sucks for me. I'm just starting out at the game so I don't know all of the maps very well. Because of this, I sometimes get lost in some of the maps I haven't played a lot. However, when people see me get lost or lag behind I get kicked. It makes it hard for new players to learn the game.

    Now I'm not saying that I get kicked all of the time, but it just hinders me from learning as quickly as I would in another game.
    "Crying is for little girls, babies, and men who just had their ears ripped off."

  7. Junior Member
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    My kick story:

    I was playing NM campaign with three people I dint know.. they were not that good. I'm not saying I'm great or anything, but it seamed I was taking the brunt of everything while trying to keep them safe and together.I was talking on the mic, but they kept silent the whole time.

    We get to the part near the exploding gas station.. I ask them what they wanted to do, go up the lift truck and fight the horde from there or activate it and run to the small second story room and fight the horde from there, then go up the lift afterward. No response. They hit the lift and jump on it.. So I'm like... OK, what ever and jump on too. Instead of fighting the horde, they make a mad dash to the big room with the glass windows.

    Fine, I follow them, take up the rear position and clear a way in front and back. We get close to the pipe you have to traverse to get in the room... and the person in front of me gets pounced. When the hunter hit him I got thrown back and fell off the roof and landed in the mist of the horde down there. I back up and shoot the Hunter off of him. He gets inside the room.

    Now I'm screwed.. I got zombies coming at me from all directions so I had to back up against the door in that corner. I told them to "run down the stairs and get the door".. so I could rejoin them and combine our firepower. Well, They didn't make it... somehow in the 15 feet they had to travel, they all got incapacitated by common infected.

    Now they start screaming for help on their mic's... yup you guessed it.. sounded like a bunch of 11 year old kids.. all three of them. I clear the horde and climb back up the lift ladder, make my way over the roof, get inside and save all of them. I pick them all up.

    Then they call me a moron and tell me I suck at the game... then kick me out...

    What a waste of time.

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    I joined a morning match where the three players were talking about their relationships and how one of them was using the vision camera to take *ahem*--pictures, but by the second level of the match, one got hunted, i killed the hunter, ran to save the girl getting smoked, and i got hunted, and he got hunted again, and I got votekicked. I was doing the best and put up with them complaining about their lives to get votekicked? I thought the morning was better than late nights but i suppose not.

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