Heres the skinny..

Me- I'm 14. Yes, I know I'm a little on the younger side, but I'm pretty mature. I'm a boy. I don't have a mic at the moment, but I'm getting a new one next week. I don't own L4D2, because I don't feel like getting up off my ass, and buying it. I'm not lazy, I just have a gigantic feeling it won't come close to L4D1 in excitement, and enjoyability. (P.S. I don't want a response saying, "Well, L4D2 is actually pretty cool! Way better than L4D1!" No. Stfu.)

What I'm Like-Part 1- Once I get my mic you'll be able to tell I'm a gamer. I'll listen to everyone's opinions, but unless I see cold hard evidence that the tactic/tip/whatever works, I'll stick to my guns/claws/tongue/whatever. While I like to have fun, I also like to win. I rarely curse, but when I do, you know that either you, or myself did something pretty bad. (Ex. Running out in front of everybody without waiting for everyone) Yes, I laugh alot. So what?

Part 2- When it comes to risking life and limb for teammates, I'm there. If it's just me and you, and we're ten feet from the safehouse, we both have low health, and you get pounced, I'm gonna' save you. Even if I die. I don't care if you don't do the same for me. Chances are, I have better stats than you anyway. I will go back, and kill a tank, run halfway across the map to help an incapped teammate, etc.

What I'm Looking For- Good Communication is a must. I'm willing to work with newbs. I don't want anyone thats immature. I hate that to the max. If you're 25, and I'm 14 telling you to Stfu...there's a problem. Thats about it... I had about 50 other things, but I forget. xD I guess thats it.

