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Thread: L4D2 Corner Camping.

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    L4D2 Corner Camping.

    We All know corner camping is a big annoyance in L4D.
    so do you think Valve did a good job?

    My Thoughts:
    The Charger wont really help this situation to much. atleast way less than Valve said it would. The Spitter a can see doing some damage and confusion, but it only lasts a couple seconds. One this I did notice it that (in my eyes atleast) alot of the walls are climbable for infected, maybe this is just common in the first 2 Parish chapters.

    What are your thoughts?

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    I think they did a pretty good job, cause the spitter, while the acid is short, its damage is sweet. It will certinly cause campers to scatter, leaving them scattered and confused.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    i dont know for the spitter who seems to deal very little dmg but the charger is great. if all camp in a corner and u charge in all in ur way get knocked down and in takes like 3-4secs till ur back up. in that time all other SI have a good chance to deal some dmg. also i like how u cant just bash/stun the charger

  4. Zombie Cat
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    in case you guys didnt know... you can't corner camp in L4D2 with more than 2 people.

    If you try corner camping in the same stance(standing/crouching) the first person in the corner will take dmg from the gun/meele weapon no matter what while you are in the corner from the 2nd person and beyonds weapons. You can however have 2 people, 1 crouched 1 standing and it won't FF.

    EDIT: oh yeah i also love spitters and chargers for corners : P. and spitter goo recharges pretty damn quick so i say its a good viable option to get em out of those pesky corners.
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  5. Junior Member
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    Not sure what is wrong with corner camping. In real life, this is what you would do, anyway.

    Between the smoker from above, and the spitter from a mild distance, you can scatter folks while a horde is attacking with little trouble.


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    In real life there isnt a point system, and you dont get to switch to infected side when the level ends. Also, even if the spitter's goo doesnt do much damage, the point is it does damage. If people see they are taking damage, they will instinctivley run away.

  7. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by SushiMooshi View Post
    in case you guys didnt know... you can't corner camp in L4D2 with more than 2 people.

    If you try corner camping in the same stance(standing/crouching) the first person in the corner will take dmg from the gun/meele weapon no matter what while you are in the corner from the 2nd person and beyonds weapons. You can however have 2 people, 1 crouched 1 standing and it won't FF.

    EDIT: oh yeah i also love spitters and chargers for corners : P. and spitter goo recharges pretty damn quick so i say its a good viable option to get em out of those pesky corners.
    Really?!, thats good to no. i never noticed.
    thats a big help aswell.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhyalus View Post
    Not sure what is wrong with corner camping. In real life, this is what you would do, anyway.

    Between the smoker from above, and the spitter from a mild distance, you can scatter folks while a horde is attacking with little trouble.

    First of all i dont think CornerCamping is cheap but, alot of people do.
    and In reall life if 4 people walk into a corner they wont magically all fit litterally inside each other. for example NM4 in RL you would not beable to fit behind the bed at the elevator.

    Quote Originally Posted by TeenRacer6 View Post
    I think they did a pretty good job, cause the spitter, while the acid is short, its damage is sweet. It will certinly cause campers to scatter, leaving them scattered and confused.
    the spitter's damage is very good i gotta say, but it gives you quite enough time to leave the spit puddle before anyone is harmed.

  8. I've done my time
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    That spitter damage is amazing after a few seconds. I wonder how it works if you get pounced in the goo. Do you take hunter + goo damage? And what happens after you get freed? Does the damage reset or does it keep stacking?

    As for the charger, he has his usefulness. Naturally, you don't want to charge from all the way across the map. You're just asking to get lit up. I noticed some narrow passages in the Parish that would be ideal for a charger to run through. Since the melee doesn't work on him, I see him being very effective in tight areas.

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhyalus View Post
    Not sure what is wrong with corner camping. In real life, this is what you would do, anyway.
    I don't see whats wrong with corner camping either? I mean, if the lil babies wanna cuddle in the corner let them. Theres more than one way to skin a cat...

    If a horde of anything comes at you, backing up against any wall and shooting like crazy is your best bet.

    I just hate when the stack in corners and use shove to kill all the zombies. Personally i think shove should't kill anything unless you bash them up against something solid. Watching tons of zombies die to a panzy shove move has always been the one of the lamest parts of L4D.
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  10. Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE Laxative View Post
    That spitter damage is amazing after a few seconds. I wonder how it works if you get pounced in the goo. Do you take hunter + goo damage? And what happens after you get freed? Does the damage reset or does it keep stacking?.
    Unfortunatly, the goo doesn't do any damage while they are trying to get up from the poucing or when they are being pounced, and more, the damage to incapped survivors is very small. But a good tactic is to spit right after the hunter pounces, because when they get up the goo is already in "boiling state" and does quite some damage. Other good tactic, is to spit when someone is trying to help a incapped survivor up, it delays the game so that other infected can keep on banging.

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