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Thread: VS. Reward the best player .

  1. Junior Member
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    The problem with being far away from teamates and your points slowly decreasing is what if all your teamates are dead?

  2. Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by futballstar View Post
    The problem with being far away from teamates and your points slowly decreasing is what if all your teamates are dead?
    then they don't count of course
    if you've ever been far away from the rest of the team, you may have noticed that the game knows you're nowhere near them. the characters will say things like " hey where are you guys? " but they don't say that when you're the last person alive (as far as i've noticed.) so if they can get characters to say specific things, they should be able to decrease your points if you're far away, but not if everyone else is dead. and not if you're dead of course
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
    set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  3. Junior Member
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    Ok i see what you mean but the hero points shouldn't decrease from being far away, it's you who gets punished because you are the straggler by being killed. The hero points should decrease from the 3 remaining Survivors if you are KILLED. If they are far away that's his/her problem.

  4. Junior Member
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    The reason I say that the 3 remaining survivors lose hero points because what if the player was new and wasn't that good and his teamates who were experienced players just took off? That would make the player discouraged. I mean, its's not his fault he can't tell them he's new because his mic isn't working, it's the part of sticking with each other and watching each others back.

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    Quote Originally Posted by futballstar View Post
    The reason I say that the 3 remaining survivors lose hero points because what if the player was new and wasn't that good and his teamates who were experienced players just took off? That would make the player discouraged. I mean, its's not his fault he can't tell them he's new because his mic isn't working, it's the part of sticking with each other and watching each others back.
    you have a good point there, maybe it wouldn't count it if you where behind them, you only lose points for being too far ahead.
    that was mainly meant to stop that one player who always runs off alone and dies, not only does that really hurt the rest of the team, i hate having to listen to them screaming the entire game because i didn't run halfway through the map to save them.
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
    set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  6. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny023 View Post
    you have a good point there, maybe it wouldn't count it if you where behind them, you only lose points for being too far ahead. that was mainly meant to stop that one player who always runs off alone and dies, not only does that really hurt the rest of the team, i hate having to listen to them screaming the entire game because i didn't run halfway through the map to save them.

    Well.. Honestly i would just like to keep the point system simple. As in you would get one hero point everytime you protected, saved, healed and deffi'd a survivor. Basically rewarding the 'BEST" player for the round with the abilty to pick what S.I.s they would like to play as next round.

    As far as newbs or jackass's in public games. Well, you can either luv them or leave them. Either try and boot them or just deal with it,,

    Now someone said that some players would constantly be spawning as a charger... Fine by me. Chargers are mostly useless depending on the situation. So spawning as a charger all the time could cause more problems than help. I myself would not pick the charger unless the moment called for it. As far as newbies slow reaction time to chargers,,,,Boot them if they become a problem.

    Fact is it doesn't matter who someone picks. But if they do decide to pick the same one and over. Its their choice. And no matter what their choice is, it can be easily countered if they become to predictable or mess up.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  7. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny023 View Post
    you have a good point there, maybe it wouldn't count it if you where behind them, you only lose points for being too far ahead.
    that was mainly meant to stop that one player who always runs off alone and dies, not only does that really hurt the rest of the team, i hate having to listen to them screaming the entire game because i didn't run halfway through the map to save them.
    Ya being behind them wouldn't decrease your hero points only if you were ahead. We finally reached an agreement!!

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Ok people, we have a new l4d system, now to wait until it gets approved and installed.
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  9. Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    Well.. Honestly i would just like to keep the point system simple. As in you would get one hero point everytime you protected, saved, healed and deffi'd a survivor. Basically rewarding the 'BEST" player for the round with the abilty to pick what S.I.s they would like to play as next round.
    ** majority of quote removed to shorten my wall of text **

    i'd be happy with a simple point system, although i personally would prefer a more complex one. as long as it isn't too hard to understand, i can just see people with a simple one, trying to get points for "protecting" a teammate with a auto shotgun, and half killing their teammate.

    well, the problem with the charger would be it's almost a guaranteed 25 damage to one survivor and a possible 10 to all 3 of the others. while it doesn't sound like much, that's just if it's killed instantly. in a pub game, they are almost never killed before they do a good 60-70 damage. so i think they would be a bit overpowered in public games if you could infinitely spawn as them, but that's just my opinion.

    same goes for the rest of the infected, although they are not as bad. if a player is good with that infected, they could easily do 50+ damage every life in a pub game, that would completely remove the other team's chances of winning. now, that would actually take skill, you would have to be good with that infected to do that, so i'm ok with that, but it would cause a lot of people to quit.

    and L4D is all about teamwork, not getting your favorite infected and killing the other team by yourself, so only choosing your favorite once every 3 lives sounds like a better idea to me, you still get to choose your infected, just not the same one, stopping it from being too overpowered, and not completely getting rid of the teamwork part of the game

    Quote Originally Posted by futballstar View Post
    Ya being behind them wouldn't decrease your hero points only if you were ahead. We finally reached an agreement!!
    uh... why do you sound like it was hard to make me agree?
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
    set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  10. Junior Member
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    uh... why do you sound like it was hard to make me agree? [/QUOTE]
    I dunno.

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