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Thread: Vote Kick

  1. On the way to greater things
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    Vote Kick

    I saw this yesterday for the first time, playing on advanced on DT, we got as far as the cars just before the collapsed bridge, and the Zoey character calls a vote kick on the Francis character. Now we had just started, how the hell can you call a vote kick that early, anyway it was not carried I voted against and I presumed he did as well. The funny thing is I watched "The Francis Character" through the "Game" and he played fine, a good team player. Anybody else see strange calls like this and why would someone do this weird?

  2. Smoker
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    Well it depends... was the player running ahead? Did they shoot their team mates a few times by accident? Did they not have a mike? Did they forget to pick up a medi pack?

    I've had vote kicks called against me because people have been trying to get their friends on the team instead, but there's also been a few times I've had vote kicks called against me for no reason what so ever (there was even a time when my infected score was higher than the rest of the team combined)...

    I dunno, I guess some people are just arse-wipes.
    RIP Mike Starr

  3. On the way to greater things
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    We just started, he had his med kit and no-one had time for FF at that stage. It was way too early to call a kick vote. As to friends, is there not a option for friends only lobby?

  4. Smoker
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    Yes, there is an option for a friends-only lobby, but finding 8 friends to fill it can sometimes be a bit of a problem.

    I don't know, perhaps the players had played against each other before and not got on very well...
    RIP Mike Starr

  5. Regular Joe Member
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    Some people are just idiots! I got kicked off a versus server by my "team" last night because I took a pipe bomb....literally. It was a group of three dudes who knew eachother and me and when I grabbed one of the TWO pipe bombs, they kicked me.

    Some people just want to play a specific way and even though you might be a good team player and very skilled, if you do something "wrong" in their opinion, they'll kick you. Maybe the francis guy did something as small as taking a shotgun when the morons wanted him to take an SMG or something lame like that.

    People are just idiots. But kudos to you for sticking up for the guy and not voting to kick him!
    LOL ROFL and whatnot......

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Some guy called me "Mayor McSuck" the other day and asked me what the fuck I was doing. This was at the beginning of DA1 and I was the smoker. I told him "Shut your god damn mouth, watch, and appreciate what I'm about to do." I got vote kicked off. lol

    I didn't realize that I had to be setup within the first 5 seconds of the round in order to stay in a game. I guess I'm not pr0 enough.
    I go by iQuickie or Mayor McRape. It's a Jekyll and Hyde sorta thing.

  7. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayor McRape View Post
    I guess I'm not pr0 enough.
    Pro is the next stupid meme since George Bush.

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by exoexo View Post
    I saw this yesterday for the first time, playing on advanced on DT, we got as far as the cars just before the collapsed bridge, and the Zoey character calls a vote kick on the Francis character. Now we had just started, how the hell can you call a vote kick that early, anyway it was not carried I voted against and I presumed he did as well. The funny thing is I watched "The Francis Character" through the "Game" and he played fine, a good team player. Anybody else see strange calls like this and why would someone do this weird?
    Do you remeber zoey's and Francis's names?

  9. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by exoexo View Post
    I saw this yesterday for the first time, playing on advanced on DT, we got as far as the cars just before the collapsed bridge, and the Zoey character calls a vote kick on the Francis character. Now we had just started, how the hell can you call a vote kick that early, anyway it was not carried I voted against and I presumed he did as well. The funny thing is I watched "The Francis Character" through the "Game" and he played fine, a good team player. Anybody else see strange calls like this and why would someone do this weird?
    I saw a lot of strange kicks making no sense. some want a free slot for a friend to join. some make it because they simply are griefers. always keep in mind when playing public: lots of morons are playing this game too.
    some people just want to get that disturbing kick-window away from the screen and vote yes.

    If you have time, i tell you a story. once i was votekicket for this:
    No Mercy Generator room crescendo.
    we decided to camp in that corner we all know. one of the guys placed the gasoline cans. In my opinion, too near. so i picked up the near gas can, and replaced it more far away. He picked it up again, and replaced it where it was before. I picked it up again and replaced it, he replaced it again. I thought, whatever, maybe he's right, let it be. then, we all burned down. inside the saveroom i said, great job, placing the gas cans - and was kicked. they were 3 friends. (not mine)
    francis piano church guy conflict

  10. On the way to greater things
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    Do you remeber zoey's and Francis's names?

    Off the top of my head I think the Francis guy was something like "drake", I have not got a clue what the Zoey character name was, the Zoey character left after the vote.

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