Hello, I am WNxDEPC recruiting for Warrior Nation. Warrior Nation is a large multi gaming clan with over 2000 active members and 50 different games such as RPGs, FPS, Console, and RTS. Although we may seem very large, our sections are very close with each other.
I am currently recruiting for the games of : Valve Games 360 (TF2 & L4D2)

If you are interested we ask that you follow these requirements:

* Are over 13.
* Show respect to others.
* Check forums regularly.

Basically anyone :P. Also every one in the clan is really nice.

You may contact me by Private Message on these forums or:
MSN - bigguy1123@hotmail.com
Email - pegdavid@gmail.com
Gamertag - DEPC

Thank you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.