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Thread: Return of the Block Headz

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    Return of the Block Headz

    Almost a year ago Left 4 Dead was filled with people who got off on blocking pathways with objects such as dumpsters and generators. It got to the point where almost every public game I played I dealt with people blocking the path. The most famous of all, was the elevator. The only way to counter this was to use a pipe bomb or propane tank to blow object out of the way, kill each other with ff or turn the game into a a very long stand off.

    It was getting really nasty until valve finally fixed there huge mistake of being able to block paths with special infecteds. All pathways where safe again............ until now.

    They're baAaaaack! And badder then ever.

    After playing a public game a few days ago with x-redemption-x we found ourselves trapped in a elevator. Except this time around the blockers had a new tool to use with their blocking in the form of ghost scratching. ...... I know what your thinkin, daaaaAaaamn!

    Now i was kinda hoping that this was a one time event, but it wasn't. Last night i was lucky enough to run into two other teams who did the same damn thing. ...Its spreading... Oo

    Now i don't know how they did it and i don't care. I know its moved a different way then before because the generator ends up prefectly straight not crooked like it used too.

    I can't tell you if pipe bombs or propane works on moving it either, all three times i've been ghost scratched to death and had no bombs or tanks.

    But im ready for it now. Watch them 0 pointers. I think it takes 2 people to move it. But hell if I know.

    Im just warning you peeps. They are back,, and its only a matter of time before everyones doing it.. again. With ghost ghost scratching... ArG!

    And if pipe bombs don't help...
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  2. Feet under the table
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    seriously, why would people do this? whats the fun of cheating to win? I would never do this, it just makes the game boring imo because no one can do anything. People need to grow up and play the game the way it was meant to be played

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    Tbh back in the old day's I used to enjoy people doing it to us. We would just sit there and wait for them to quit, they always did. Backfire much?

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by IzI M V P IzI View Post
    Tbh back in the old day's I used to enjoy people doing it to us. We would just sit there and wait for them to quit, they always did. Backfire much?

    I used to enjoy making the blockers all quit too. I'd grab some nachos, pull out the old duouble pistols and let the games begin.

    But now with ghost scratching its just ridiculous.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  5. The Subjugator
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    Er, wait, wait.

    Are you saying they are ghost scratching the generator into position, then running in and ghost scratching you all to death. Or they are blocking the elevator entrance with their ghostly selves, which the game will somehow consider as solid matter, and ghost scratching anyone who comes near them?
    Whilst playing Penumbra...

    Parlock: I CAN HEAR IT.
    Dead Prodigy: HIDE.
    Parlock: I AM.

  6. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Prodigy View Post
    Er, wait, wait.

    Are you saying they are ghost scratching the generator into position, then running in and ghost scratching you all to death. Or they are blocking the elevator entrance with their ghostly selves, which the game will somehow consider as solid matter, and ghost scratching anyone who comes near them?

    They moved the generator infront of the elevator door, blocking us inside. How they did it i don't know. Thought they fixed that along time ago.

    Then the all just started ghost scratching everyone to death. My guess is they just kept ghost scratching and jumping down the elevator shaft. Cause there was a scratch going off every few seconds.

    Good times...

    If this starts catching on...
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    I was playing a public match with a bunch of randoms couple days ago. Some guy joins in NM2 (the sewersm, unless I'm mistakiing. He said something about not being kicked cuz he was gonna go do something. He was lagging and, at this point my "team" of randoms is losing too bad to even care about winning. So we get to the ling tunnel right before the exit, and guess what? My teammate blocked it. I'm sitting there like wtf do I need to do get a decent game (none of my l4d peeps was on atm)? It's ridiculous how ppl find it so necessary to win that they have to cheat to do so. Look, it's a game. Have fun, win or lose.

    P.S.- I put him as an avoided player, filed a complaint for cheating against him, cursed him out, called him a noob and quit. Didn't get a good game that night either. Oh well. Happens I guess.

  8. Junior Member
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    I hate the stupid Lamp in the Sewers, when people block it off, It pisses me off, its sad that people have to go so low as to cheat to win.

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    Exactly. Had I know he was gonna do that, I'd have vote kicked him. I don't understand this need to compulsively win. It's a game. There are 2 possible results. You win, or you lose. But that's not the point. The point of the game is to have fun. I thought. I mean if I'm losing fairly (my team is playing decent, no cheating, etc), I don't care. I don't mind being outmatched, cuz, there's always someone better. The only time I quit really is if some kinda cheating is going on or my team is a bunch of douches. But that's just my opinion.

  10. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by IzI M V P IzI View Post
    Tbh back in the old day's I used to enjoy people doing it to us. We would just sit there and wait for them to quit, they always did. Backfire much?
    this is funny cause it ussually always worked this way, or some other SI comes over and fixes it for you.

    i would ussually just pull out my DS and playt Animal Crossing, or some Ice Climber NES

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