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Thread: Why must there be Melee Fatigue in Campaign/SP?

  1. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by RebornPanda View Post
    I understand what you're coming from but SP and Versus shouldn't be compared. There's some people that don't give a crap about Versus and like to play campaign with their friends. MF should always be in versus, Survival Mode or whatever,, but makes no sense in SP. Expert is bad enough, and it is going to be a lot worse in L4D2 with the addition of the new Special Infected and now MF.
    They should be compared, because they are in the same game, so it makes a lot of sense to compare them, especially as a lot of people I know went from Campaign->Versus.

    I think Sinn pretty much said why it makes sense in campaign, it really is needed for all game modes.

    Moar Proof: Your team can pretty much melee through a whole campaign on easy or normal until they meet a tank or witch, now that shouldn't be, especially with all the cool new stuff you're supposed to use in L4D2.

    Moar Proof Campaign needs melee fatigue: Speedrunners, versus has far fewer since fatigue came in, would be good to see that in campaign aswell.
    "This is why we have guns!"

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Considering most players just pile up in a corner and melee away when a horde comes, melee fatigue in campaign is a great idea. It annoys me when people want me to stand in a corner and melee because a few zombies are coming. Thanks, but I know how to operate my weapon properly. I'd also like to see survivors stop clipping through each other.

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  3. Zombie Cat
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    I think there should be an option in campaign to switch off melee counter. Obviously it should be on in versus and survival like it is now, but give people who want to play campaign the option.

    "Considering most players just pile up in a corner and melee away when a horde comes"

    Well, crescendos are now almost singularly "uncampable" as in, you now have to run somewhere and do something to stop the horde instead of just waiting 'till the crescendo is over. But as per standard hordes, thats where the spitter comes in. If a team wants to sit in a corner and camp, they better be ready to be lit on fire by a spitter.

  4. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Err... why? Why should players who aren't skilled enough get the option to just melee spam their way through Expert to whore for achievements?

    There is NO GOOD REASON to disable the melee fatigue in campaign. If anything, campaign mode should be easier than Versus mode, so why should you need something to make it even easier?

  5. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    There is NO GOOD REASON to disable the melee fatigue in campaign. If anything, campaign mode should be easier than Versus mode, so why should you need something to make it even easier?
    You said it yourself, because campaign mode should be easier than versus. I actually like the idea of melee fatigue more and more as I think about it. I like the idea of there being more strategy, less camping, and no Leroy Jenkins.

  6. Junior Senior Member
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    Let's See today: L4D2 Expert Campaigns
    -Spitters are going to prevent anytype of corner camping. L4D1 would have been impossible without Corner Camping on Expert.
    -Teams are now always going to be closer at all times in fear of Jockey Attacks.
    -Along with the annoying Smoker comes the more annoying Charger which will easily break up a team on Expert and fuck them over.
    -Some Finales are now Move up finales.
    -Like I said about the Spitter, you'll be downed in the goo in three seconds based off the damage on Normal at Pax.
    -Health Packs are no longer in Saferooms, and Expert will make sure there are less than two in a Level.

    And now people WANT Melee Fatigue? Good luck surviving one little level on Expert

  7. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    You see, I'm working on the assumption that a lot of people are simply scared that the lack of melee fatigue might actually force them to have to work with their teammates and communicate with them rather than just all running for the nearest corner when they see a horde coming.
    For some reason, people seem to have an obsession with achievements, and I think that as the inclusion of melee fatigue will make it harder to get these achievements, people are running scared. I'm sorry, I'd rather have a harder game that would feel like a genuine achievement when I DO finally complete it, than one where I can just waltz through the levels mashing the shit out of my RMB to get 'expert' achievements.

    I'm still awaiting a good solid argument as to why melee fatigue shouldn't be included in campaign mode. It's in Versus and Survival mode, so why shouldn't it be in campaign mode.

  8. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DTbasketball855 View Post
    You said it yourself, because campaign mode should be easier than versus. I actually like the idea of melee fatigue more and more as I think about it. I like the idea of there being more strategy, less camping, and no Leroy Jenkins.
    Sorry, that's confusing English on my part - I meant that campaign mode should already be easier than versus, as AI opponents are rarely a match for even the most basic human opponents. Throwing the ability to put up a near-impenetrable wall of elbows and rifle-butts into the mix, and it starts to get very dull...

  9. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Sorry, that's confusing English on my part - I meant that campaign mode should already be easier than versus, as AI opponents are rarely a match for even the most basic human opponents. Throwing the ability to put up a near-impenetrable wall of elbows and rifle-butts into the mix, and it starts to get very dull...
    I see.

    The only reason I could see any reason for not having MF is for Expert, but if you are good enough, you shouldn't need it. They will also make it possible, so it's not like you won't be able to do it because you can't melee as much.

  10. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    My point exactly - only skilled teams who work together (and have that vital smidgen of luck) should be clearing Expert mode, not just any bunch of self-proclaimed 'pros' who have memorised a set list of good hiding spots and are able to hammer their melee button into submission before walking to the next hiding spot and repeating.

    The only people who seem to be bothered about this are those that are worried that without their precious melee forcefield, their shortcomings may be exposed. That's certainly the impression I've got so far - there's no other obvious reason for it that I can see, but I'm willing to be swayed on this one if someone can provide a persuasive argument.

    A challenge is something to be relished, not feared. It appears some of the guys in here would prefer life on easy street.

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