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Thread: What are the chances of an uncut version of L4D2 getting into Australia.

  1. On the way to greater things
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    :L Thats why I follow the rules in Zombieland.
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    that or just cleve there heads off. should test if you can do that on the dead bodies.
    Freedom is the highest of all natural laws; freedom to take or spare a life. The choice is free, but a man is then slave to the consequences

  3. On the way to greater things
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    When I get the game I will.
    "What does Chuck Norris + Infected Horde equal?"

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    Quote Originally Posted by arothgar View Post
    we should get a patition and like try to pass a law or something on it. but thats going off the topic. but i do understand why you would want an uncut version, my friend has it cause he was egger to play it and i forgot that theres no blood and stuff and it got boring real fast without the blood and the bodies disappearing
    You spell it "petition". On a more serious note, there hasn't just been petitions, there have been MAJOR protests, it's gone by a few names, once of which is "L4R18+", they happened on November 21st (The weekend L4D2 was released in Australia, it was on a weekend to attract more participants). There was also a separate protest where a few thousand people walked around parliament dressed and acting like zombies (yes, they really were).

    I've posted this in many places before, especially around these forums, but get involved in the campaigns, help us Aussies! The main agenda for the groups is actually to exclude minister Michael Atkinson from decisions (It may sound strange, however he alone is what is blocking all of Australia from receiving an R18+ rating (The man has archaic ideas about censorship, he wants All television, DVD/Videos censored, he's also behind trying to have a nationwide censor placed upon the internet, the man only remains in office because of his other views). You may ask why one man can ruin it for millions, well the Australian law system works much like an American court system, by which I mean that EVERY state in Australia (The Governments in charge of that particular state, yes we elect the people in, we aren't fucking communists) must agree to pass a law, allowing R18+ games has been voted on many times, with every state passing it except for SA which has been forced to vote no because of the worthless sack of shit known as Atkinson, meaning the law cannot pass. You may also wonder then what the Australian public thinks regarding the issue, well multiple national surveys have been taken with 92% of Australians saying "an R18+ rating would be perfectly fine" (Under the idea that it would be like alcohol and need ID, etc).

    Funny side note, because of the insane amount of major releases Australia might miss out on because of these laws the censorship boards (which captain fucknugget has no part in or real control over) are EXTREMELY lenient, for example, GTA4 in most countries is an R18+ rated game, however in Australia it was allowed through in as an MA15+ title (it was censored slightly, in that when you hire a whore and have sex with her, instead of being able to look inside the car and watch the view would be blocked by the camera moving below the car door, although this doesn't affect the game at all since this has no real bearing on the game), and most games are actually treated like this. This means that this worthless old man, instead of "protecting our youth" (as he calls it) is instead allowing the "youth" to get access to the worlds most violent and grotesque games even earlier than any other civilized nation on Earth!

    I feel that before I leave that I should tell you all that the insane amount of protests has mad an influence and in 2010 (My time now, yes Yankees, I live in the future!) there will be a hearing regarding the R18+ rating on video games! We have high hopes, so wish us luck! We hope to see the uncensored game in STORES by the end of the year. Once it happens I would literally frame my censored copy, (It may sound stupid, with it now being useless it would go up in value, it would also symbolize (incoming over-dramatics) FREEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!) Until then I will be enjoying my uncensored copy which was imported from New Zealand.

    Regarding my imported copy, Guess where I found out about it? An advert on these forums, I love you forums!

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    Quote Originally Posted by arothgar View Post
    that or just cleve there heads off. should test if you can do that on the dead bodies.

    The "classical" zombies are actually still alive once you cut off their heads, they can't use their bodies and are pretty much just a head that would bite at your shoes if you stood right beside it. To kill them you have to destroy the brain!

    Oh lord, saying that filled my mind with the funniest image. Picture if you will, 5 zombie heads all lined up in a cupboard with ball gags in their mouths (So they don't moan AND so that I can touch them without being infected), and moving around. Wouldn't it be so weird and to a disturbing point, hilarious?:rofl:

  6. Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron_BJ View Post
    Oh lord, saying that filled my mind with the funniest image. Picture if you will, 5 zombie heads all lined up in a cupboard with ball gags in their mouths (So they don't moan AND so that I can touch them without being infected), and moving around. Wouldn't it be so weird and to a disturbing point, hilarious?:rofl:
    The ending of the Dawn of the Dead remake had a zombie head in a ice chest cooler. It was all gnarling and trying damn hard to get a chunk.

    Eventually though, your zombie heads will run out of whatever juice that keeps them going and will just die.


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    Quote Originally Posted by GothicDeathVR2 View Post
    The ending of the Dawn of the Dead remake had a zombie head in a ice chest cooler. I was all gnarling and trying damn hard to get a chunk.

    Eventually though, your zombie heads will run out of whatever juice that keeps them going and will just die.

    I never watched that remake, I'll probably rent it sometime, it's old now so I could probably get it pretty cheaply.

    Apparently though a regular zombie can live for around 4 to 5 years (Using the Solanum zombification virus as an example (It is now considered cannon to "classical" zombies as it has pretty much collaborated what most considered the zombie lore of the time)) before they succumb to rot, so If I even wanted it at that point (I'm sure it would disturb me eventually and I'd throw that crap out), I suppose I could kill another zombie (I'd probably have to anyway for one reason or another) and mount it again (I'd pick it up with a shovel, not touching that shit with my hands until it's gagged). However if the invasion was over I guess I wouldn't have any options. I'd probably be forced to get rid of it anyway if the invasion was stopped, since it would still be able to infect shit or whatever.

    I was all gnarling and trying damn hard to get a chunk.
    What do you mean by this? it was so gross you wanted to throw up?

  8. Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron_BJ View Post
    What do you mean by this? it was so gross you wanted to throw up?
    Nothing complex. Just take a zombie head and have it.... Better yet. You know the zombies from 28 Days/Weeks Later? How active they are. Just remove one of their heads.
    I realized just now that Romero zombies are the slow ones so "fast" and "wild" is not really a term you can glue to them.

    Honestly, though. How can a virus churn out enough energy to keep a zombie going for 4-5 years?

    There needs to be some sort of electrical source to keep the body moving. Virii can't generate this current to signal down nerves. If anything itll be a bacteria.

    And I didn't exactly expect a response for the question. But nice to know that if you could you would rerack up some ball gagged heads.
    I think I would do the same.

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by GothicDeathVR2 View Post
    The ending of the Dawn of the Dead remake had a zombie head in a ice chest cooler. I was all gnarling and trying damn hard to get a chunk.
    I think GothicDeathVR2 meant "It was" instead of "I was". Ive seen the remake really good and funny in parts of it. Also liking the idea of chopping the heads off zombies them gagging them and possibly mounting them on a wall for laughs.
    Freedom is the highest of all natural laws; freedom to take or spare a life. The choice is free, but a man is then slave to the consequences

  10. On the way to greater things
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    :L Completely off topic but I reckon you decapitate their heads, gag em and just absolutely do ANYTHING to annoy it.

    Knowing me, while it's gagged. I would get a stick and keep poking it in the eye ^^
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