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Thread: Reasons for kicking players on 360

  1. Smoker
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    Maybe that's why I get booted alot. I don't use a mic. I can't anyways cuz i'm deaf so what's the point in using it?

  2. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    Maybe that's why I get booted alot. I don't use a mic. I can't anyways cuz i'm deaf so what's the point in using it?
    Maybe plug it in and tell them your deaf? Might help you not get kicked..

    Communication is so important that most people just simply won't play with a non-micer. When I run lobbies we usually kick non-micers from our own team and will kick them from the other team if someone on the other team requests it.

    Honestly I've never thought about hearing impaired users though...I'll probably go easier on non-micers from now on.

  3. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    So let me get this straight.

    You like to rush sometimes, yet you don't use a mic.

    And you consider yourself a good survivor yet have never spawned as a

    Do yourself a favour and stay in the middle of the survivors when playing and try keeping an eye on your team. A micless rusher or leader is useless, and until you've at least semi-mastered every Special Infected (including the Tank) your pretty much a newbie survivor. And in your case a micless straggler.

    Please don't take that as an insult.
    It's not as if I constantly rush ahead and leave everyone in the dust - I do try my best to stick with the team. Like I said though, sometimes people will stand around in the beginning saferoom not doing anything and I'll open the door. That's really the only time I can be pegged as a "rusher". But, like I said, I'll try using the mic from now on.

    As far as me being a newbie is concerned, yes, I understand that some people will get frustrated because I suck as a boomer, but I'm never gonna get good if I keep getting kicked.

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    I will just list reasons ive seen people get kicked

    REASONS Green= Reason I personally will kick someone
    -Healing when in decent health.
    -Healing yourself when someone else needs it more
    -Friendly Fire
    -Bad Connection
    -Running away from the team
    -Not keeping up with the Team
    -Not Having a Mic
    -Not comunicating
    -Activating Cressendos, without warning
    -Player Skill level not equal to the rest of the team (ussually only with a team with good players)
    -Not taking a health kit,
    -Not Joining in on teams tactics.
    -Team is waiting for a friend to join (I will warn the though, so they know why they are being kicked

  5. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverCyrus View Post
    I will just list reasons ive seen people get kicked

    REASONS Green= Reason I personally will kick someone
    -Healing when in decent health.
    -Healing yourself when someone else needs it more
    -Friendly Fire
    -Bad Connection
    -Running away from the team
    -Not keeping up with the Team
    -Not Having a Mic
    -Not comunicating
    -Activating Cressendos, without warning
    -Player Skill level not equal to the rest of the team (ussually only with a team with good players)
    -Not taking a health kit,
    -Not Joining in on teams tactics.
    -Team is waiting for a friend to join (I will warn the though, so they know why they are being kicked
    I heal early....but only when I know disaster is approaching. Like on survival when I know the tank is coming and I have about 75% or so health. I heal up cuz I know I'm in for a beating and need every ounce of health cuz there's no time to heal when your mates are on the ground begging for assistance.

  6. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverCyrus View Post
    I will just list reasons ive seen people get kicked

    REASONS Green= Reason I personally will kick someone
    -Healing when in decent health.
    -Healing yourself when someone else needs it more
    -Friendly Fire
    -Bad Connection
    -Running away from the team
    -Not keeping up with the Team
    -Not Having a Mic
    -Not comunicating
    -Activating Cressendos, without warning
    -Player Skill level not equal to the rest of the team (ussually only with a team with good players)
    -Not taking a health kit,
    -Not Joining in on teams tactics.
    -Team is waiting for a friend to join (I will warn the though, so they know why they are being kicked

    Healing yourself when someone needs it more? What about when you're down to 20 health but a weaker teamate is down to 10.. healing up the bad players is akin to wasting your last medkit on a bot.

    The not having a mic/comunicating is a problem. Games are more fun with communication, however I've seen people with mic's who are terrible players and silent people who are excellent players, true; the no comms people make teamwork harder but should they really be penalised for not having a mic? what about europeans who don't speak english? Perhaps one day you'll join a server with a bunch of germans who'll kick you for not speaking their language :P
    =SM= clan. Sponsored by SENNHEISER

  7. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by left5dead View Post
    I'm a bit of a noob to the L4D online versus mode, I've only been playing for the last week or so trying to get some of the SI achievements. I'm not a horrible player (I've been doing single player for the last year), but I keep getting kicked from games. So what I'm wondering is, do people not enjoy playing with people who don't use their headset? Or is it usually something that happens when friends are playing amongst themselves?
    The problem here is: You don't have a mic, you rush occasionally, you haven't owned/played the game long/lots, and you want to question people kicking you? Well then, it's quite self-explanatory.

    Cyrus has inspired me to create my own list, so here it goes:

    Friendly Fire (in the general basis of TKing)
    Does not grab a health-kit from the Saferoom
    Does not grab a 2nd Tier weapon
    Does not heal themselves at proper times
    Activating Hordes improperly

    Randomly attacking when everyone says not to
    Scratching people off areas/make others vulnerable to Survivors
    Going off far in the map to wait

    Without a mic/Does not talk
    Playing music in the background loudly
    There's some obvious things I missed perhaps, but you get the idea of my standards.

    MonkeyFiend: If I were to join a game full of non-English speaking players, and they wished to kick me I wouldn't be enraged. I would do the same. Perhaps others feel different, but that's there problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  8. Smoker
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    well if anyone wants a non-mic tactical deaf player who plays like it's a real event then pm me......but don't kick me!!

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by left5dead View Post
    As far as me being a newbie is concerned, yes, I understand that some people will get frustrated because I suck as a boomer, but I'm never gonna get good if I keep getting kicked.

    Your right man. Some people are just total assholes. But if you had a mic at least you could explain that to them. Even a PM.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  10. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    I generally dont mind players who dont have a mic/communicate, just as long as they can keep up.
    Hell im even open to having a few noooooooooobs on my team. (practice makes perfect! :3)

    its the split screeners that really grind my gears >.>
    just know, if you ever do split screen with a friend
    play with some of your XBL friends as opposed to pubbing. cause people can and will go batshit crazy over the guest.

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

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