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Thread: Chet Reveals Something Scary On The Horizon...

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Actually, he wipes bile on Francis.
    But Valve has said that the death will be up to the player? What knd of shit is this? Contunuity pls?
    Seriously, this whole thing has to be bull-freakin-horse-shit. And if it's real, and they're going to kill off a different character every time you play but explain the canon story in a comic...damn. That is some country ass bull shit. Explain the game story IN THE GAME HOW BOUT. Worst game character death ever, I will ragequit.

  2. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by izzombie View Post
    Actually, he wipes bile on Francis.
    But Valve has said that the death will be up to the player? What knd of shit is this? Contunuity pls?
    Seriously, this whole thing has to be bull-freakin-horse-shit. And if it's real, and they're going to kill off a different character every time you play but explain the canon story in a comic...damn. That is some country ass bull shit. Explain the game story IN THE GAME HOW BOUT. Worst game character death ever, I will ragequit.
    The "Different death thing each time makes sense" was something i was going to mention, but the comic screws everything over.

    Maybe four different scenarios within the comic?

    .....Just because you've built a connection with a character doesnt make his death bad, IMO it makes it better. Crying over a death you care about makes for way better emotion, than someone we care nothing about.
    Why are you so mad about this anyway?

    FYI April fools is coming around the corner.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    It's not so much about the character dying. If they were to kill off a character in a way that made /sense/, and was memorable, then I could go with that. But from what I understand, valve is going to let you kill a random character, then tell you which character /really/ died in a comic, and omit that character from the next dlc. It's just...not well planned out. I understand Valve may be trying to incorporate more of a story, but this is doing it rong. Especially after they acted as though we would get to see all the original guys in the dlc. Also, telling everyone ahead of time? What are they thinking? You don't tell people who dies in a movie in the preview, especially if it's a major character and a major plot point.
    Also, I'm sure a lot of people are going to quit the series if they kill a character (not me, I'd just give up on them if the death of that character doesn't do them justice), and it's not going to draw new fans in or bring old fans back. Some existing fans are going to like it, but most are just going to be upset.

    And well, honestly, I've been anticipating this dlc because they made it look fun and nostalgic, instead of depressing and death filled. The reason a lot of people like the series is because it's a zombie apocalypse game that is /not/ morbid. It's just always, you know? Not taking things too seriously.

    Also, the tagline is just kind of shitty? The rest have been clever, but nobody survives forever just sounds morbid and bland. None of the other ones prophecied things like that that would happen, either. It's like putting "church guy rings the bell" for the tagline of death toll.

    Oh well, hopefully they'll surprise me and not make this so terrible.

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    I'm confused about the whole situation. From the Kotaku article, it seems like the death is set in The Passing but you get to choose who dies in the L4D1 DLC. If it's not really a player's choice, I'm sad to say, it'll probably be Bill. He's my favorite survivor, as well as a favorite to a lot of other people, but he seems like the only one noble enough to do it. He's already put his life on the line in war and I think he would do it again. This rules out Louis OD'ing on pain pills, haha. I'm really hoping, like some others said, that Francis finds it in himself to finally do something good. Francis needs to die.
    Zombies can navigate complex terrain, yet they lack the manual dexterity to open doors. Just one of the mysteries of life... erm... death.

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    OH, and just to add a speculation...I'm suspicious as to whether they possibly kill off ALL of the oldies. Because I don't really understand why they wouldn't continue travelling together if all of them survived. Bigger group = more protection.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Great speculation. I wouldn't be suprised if they killed them all and just do dlc on how they met or one like crash course where they fill in the plot between campaigns. Also I think what the mean by the players decide is that everyone knows "Francis" will die and by picking him you have to sacrifice yourself so the others can make it. That's my plug for killing Francis and adding "Mendoza"

  7. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by izzombie View Post
    OH, and just to add a speculation...I'm suspicious as to whether they possibly kill off ALL of the oldies. Because I don't really understand why they wouldn't continue travelling together if all of them survived. Bigger group = more protection.
    Maybe the car they got at the end of Dead Center won't seat 8? I don't know, but I doubt they had The Passing planned when they put together Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, and The Parish done without the L4D1 survivors. I'm also confused as to how one of the survivors makes a sacrifice in the L4D1 DLC. If they did, there wouldn't be 4 survivors in the background of the poster for The Passing. I don't get this at all. Does one of the L4D1 survivors sacrifice himself for all the other survivors, including Coach, Nick, Rochelle, and Ellis? I was really hoping that Nick would kill Francis, but that's not really a sacrifice on Francis's part if Nick killed him. Maybe in the L4D1 DLC, another survivor saves Francis from certain death so he decides to make the ultimate sacrifice for him? I don't know, that's the only way to explain how it could be Francis. I just pray it's not Bill, but he wouldn't need any explaining the L4D1 DLC... we'd expect him to be that noble.
    Zombies can navigate complex terrain, yet they lack the manual dexterity to open doors. Just one of the mysteries of life... erm... death.

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capn Sandman View Post
    Maybe the car they got at the end of Dead Center won't seat 8? I don't know, but I doubt they had The Passing planned when they put together Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, and The Parish done without the L4D1 survivors. I'm also confused as to how one of the survivors makes a sacrifice in the L4D1 DLC. If they did, there wouldn't be 4 survivors in the background of the poster for The Passing. I don't get this at all. Does one of the L4D1 survivors sacrifice himself for all the other survivors, including Coach, Nick, Rochelle, and Ellis? I was really hoping that Nick would kill Francis, but that's not really a sacrifice on Francis's part if Nick killed him. Maybe in the L4D1 DLC, another survivor saves Francis from certain death so he decides to make the ultimate sacrifice for him? I don't know, that's the only way to explain how it could be Francis. I just pray it's not Bill, but he wouldn't need any explaining the L4D1 DLC... we'd expect him to be that noble.
    I think, in a zombie apocalypse, I would let someone ride in my lap. It probably seats five, so...just let someone have the extra seat and put Zoey, Rochelle, and Ellis on top of someone. Francis can go in the trunk.
    Seriously though. In times of desperation, you aren't going to tell someone that there's not room in the car.
    The whole sacrifice thing is just sounding more and more like bullshit to me the more I think about it. It's not like valve to be so stupid and confusing. If this is real and it's as bad as it seems like it will be this could potentially ruin the series.

    My prediction is that either all of them will die or none of them will.

    Man, there's so much wrong with this whole deal that I can't even effectively communicate it.

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by izzombie View Post
    It probably seats five, so...just let someone have the extra seat and put Zoey, Rochelle, and Ellis on top of someone. Francis can go in the trunk.

    Dude, you made my day

  10. Senior Member
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    Why all the hate on Francis? He was my second favorite character in the original.

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