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Thread: What are the chances of an uncut version of L4D2 getting into Australia.

  1. On the way to greater things
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    Btw. HAPPY NEW YEAR =]
    "What does Chuck Norris + Infected Horde equal?"

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  2. Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by arothgar View Post
    I think GothicDeathVR2 meant "It was" instead of "I was". Ive seen the remake really good and funny in parts of it. Also liking the idea of chopping the heads off zombies them gagging them and possibly mounting them on a wall for laughs.
    I did not notice that. Thank you very much for the correction.

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick'sHand View Post
    The lame ass minister in Australia considers those who play video games as "Minorities"
    Probably true, do you have stats in front of you 24/7?

    Lol Baron, I'm sure dressing up like zombies "protesting" near Parliament only helps the Government's decision in banning L4D2...
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  4. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abyss Crown View Post
    Probably true, do you have stats in front of you 24/7?
    :L Only when I'm pissed off I look up such things.
    "What does Chuck Norris + Infected Horde equal?"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick'sHand View Post
    :L Completely off topic but I reckon you decapitate their heads, gag em and just absolutely do ANYTHING to annoy it.

    Knowing me, while it's gagged. I would get a stick and keep poking it in the eye ^^
    I like you.

    Quote Originally Posted by GothicDeathVR2 View Post
    Nothing complex. Just take a zombie head and have it.... Better yet. You know the zombies from 28 Days/Weeks Later? How active they are. Just remove one of their heads.
    I realized just now that Romero zombies are the slow ones so "fast" and "wild" is not really a term you can glue to them.

    Honestly, though. How can a virus churn out enough energy to keep a zombie going for 4-5 years?

    There needs to be some sort of electrical source to keep the body moving. Virii can't generate this current to signal down nerves. If anything itll be a bacteria.

    And I didn't exactly expect a response for the question. But nice to know that if you could you would rerack up some ball gagged heads.
    I think I would do the same.
    Well, most zombie stories completely ignore the long term idea of survival, however the "28" zombies are not considered zombies in most sense, just an infected, although if anything they're more dangerous and insanely similar.

    Also according to the Zombie survival guide (which uses all information from the original and most accepted versions of "classic" zombies and in most circles is considered cannon) has said that years of research done on the virus has made no sense and has so far completely ignored all rules of science by somehow being able to sustain with its own source of renewed energy (sounds like a bit of a cop-out, however one could argue that the virus which practically recreates a new brain, could have a half of the "brain" sleep whilst the other is awake, which still wouldn't explain how it receives sustenance as the meat eaten actually doesn't feed anything). The body taking 4-5 years to decompose is because the virus makes the body resistant to most of those organisms, but not all, however these organisms all halt in extreme heat or cold, so if I wanted to keep the one head for hundreds of years (They remain active regardless of temperature since the virus has no need for body temperature, etc) I could just place him in a freezer with a glass door, so I could just look in and watch it go apeshit without ever decomposing.

    I think I read too much into zombie lore, especially considering how long some of my posts are. Nick is right though, I'd poke that shit with a stick too, or depending on how big the freezer was, I'd put a tiny piece of meat on the opposite side of the freezer so he couldn't get it (Zombies eat all meat, however they will completely ignore all other food sources if there is even a possibility of getting some variety of human flesh) and watch it try to feed; with this method I wouldn't have to worry about it's moans or whatever alerting other zombies because the loan head wouldn't be able to make sounds, let alone the tell-tale moan (This is from the useless lungs inhaling and exhaling air loudly (it uses none of it, not even oxygen, so it breathes everything back out creating the large moan)). That'll teach the stupid son of a bitch.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron_BJ View Post
    I like you.
    =D ahahahahha .
    Why thank you.
    "What does Chuck Norris + Infected Horde equal?"

    -Achievement:Zombie Genocidest-

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    Just got a letter from the Australian Government saying they seized my game. oh fucking goody. i recon someone should blow Michael Atkinson brain all over the fucking floor. oh and it was coming from Hong Kong so might be bad new Nick'sHand
    Freedom is the highest of all natural laws; freedom to take or spare a life. The choice is free, but a man is then slave to the consequences

  8. Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by arothgar View Post
    Just got a letter from the Australian Government saying they seized my game. oh fucking goody. i recon someone should blow Michael Atkinson brain all over the fucking floor. oh and it was coming from Hong Kong so might be bad new Nick'sHand
    SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT man. Damn that sucks. The best place is to get it from New Zealand I guess.

    You could try to argue over it since you are not selling it in Australia. Just importing a game. Nothing illegal about that.

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by GothicDeathVR2 View Post
    SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT man. Damn that sucks. The best place is to get it from New Zealand I guess.

    You could try to argue over it since you are not selling it in Australia. Just importing a game. Nothing illegal about that.
    My mums tried that (only 17 ) and they said not allowed to get it off them and all i really want to do now is send it back to the seller so my dad can get his money back but they say i need an import permit and they said theyv'e never heard anyone getting a permit to export something "illegal". something about customs act 1901 299 (1) (b) and Regulation 4a. customs has always been shit in my eyes. oh and apparently all 18's are banned here.
    Freedom is the highest of all natural laws; freedom to take or spare a life. The choice is free, but a man is then slave to the consequences

  10. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by arothgar View Post
    Just got a letter from the Australian Government saying they seized my game. oh fucking goody. i recon someone should blow Michael Atkinson brain all over the fucking floor. oh and it was coming from Hong Kong so might be bad new Nick'sHand
    Unlucky man.
    I got mine though, but shit! This really needs to be something of focus, create an R18+ here in Australia for video games but Michael Atkinson had his period so The Government is cleaning it up for him. This has to be stopped. Bullshit like this should never happen in a country that desires to be an acclaimed "Free Country." Even though I got mine through, I've got to admit, it is probably the biggest fluke that has ever happened. Australia is meant to be its own unique nation and country. But why the fuck is it slowly turning into a China?
    I mean, Australia is even planning to censor the internet!
    This is one of those days when I wish I WASN'T Australian. Free Country my ass.
    "What does Chuck Norris + Infected Horde equal?"

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