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Thread: 1Hit Kill Melee Weps

  1. Rob Zombie
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    1Hit Kill Melee Weps

    A lot of people are complaining about this, but I really don't see this as a problem, or much of a survivor buff.

    I mean, what's the difference between 2 close range shotgun shots and a Melee weapon attack? Both will take about as much time and will require a bit of aiming, and with the shotgun you don't even have to be next to an SI like a hunter or smoker and it takes only a few more shots, and with a more ranged weapon it's far superior.

    The only place I can see 1HK Melee Weapon attacks being great for survivors is against the Charger, who apparently takes a lot of bullets, but that's just something they seem to have put in to help survivors deal with the charger, I mean that thing looks like a beast.

    In the end there are those complaining that the melee weapons will be too powerful and then those saying that they will be terrible. I think they won't be that great, but I can tell I am going to be using them a whole lot.
    "This is why we have guns!"

  2. Regular Joe Member
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    1 hit kills are not such a big advantage when you have one less member who can snipe SI's.
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  3. Zombie Cat
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    range > power IMO but a chainsaw is just badass
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  4. Left 4 Dead
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    I totally agree with you.
    and about the charger, it makes sense, if gives the survivors a reason for someone to weild a melee weapon, because it makes killing the charger easier,
    but useing a melee weapon for a charger seems like a disadvantage in my eyes, because your so vulnerable to other SI.
    as for CI/UCI, useing melee weapons against them seem like a bad idea, because you need to wait for them to reach you first, by that time you could have 4 or more CI on you, even if you can kill 2 with one strike your still taking alot of damage

    And to those people who say "But the survivors can just drop there melee weapon and shoot a SI"

    yes they can, but it wastes time. if you see a Smoker or spitter, chances are it is already constricting you or spitting, and if its to far, chances are it will get away anyway.

  5. Hunter
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    What I'm complaining about is the influx of people so excited for the melee weapons that each Survivor will pick one up.

    Easy killing.

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    I really am worried about the fact that teams won't consider strategic bonuses and simply pick up these things on sight.

    for example, don't you just hate it when people pick up propane tanks and just dash through the levels with them, giving the team one less gun to fire at the infected with? Having melee weapons will only amplify this kind of behavior.
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  7. Zombie Cat
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    So are melee weapons exactly like a Propane/Oxygen/Gas Tank? Or are they a secondary weapon (Meaning you can alternate like Halo)?
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  8. Zombie Rat
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    Um... it's called the X or E button. You can just drop the melee weapon and go back to your main gun.

    (Whether or not people will actually realize/do this is another story.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Acermors View Post
    Um... it's called the X or E button. You can just drop the melee weapon and go back to your main gun.

    (Whether or not people will actually realize/do this is another story.)
    That is the issue... I rarely see people drop their propane tanks or fire canisters to begin shooting, and constantly dropping and picking up an object wastes time for the whole team.
    When the talking ducks enslave us all, we will finally get our happy baskets of pudding.

  10. Boomer
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    They shoudnt all be the same. They should all have more of a varying degree of damage. Some weapons should be alot weaker than others, specifically the bats, and frying pans...they should require more than one hit to kill an SI. If every melee weapon offers an instant SI kill, what power or advantage does that hold for weapons of true power such as the katana or even the chainsaw?

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