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Thread: A Good Special Infected Idea (Trust Me)

  1. Australian.
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    I'm not saying it's a brilliant idea, but the principal is similar to the Boomer: it enables the other SI to do their things easier.

    A slowed survivor is more easily attacked, takes more damage from CIs and slows the entire team down.

    My sole point is that it is not 'useless'.
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  2. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameDidntFit View Post
    I'm not saying it's a brilliant idea, but the principal is similar to the Boomer: it enables the other SI to do their things easier.

    A slowed survivor is more easily attacked, takes more damage from CIs and slows the entire team down.

    My sole point is that it is not 'useless'.
    Again I repeat: Smoker
    Or rather: Smoker being controlled by a skilled player.

    It may have a point, but what I'm saying is that we already have an infected to slow down the survivors. If the attack is well placed and executed properly it can achieve exactly what this "imagined" SI could do.

  3. Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbenoit View Post
    Haven't thought of name for it. Maybe you guys can.(The orginal name was going to be the Spitter, but guess not)


    He would have a pylon(I'll assume you mean this) [pyramid] shaped face.with webbed hands 'n feet


    His cone shaped mouth would spit/shoot a needle that would temporarily slow down a Survivour as if he was injured with red health. The attack would last for about the same time as Boomer puke (maybe longer or shorter. You decide) and if he missed, his attack hit wouldn't take a while. His scratch would the same (bout 4)


    It (the SI) would create a chaos, causing the Survivors to slow down and if the Survivors don't react, it would make him(That Survivor) vulnerable for an attack from another SI. it would be useful for when Survivors are rushing a level.

    Tell me what you think.
    How can it be improved?
    Not to sound like a dick or Nazi but please check over what you post and correct any errors. And PLEASE don't be too lazy to notice errors and not correct them. Little wiggly red lines pop up under words that don't make sence. Also, if you looked at your thread, Sir, you should have noticed that the "navy" text color is a bit hard to see on the black background of the site.

    If this were a presentation, Oh God, people will be really unimpressed.

    As for my opinion, IMBA
    The Slow is perfect for easy set ups. Pretty much guarantees one Survivor death if the rest of the Survivors don't know about the person slowed.
    In Versus, people rarely ever scrunch and bunch up together. Most of the time its like a 4 man line running through the map making it easy to cut into and separate. The slow effect makes it so much more devastating when you are a good distance away.
    Now you say you can do the same things with the current SI setup but the slow is a drastic change in the game. All those shotgunners who want to save a friend but used up all the shells will have to resort to meleeing. How long will it take for that person to reach the Hunter or Smoker? The slow makes sure you get in an easy 4 or 5 more hits which can make a huge difference.
    This SI basically can instantly recreate the 1-guy-limping ambush scenario.

  4. Junior Member
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    Not good at all, an attack in L4D is about taking players of out the game for a short while, creating seperation and distraction.

    Hunters takes players out of the game by pinning them down.
    Smokers takes a guy out of the game AND creates seperation.
    Boomers creates distraction and seperation in the way that going from A to B is more difficult with a horde on you than without one.
    A "Unnamed" slows a person? good try though - needs another ability.

  5. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbenoit View Post
    dick face
    Woah, someone cant take constructive criticism. lighten up

  6. Junior Member
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    that was suposed to be a part of big quote but i dont know what happend

  7. Junior Member
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    I for one would love to see what big quote turned into "dick face" haha

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Good idea, I like the concept but nothing else.

    Something that slows the survivors but CAN be stopped, great idea!

  9. Senior-Senior Member
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    good idea.
    My dog

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    I've got an idea for your infected. Not only have it slow them down, instead of blinding them it changes how you move. What I mean my this is that up moves down, down moves left, etc. And everytime you get hit by this infected it randomly decides how the controls work. I've seen this in another game, just can't remember which one.

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