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Thread: Crawfish

  1. Zombie Cat
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    Nick was waiting for the storm to clear, the rain was roaring in his ears. The blood of his tears, they washed his face with red smears, every time he wiped the tickle away. Twitching eyes, looking in the dark, bright lights, and roars, of the lightning and thunder. Looking for movement, the muzzle of the gun, was dreaming of black nights, and stary days.

    A few cards lay around, kings, aces, queens, looking at him, noting on his progress. A black cap lay on the floor, with a pile of cards in it. Nick laughs to himself as he puts it back on his head. Wondering at the dead bodies littering his floor, about 20 rotting in a pile by the door. Oh they did laugh, and scream, no man has ever heard such a tale.

    And his life is wasted as he swigs from his whiskey bottle, looking up into a burning cloud of lightning, and he coughs, a laugh really along with the thunder. Cock went the gun, putting the hammer back on his revolver, he listens to the cries of the others, that would not have him, that always wanted to eat his guts. And his tears, ran red again, laughing with the thunder that lit the dark room, the open door, and cried with the screams that sounded like a caught cat.

    Rain pored down in torrents, washing away all the red tears. Nick thought of his dad, and dreaded each corner, each dark alley, heading out and around. Cars they where dead, all dead. And they seemed to laugh at him and dare him to touch them, and almost every time he braved the silent taunts, a boney bloody hand shot out and tried to grab him. No more, center of the street, he walked slowly looking around at the death, the fire, the screaming laughing infected often would crawl, hop, jump, into his line of sight then cry, and giggle at the same time as the tucked away in a shadow.

    A black cat crossed his path once, and his shot at it, hitting the street with a spark. A roaring scream followed the ping of his missed shot. And he turned around, and recocked his gun. Another way, never, ever, doubt your ears, when they scream at you like that.

    Along his long path once he saw a light flash, once. He followed it to a blue race car with 22 painted on the back. He pointed his gun at the back window, and peered into it after about 20 mins of watching it. There was a man in there, with a pin light looking at a magazine, doing things with he wee little wang. Nick, after all, could still smile to himself as he falls back behind a shrub. He calls out.
    -Hey there, Im not a fucking zombie, please, talk to me!

    The light shuts off, and the break lights of the car flare red as he keys his engine.
    -HEY DONT LEAVE! Im not one of those freaks! Nick screams into the rain.
    The car doesnt move and the window rolls down.
    -Like what you see? HEHE well hop on in, get out of my dreams, and get into my car! Ellis laughs as he sings out his joyless retort.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Rochelle was wondering around outside, a black iron skillet in her hands. The look on her face was lit by the flickering lights of a fire burning on the horizon, the top of the hill, the end of the sidewalk from what she could see. She was heading too the lake, she just had to move, and her instincts told her to follow her nose, and this is where it went.

    At the top of the street she stops, and takes in her surroundings, fellow men often pass her looking like hell, they would stop and bark at her like a dog, they always had something just not right, like a missing eye, or blood covered faces with dripping claws. She cant help but cringe inside, she tried to talk to one of these 'men' once, and he teared off his penis, and ate it, while crying and moaning about dead dogs, his dead dogs she assumed. Memories bled from her roving eyes, looking at the lake, and the dark rain soaked streets she came from, leaving behind her, a life, a love, and the hope of a new day.

    The fire was a mass of blinding light, she shaded her eye with the frying pan. Now off color, chipped here and there. She could hear a soft laughter from the fire, and her arms goose pimpled at the tone, the pitch of it, and how it died into slobbery gibber about the red rocket, her baby, her... Babies.

    Rochelle skirts the fire shading her face from the heat, its was a mass of debris, tires, bikes, even a washing machine all burning, and reaching for her in the wind and smoke, rain kept her wet enough to see what the fire was trying to whisper to her in this insane choir.

    As she just began to make out what was making that horrid noise, the rain hit her hard with a harsh hiss from the inferno, as her eyes focused she could see a white thing looming, focus, focus, its a woman, one tit hung out like a bloated tomato, and she was wrapped in a sheet, a make shift robe, standing and hissing wet noises a foot from her face.

    She struck the horror in white with her pan, PANG! It dropped in a sigh of relief, for this could be not man, just horror, it. As it squirmed around she noticed a smell, and saw a sight like no other. Bodies, dead, dogs, cats, rats, you name it, and in her horror she noticed she was standing on the body of a baby, man...

    Screams shook her body and the water called to her with the fuming sky, she sprinted for the lake, not far, just a hop a skip and a jump away. Stumble and fall the sight an old train, a park relic, was in front of her face. Her pan dropped with her fall, and as she tried too scramble for it a dead thing scrambled for her. All leering, dripping cornias, eye boogers seemed to cover its eyes. Scratching the ground as it dug its self out of its self made tomb.

    PANG!!!! She found it!!! Okay the train said with a shining front light, the lightning hit it, and it lit up, bodies illuminated burned with the stroke of heavens fork, tasty. Rochelle, she screams and runs for the docks, through the parking lot, dead cars, some with people still in them, trying to find a way out.

    Finally she dropped off the dock head first, screaming. The water cooed to her, and fish they nuzzled her ankles, like they wanted her here, with them, dark eyes swam in front of her face. Whispering, bubbles, colors, she needed to breathe now, as the fish began to test her flesh. Her head burst out from the water just as a light lit her up, shadow 10x as big, blurring in twitching light the on coming horde, of infected geese.

    A mans voice shouted at her.
    -Jesus Christ! Swim, I cant dock here with those damn dirty birds!
    Rochelle cries into the water, her cries muffled by the water over her head as she crawls through the water to the bobbing boatl
    Through the water the light touches her, and she reached up as a hand grabs her, towing her out of the black waters.

    -Names Coach, lets go for a ride little lady,bout time you got here!
    Rochelle smiles as she sees her husband again. She knew he was waiting for her, just watching, like the saint of the tips of frothy white waves, depths drilled into her as she let out a soothing sob.
    -Thanks Coach, I needed that.

  3. Zombie Cat
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    chase this

    Good ole' blue, numba 22, roaring along the bloody burning freeway. Skyscrapers touching into the stars, blinking lights, the fire flickering, smoke obscuring the moon, the random holes in the black sky. Burning down the the street, Ellis is sweating, and laughing along with Nick, as he takes a hit off of his flask.
    -God damn Nick, this is some good shit, last time I had moon shine like this, my buddy Keith made some in his tub, you should of seen it, could of lit a match to it and blew the place up,
    -Ellis, Just drive
    -Okay buddy, jeeze, just this one time with me and Keith,

    The blue race car met a dead end, a pile of cars on the road, dead bodies littered the road, some crawling around, their eyes shining in the light with an odd shine, the lights played with them, their eyes, like lost moons, groaning as they roatated in their sockets.

    -Well shit, looks likes its the end of the road. Nick checks his gun, all full, pocket full of lead.
    -NO! NO! I cant leave this car, I, I, its special, Ellis cries a little slamming back another mouth full of the moonshine.
    -Listen Ellis, I dont want to hear another story about Keith, and I just know its coming, so lock and load, give me back my flask, and leave the headlights on. If we need too, I mean NEED too, we can come back for this car, but I dont think so, so, im sorry just get up and move with me, we need to find some help, anything, this cant be like this, this cant be...
    -Awwwww Nick, you dont understand, awww Nick. Ellis beats the wheel with his fist.
    -Now Ellis!

    A pack of 20 infected are staring at them from the crevices of the broken bodies of cars, mouths agape, blood dripping, some smile, some cry, some come running to get a closer look. Some just screaming, oh such a scream, the windows start to crack from the sheer horror of it.

    -Ellis, you better not fuck this up, I need you here man, here, not with that fag tag buddy of yours
    -NOOOOOOOOO screams Ellis as he sees one of the infected start to hump his front bumper, spewing blood everywhere.

    Ellis hops out of the car, his bat is fierce, it shatters the head of the first zombie, and he tears into the all the others screaming about Jimmy Gibs.

    -Who the fuck? Never mind. Nick pops a shot off taking hitting a dead thing, must of been about 10 years old, little girl, running for him swinging a dead puppy dog by its back leg, like its a weapon.

    Ellis is in such a rage, oh its beautiful, the moon comes out for a peek, smiling down with an O face, like its just be stabbed in the back. After about 20 mins the infected have learned a lesson, some start to cry and run away from his blood covered bat, as it flings blood around smashing them across the face, and knees, and the dead, they cowered for the first time.

    -Fuck Ellis! Calm the fuck down man. Nick laughs. You fucking scare them, poor, fucking, zombies! He pulls off a head shot on a fleeing old woman, she must of been 80 years old, running into shit, but still, what the fuck, Nick thinks, that old bitch could out run me.

    The moon clouds over, and the ground starts to shake. Nick takes cover next too a semi, Ellis is beating the shit out of a woody wagon, like the wrath of God.

    -Nick! Nick, ummm I cant fucking stand this shit man, Ellis breaks down and starts to cry over his bloody bat.

    Nick stumbles to him, a little shoken up himself. He is looking ahead trying to figure out what they should do. They where heading into the city, hoping the goverment, or army, or whatever, was organising a strike party against these infected people, helping the norms. All was lost, all was burning, and leering shadows, like dead black skulls, with fires burning from the empty sockets.

    -Ellis, Ellis! Nick shakes him a little, his black cap falling from his head. Ellis looks into his face, eyes wide, drooling.

    -Okay, okay, Nick, Im just, its just. He starts to shake and sob. Jimmy Gibs, I love you man. Nick seems to understand, Ellis was clinghing to his humanity, his hobby, God what a world, the lightning flares, and rain starts too pour down again, blinding, deafening sheets of it.

    -Ellis, just relax, we are okay, we WILL find help, we WILL find someone, someone, to help us, that...
    Ellis sobs and stifles it, wiping his runny nose.
    -Okay Nick, I, I, Well, shit, give me another hit of that shit. He reaches out with a bloody shaking hand.

    Nick, he smiles, and hands him his flask.
    -Not much left buddy, we gotta find us a refill.
    Ellis hits it, looking at a dead body, crawling for him, gagging and reching, trying to take the flask, it wanted it bad.

    -No dice. Nick pops it in the head, splattering its intents all over the road.

    They slowly make their way down the over pass and follow a river into the city. Always followed, always watched, the dead always there, never taking an eye off of them. Like they are zoo animals, and they have escaped. Some come close, but they never seem to attack, like they are mystified at why they are not one of them, why they are not dead.

    The horror of it, the terror, the dread, its enough to make them want to stop, and weep, and die. But, they go on following the river of red, and dead waiting, and watching. Until they made it to the edge of the lake, flanking the city, leering down with burning face reflecting into the dark waters.

    A light, a boat, floating along, about 100 yards from the shore. Nick lifts his revolver into the air and fires a shot. The spot light on the boat instantly lights him up, blinding him. The light comes closer.

    -Thank God. Mutters Ellis slamming back the remains of the moonshine.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    The Distorted Metal Mirror

    The boat was purring along, coach busted out the keg, dont ask him how, Ellis is busy talking about keg stands and Keith, no one is even laughing anymore, he is in his own world. Speaking of which the shore was waiting for them, a giant ferris wheel is still turning, the only lights sparkling into the water.

    -I love clowns, Ellis smiles into the waters, watching the lights turn around. They remind me of, I dont know, my childhood.
    -Damn Ellis, ahem, that was actually pretty deep. Nick is happy, its odd, he is never happy. He laughs again slamming back his flask full of beer.
    -Ellis, you sure dont look good, Rochelle is cradling her pan. Maybe we aught to get you something to eat, or drink. Oh wait. She pulls out a glass bottle with milk in it. Just like mom used to make.
    -Damn, I love milk! Ellis slams back the bottle leaving a little in the bottle swriling around like the water he pours it into. Thats for you Jimmy! Greatness never dies... Gibs, me and jimmy, Ellis pours out the remains of the bottle and chucks it into the lake.

    -Coach reasons for them, hey guys, look, ive been watching the shore and this wheel turn for about six days now. And nothing and no one has fucked with it, so its either a fluke, or no one is even there, either way, just watch you backs, and remember to not shoot mine. This goes for you Ellis, you even know how to shoot a gun?

    -A gun?! Oh heck yah! This one time me and Keith...
    -Oh Jesus, Ellis... Nick pats him on the back. Ellis, should be fine..

    Coach laughs to himself, shoving Rochelle. Okay, just get your shit ready, and no one do anything stupid. Like shooting me... And Ellis, im sorry, you got point, just scout ahead and keep an eye out, try not to kill anything.

    As the boat docks into the rocky shores some of the infected begin to shuffle in their bloody little niches. Peering into the gloom looking for the new comers. They are working their way out of the slippery rocks, looking into the gloom with blind eyes.

    An infected child of about three, travels down the embankment near the lake, eyes closed, following its nose. Rochelle starts to feel a tickle in her spine running down to her heels. She hears a slobbery cry, cooing to her.

    -I wet myself. Can you change me? The little words call to her, she looks around, no one hears it.

    -I wet myself. Wont you change me, mommy? Sneering glances in the corner of her eyes, reaching laughs with fingernails dripping of blood. Rochelle cries out covering her ears and dropping her pan.

    In the storm Nick is covering Ellis as he runs ahead. The child chuckles, watching with its teeth, licking a dead dog. The dog whines a little, and Rochelle begins to cry. A seasonal draft of air lifts her hair, from her left ear. She smiles at her pan, smiling at her. She can see Mr.Clean in her mind, like a savior.

    As her hands reach the pan Coach grabs her arm.
    -Little lady, I thought I told you not to bake with chitlins!?
    Rochelle scratches her head and rub her pan, Oh yah, I just thought I heard something is all.

    Nick is yelling at Ellis to stop fucking around. Ellis is beating the snot out of a dead clown, it came for him. Nick was just talking about moustacheo being a pussy catching his breath when a clown poped out from the candy apply stand. Ellis laughed until it started to bite his thigh. It was weird, it almost sounded like it said "Keith." when it ripped into Ellis.

    Ellis slammed it down and immedietly started to beat it with his bat. It just ripped his jeans a little, maybe just a little blood. Nick couldnt stand the look on his face as it smashed again and again into the clown.

    -Ellis, Fuck man you need to calm down! Just dont keeping hitting that clown man, I thought you loved em? Nick was trying to make light of the situation, looking around again for the other two straggling behind, far behind schedule.

    The eyes reasoned with the ears, eyelids shadowing time, reflecting like the absent stars obscured with fog of hate. Child scratched its head looking at its reflection in the dogs dead eyes.

    -Hunger. Feed me mommy... Rochelle swings her pan out glancing Coach across his head knocking him out for good. He spits blood and wonder whats for dinner smiling up at Rochelle.

    She screams out racing through the fair, swinghing her pan at nothing. A voice keeps whispering to her.
    -Die me, mommy, die for me. Feed. Feed.

    Ellis stops beating the clown, looking at his shattered bat, he throws into an arcade stand, it screams.
    -Thats it Nick, thats been the secret this whole time!
    Ellis wonders up to the arcade game popping up little mustacheos to bop on the head, lighting his face with a Christmas glow.
    -Ellis you drank too much... Then Nick noticed it. The great mustacheo, it was looking at him with two red eyes marked, 25 cents. They glowed at him, and the little yellow corn cob mustacheos kept poping up, telling him secret answers.

    -AWWWWW LITTLE PEANUTS! Mustacheo told them. They kept staring into the random things popping up, telling them to do things. They saw dreams, wildest fantasies, but tainted, with a bright flashing red light. It aproached them at a crawl, head dragging into the dirt, teeth the size of teddy bear prizes.

    -Ive won my friends. Little guys, I like to cuddle with them. Soft like a prize, my very own. Its voice bled from the lights in the faces of the two stunned men. Dreaming of victory, and a planet, a sky, a blue light, fading, untill the red hit too hard. Nick is the first to notice the truck, that was a cow.

    A very big cow, its nose flexed and fires began too brighten with the air from its breath. Nicks begins to sob and fire his gun at the dragging head, tearing down the booths on its way to him, gathering speed, two dead red eyes blurring with the dirt from its teeth.

    Rochelle comes screaming around the corner, her fire pan held high.
    -Baby must feed! She screams it out as she smacks the giant cow across its face. The frying pan shatterd in glories, and the great mustacheo game exploaded sending the two men on their asses.

    -Dear God! Rochelle, that was amazing! Ellis stands up with the help of the wounded Nick. He got a mustacheo doll in the ass. It just hurt a little, Ellis pulled it out muttering about Keith, Nick, he was a good sport.

    Coach comes crawling around where the giant dead cow layed a few seconds ago, now it was just a flashing red light from a burning pentagram on the fair grounds main way. A few googly eyed teddies shifted from their place on the top shelf, and fell to the ground, a child cringes in their place, playing with its anal cavity, then smelling it.
    -Mustacheo it would whimper and coo.

    Rochelle cries out falling on the coach.
    -Sorry Rochelle, didnt mean to insult your tastes. He vomits up some blood and stands up as Rochelle hands him his mini-uzi.
    -Been saving this for you coach, thanks again for the help. Coach snorts and chambers his gun.
    -Just looking out for my girl, just wait, peach cobbler is coming. MMMMMMM I can tasted it now. With a bloody face Coach smiles up into the roatating ferris wheel. The fun house mirrors where distorting his image, and that of the other three, as the child sucked the broken mustacheo doll, with the brown tip.

  5. Zombie Cat
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    A Funny Little House

    -Its funny Nick, I know I love clowns, but, I just killed one! He laughs again staring into the brightly lit wheel. It was turning above a circle of bodies, and cars, and bikes. All burning bright, with a dark hate that bled, touching the shoes of the group.

    -Id just worry about how to get home. Ahem, Ellis! We need to reach that Ferris Wheel! Concentrate man, the only way through that burning disaster is through the 'Little Shop Of Horror!' He sobs a little rubbing his buttocks. Its going to be rough, but we just have to make it.

    Coach holds Rochelle by the waist. They are ofter nuzzling each other, talking baby talk. Its almost funny, Nick and Ellis have been joking about it for days now it seemed.

    -Okay boys, lets just go on in, no one is stopping us. Rochelle and Da' Coach saunter into the fun house. A black cats open mouth is the entrance, red floor, lined with mirrors.

    Nick is afraid, he looks into the giant glowing green eyes, and smiles. He wishes his kids where here, he misses his family again. Ellis is close behind looking at Nicks wound, wondering about Keith.

    The great maw of the black cats face, slowly closes its mouth behind our group. They dont even notice its teeth clamp perfectly fitting in the grooves. Ellis, to the amusement of everyone is talking about love. He never even once mentioned Keith, he always seemed to be giving Nick furtive glances. No once but Coach seems to notice. He often joins along trying to goose the ellusive Nick, he was cute with his black hat, Da' Coach's personal joke.

    -Well Ellis, thats all good and all but where do you look for love? She snickers as she bumps into coach staring into a mirror, almost past the hanging dead lining the roof of the cats mouth.

    -Hey Ellis look out! Coach lifts Rochelle above his head, and onto his shoulders, they make a frightening image in the mirrors. Wiggling around, laughing and gibbing at their prey.

    -Thats funny that reminds me of this one time, and Ellis. Oh shit look out! Nick fires a couple shots from his revolver into the dead things slowly creeping down on hemp nooses.

    Ellis falls to his knees, grabbing one of the infected by the throat. Quick Nick, he yells, I got em! Nick is confused and Da' Coach turns around dropping Rochelle to her fleet feet. "BOOOM SHACKAH LACKAH!" went the burst from his mini-uzi.

    -All clear baby girl, he rubs his grizzly beard into her stunned face.
    -Thx Coach, just what I needed, she smiles and falls to her knees, helping Ellis up.

    Funny little witches, and black hats all pimped out, with standing black hairs screaming time out. The shadows darkened the lit halls with these images, little trickling sounds like a crying cat, a splated! pumpkin, a wondering witch, would sing to the men, and the lady stilled her head, checking the way ahead. Fantoms singing about stars not unlike the red lights that lit the innards of the fun house, a cats tale. Waving them on, laughing for life, the death was the only one listening.

    -Hark onto meeeeee, whispered the child. It clung to a lung, gasping for air, the little people where looking around, heading for the ass.

    Rochelle, she bled, the trickle did tickle her thighs, and she laughed a little as a flashing light talked to her, telling her of childhood.

    -Hey Rochelle got any more of that milk, Ellis turns around to laugh at her, she is looking into nothing. Hey, just joking. Rochelle?

    She is waiting for a second, and then moves on just waving at Ellis in response.
    Coach stares unabashed at her ass. "well Rochelle, her wimpers to his other head, if you say so, lets just not make a scene.'

    -Hey, yah, Rochelle, heads up! Coach squeezes in next to her, talking into the muzzle of his gun. She holds her head up high, trying to see ahead, its all misty lights, like christmas in december. The sex of Da' Coach lit the way, Ellis, and Nick followed behind, checking the rear.

    As the red floor met the dirt, a black fluffy tale burned. And smeared their vision of the wheel, close up, with the heat, and flames.

    -A fucking BBQ! Well then, good thing I brought the spices, Da' Coach reaches into his fanny pack, a wave a hand. The fires flare a dark blue, lighting up the wheel in green shadows.

    -Hi! Said the wheel. Do you want me? Asked the wheel. Heads on the carts turned around to look at the party. Do you know me asked the heads? The eyes of the heads lit the wheel from their carts. A flaring red, drifting into a shimmering green, talking, like the eyes of a black cat, maw, closed, face, left for dead.

    A sky waited for them with looming clouds, a wind unheard of, kept hushing the fires. A reason was here, it kept looking them in the eye as it shed its body and hid in the piles, of dead things.

    -My reason, the child would scream into its dead things. Is my reason! Its mother was its lover, and it ate her when the witch came, looking for daddy. And it, was your mother. Laughing at you, like your the freak, and im the master. The wheel laughed at the tears of Nick, staring into the ticket stand, asking when the ride will end.

    The witch was watching things from the face of the dark side, of the moon. The witch was watching the boy, dreaming of things to come. And the witch, was the boys fantasy. It bled with his tears reasoning with the sun.

    -Hey Da' Coach! Nick tells him to keep his head down, the fires are flaring bright and keep singing in tunes that burn hairs. Da' Coach figures things out and aproachs the ticket stand...

    A person is wavering there, Coach can hear him in his eyes, as he waves and asks for the answer.

    -Of course, says Ellis, the answer was always the answer. He hands over his ticket, found it from tail pipe of ole blue 22. This one is for you Jimmy. Nick shuffles closer smilling at Coach who just now got the joke.

    The booth exploaded sending them to their knees. Hanging heads, looking down upon the carnival, the destruction fading, then, coming closer. An eye, a wheel, winking at you. Telling you its okay, come closer, tell me your tales. The child wheeling around, watching the halls, drifting in dreams, of dead things.

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    The session is no longer available. :rofl:

  7. Zombie Cat
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    A Lone Peanut

    The wheel was winding down. Ellis and Nick held hands, watching the lights flash by, not even knowing that they are holding hands. The Coach watches Ellis, laughing about Keith, Rochelle bumps him with her elbow.

    -No worries baby, they just like each other. Rochelle smiles to her self rubbing her tummy. Rochelle smiles into the black sky, fires reflecting down upon her wide eyes.
    -Well, looks like the ride is almost over, she reaches over and gives the Coach a wet kiss on his cheek.
    -Its been fun, just wonder how the boys are holding up?

    Nick and Ellis, Ellis and Nick. They have been dreaming, one bleeding from the rectum, one bleeding from his busted thigh. They are having fun, remembering their own personal dreams, concurring nightmares, as they spun around on the big

    -Hey Nick, have anymore of that popcorn, Ellis squeezes his hand.
    -Yah Ellis, its right here. Nick grasps Ellis's hand, they both are dizzy, hanging their heads, mumbling without sounds.

    The Big Wheel creaks to a sudden stop. The party is at the bottom of the roatation, luck for them. They lift their feet into the air, feeling the heat on their soles. And then drop to the ground one at a time, like meeting the sky for the first time.

    -Aw Nick, shit. I think I shit my self, hahah, no shit...
    -Hey Ellis, thats shitty! Nick rubs his poor rectum, luaghing out loud.

    The group looks around noticing the lolly pop stand for the first time. It was burning on the edge of the circle, laughing at the party, gasping for the wheel.
    The burning lollies made the fire hint at other colors. Rainbows of such, heated their eyeballs, burning their lashes. Rain coughed into their lungs as the exhaled the heat from this burning candy firebow.

    Coach reaches into his pouch, and pulls out his m.uzi, spraying the crazy candy stand. It blows up, sending candy sparkle into the air, like the 4th of July. A cooling red lolly pop is falling to the earth. Coach catches it by the white stick, and hands it to his love.

    -Oh no! Coach, I love you. She smiles into the warm melted red candy, and slowly begins to suck it.
    -Rochelle! Da' Coach laughs to himself. Save that for later...

    About this time the wind flares along the burning shit, showing the party the path. Easy as day the cringe along, losing most of their clothes in the singing fires. Oh, the sweet ass on Nick, it was getting all sweaty and red, a drop of blood always waiting, always watching.

    -Hey Nick, you gonna eat that? Ellis is hungering after nicks black cherry, he found a candy heart, with one left, a black cherry chocolate. His favorite. Nick, um you gonna eat that? He asks again drooling after Nicks, hehe, black cherry candy.

    Nick is humping along, trying to see what the fuck is going on. The fire burns his hair, and his poor little nose is all smoked out.
    -Ellis, shut the fuck up man! I cant even see where im going, and your fucking trying to get my candy! No fucking way man, just try not to burn to death you son of a bitch!
    -Aw Nick, you dont understand man! Ellis cringes just behind Nick as a huge sheet of windy rain flares into their burning path.

    The flesh begins to cook a little, all in smearing white skulls, drenched in black suet, the fires sang along out of the mouths of the dead. Calling for them in fire whispers, a forked tongue tasting them as then inhaled the inferno for the last time.

    -Hey Nick, you hungry!? Coach smiles to him his eyes red like the flames, hungering for the meat.
    -Aw, no Coach, just ate! He pops the chocolate cherry into his mouth, and swirls the flavored cocca beans, and sugery spices. Im just fine.

    Ellis is staggered by the glory of Nick. Son of a bitch, could of left me a bite at least. Ellis snickers to himself, Ill get you yet...

    The path is blocked, by a lone nut. A corn seed, the size of a man, hissing at them with the rising heat.

    -Aw shit! Ellis screams, look the fuck out man, its gonna blow!
    -No Ellis, I got this. Coach approaches the lone nut. Hey nut, eat this! He pulls out his Uzi, and sprays the leering dead hanging over the fire path, watching with burning red eyes.

    They all fall down, causing the pop corn seed to begin to expand.
    -Get the fuck back! Rochelle grabs Nick his eyes looking into hers, the make it just in time as the blockade blows up into white snow flakes.

    -Hey, tastes like, ranch style. Da'Coach holds his tongue out catching the drifting popcorn. Need some garlic salt, a little chitlins, aw you know the story baby girl. He lovingly grasps Rochelle by her vag. between the cheecks, from behind, their special spot.

    -Oh Coach she wimpers. Smiling up into the falling white popcorn, tears in her wee little peepers.

    Nick and Ellis, Ellis and Nick. They run around in the bright flames, path ending into a grotto. A high cliff, smilling black clouds leading into cool blue whispers, drifting lingering puffy white, smearing into the cold holding blue sky. Stars, hiding in the cliff sides, leading into misty fathoms, dead ones, flying along like sheep. Oh they did laugh, and bleed onto the scene with running fluids, staining the perfect picture with their pleads for glory, and death.

    Peering down into the misty white clouds swirling around amonng the fathomless cliffs, the boys talked about things to come. Excited like school children on the eve of summer. A shimmering light told them to come closer, not to worry. They look into the stars walking over the abyss.

    About the same time Coach and Rochelle stumble into the clearing, all naked. Their clothes long gone, staring at each other in the eye, lips spreading into a clear white grin. The time was now, Coach had a massive errection. Rochelle stuck her rump out, and they touched, only a sigh.

    -Oh man now im really hungry! Da' Coach laughs then stops suddenly. Noticing Nick and Ellis walking over the edge of what apears to be a massive sea side cliff.
    At the last second Coach saw Nick, spread his butter buns, he drooled.

    -Hey Coach!? Rochelle smacks him on his head. Humph, those boys just walked off the side of that cliff, Da' Coach says scratching his ass.

    Then wind flare along cool glistening white mist, flapping Coach's butt cheeks. He smiles again into the eyes of Rochelle. All dusted with white ash, tears making the contrasts like, beauty.

    -Hey Rochelle? Got any more milk!? He smiles into the cliff side walking into the misty fathoms, letting himself drop, face first, his enormous errection ejected him, giving him enough pop to do a 160, and smile at her as the winds blew him.

  8. I've done my time
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    O_O Um.... You.... Er...

  9. Zombie Cat
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    The Creeping Blackness

    She held her head up high, and wished she had her frying pan, that black buet. it was one of her loves. A passion, others, and especially the children, adored her for her fried beans, such recipies she would invent on a whim.

    Her pan, was dead, left in the remains of the great electric beast. Eyes still twitching, in the revolving head of the lifeplus doll, dreaming of fire storms, and day dreams of wild days, and lofty nights. Sighs it let out, waiting for her to assemble her pan, her lost dreams, just waiting for her, like, a dreamy wet scone, with hot chocholate, drenched it warming cream.

    -My God she wimpers into the scream of calming cool air. I wish, I wish, I was a fish. She laughs to herself as she looks down into the blue, white, black, abyss. The depths whisper to her of despair, a quenched hope, lost like murky mud. And the flareing blue sky, warmed her, and told her of forgiveness, beckoning her on, a lost lover, really, really, missing her.

    The sky forgave her, telling her its okay to move on, to step forward. She laughed a little the hate in her heart agreeing, as she ran for the cliff side. A dead thing grasped her ankles, bitting into her healthy white ass.

    -Pfffffft her vag. said. Dispelling the vampire ghoul, python. It was stunned, she bit into its forehead, just above the widening eyes. OMG the snake, woman, thing, screamed.

    -Im a man damn you!! Her vag. raved, giving the dead thing a one, two, combo, from her sweet libia. Da' Coach was rubbing himself for no reason, tumbling down in the cloudy abyss.

    She was dreaming of fying pan, just now ready, heats up. Ding, oh look, a peanut, all sweated and ready to be served. Ding, she said do her self, her flaps of ultraviolet skin giving her, angle, and the dangel met the sky. Dreaming of things to come, a worm popped up, and said hi.

    She was floating, no, flying in the great yonder. Like, a drifting wish, on the great earth's, dandruff. A gratefull brezze tweaked her naked nips, making her ass cheaks goose up. Oh my she often said into the invisable frying pan, making faces at god knows who.

    Feeling her way into the dark abyss, all light left her wondering eyes. Oh my, she said agian into her flaring white invisable pan.

    -Hey Ellis, hands off the goods, comes a cry from the darkness.
    -Sorry Coach, thought you where someone else...
    -Oh God! My fucking ass!!!! Nick fell on a sharp bone, or something, it went right up that spot. Telling him things, whispering to him of things to come.

    After a time, Da'Coach whispering into Nicks ears the whole time. "Its A OKAY Nicky, just relax!" As Ellis removed the obstruction from Nicks ass, the same goddamn wound, Nick mutters to himself again and again.

    -Your fucking kidding me!? Rochelle walks up with he shinning bright, invisbile white pan. And with one daft donky punch, she removes the skull from Nicks sweet anal cavity. She throws it to the ground, and is exploades, exicting da' coach, he fires his M. Uzi destroying the remains of the skull with bright flashing red lights, his eyes bled.

    A creeping, lingering fog, whispered into the deep abysmall caves they fell in. Growing larger, and beckoning them on, with green fog like, finger tips, and licking tounges, in faces always changing. It died off then leaving them on their own, like floundering lost fish, in a dried up dusty desert lake.

    The darkness was talking to Keith, he was waiting for them in the dark caverns, looking into the dreams of dark cherries, and mumbling drolling faces, of Ellis.

    -Hey Nick? Got my back man? You know im on yours, just stay close dude... Dont try to run off, we are in it to win it right? Nick is slowly making his way on with the party, feeling his way through the black caves, watching the twitching red, white, red, light, from the pan, that Rochelle imagined she held up high, lighting the way ahead.

    Nicky da card player was playing the odds here, all in black suits, crisp orange, yellow, ties. Waiting up to the eyes, all red, white, and blue following Rochelle, and her famed pan. With this darkeness he had a chance to secretly check his ass, his wound was hurting him, and it was dripping wet, with wet.

    A static, was dripping into them, as the pan flickerd and shined, now faltering, with the static, of the TV.

    -Monster Truck Madness! Elllis is fucking stoked, he runs to the TV, and sits in front of it, shit knows why, the dark cave flickered, and shined.

    The turns where tight, the truck show kept him rapt, and Keith crept closer, hiding in the flikering light, shadow. Evan the man known as Coach, shaded his wee peepers. In the caves the blind bat, shed its eyes, watcing the flickering, blinding light, shadowing its egg sac.

    Looking down on the man, the men, the woman, shed her pan, as it was useless. Lost all its light, its shine was wasted, and noid. It clanged to the rockside, alerting the party to the waiting doom, in the blackness, Keith, he whispered into the light of a doodlebug, it was dieing, and lingering in the dim doom of the failing caverns, and abysmal fathoms.

    They tried along, testing the festing dark caves, lingering lights, shadows, laughing and teasing them. Along the way, a testy song told Ellis of Keith, again, he sang, "thisi won time me and Keirth!" None even lifted their eyes from the drifting blackness, showing them things, like lost dreams.

    Slow noises, like, fluttering wings, and twittering legs, made the party wonder at the darkness. Looking at them, as the felt along the dark hole, leading them, down, with an upward slope.

    -Ellis? Rochelle is feeling scared, such noises didnt settle well with her and her dead pan. She wondered at Ellis, feeling his sorror, relating to his lost misery. Ellis? She again looks into the dark caverns, the dripping water oftenly startling her. Her face was lost to me, in this cavern. Looking up, into the abyss waiting for them, below.

    Ellis still looking into the TV, that was not there. His eyes where rotating, like a dizzy spell, around and around it went. He heard her, and was smelling milk, with his ass. Oh, he thought, ive been watching this for too long, they are waiting for me.

    Keith is just above him, dripping bloody drool onto him. Ellis thinks its the pitter patter of the water lining the caves. But it tastes funny to him, as Keith closes in, looking him into the eyes, like the TV he thought he was watching.

    Rochelle stumbles into Keith noticing Ellis, thinking Keith was nothing, it broke the stare.

    -Holy shit Rochelle, I thought about you, and this one time... At this time Keith roars grabbing Rochelle by her neck and breaking it like a twig, she twitches with we legs, making funny sounds.

    Coach is running backwards looking for Rochelle, he felt her wanting him, or someone. And he found her dead, looking into the blackness, with bright shinnning white eyes. He pulls out his M.Uzi and sprays the darkness screaming, bullets take Keith in the face, and Ellis took two in the neck spraying blood.

    The skitterig skatterig bug, twittled along the glowing black, lighting the rocks of the caves, only little cracks, smelling, and sniffing for you, and yours. Oh the time was ticking like the droppings of flakey wings, left for dead, from the bugs that would wonder, and wander in the dark, calling, teasing, tasting, for the left for dead. Wondering, one man with an Uzi, useless, its almost dry, another with a shining revolver, its empty, just nightmares light its dark chambers.

    Calling, "Hello?!" the crying cat wailed against the rising dark, and the setting sun. Windows cracked, looking into the shining prisems of light, we see it, the story, glistening, and cutting into the dark shadows cast by the lingering, wanting leafs, of the near by tree.

    Sweet reasons why. And why they ask. Why is the blood dripping and shinning from me. Oh the memories, of , everyone. Telling Ellis, "Its okay man!" Just let your head go, he drolls a river of blood, and the darkness is his solice. Whispering to him of forlorn dreams, of, the nightmares, and the fantisies.

    Coach is looking at Ellis, screaming slilent bloody screams. Ellis shatters the rocks, and inhales the bright fluids, dotting the science. Air, screamed at Rochelle, she smiles inside, grasping the rainbow. It laughs with her as they all scream, even the dead sing the same song. All is silent then, waiting for the drop, of rain, or blood. Then they all laugh, and the caverns colapse, and in the all encompesing sunlight, with satin bears, and velvet porpuses, they dance, And love, and all was okay. For now...

  10. I've done my time
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    When the world is going to end, grab some painpills!

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