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Thread: The New Idea Bout L4D3

  1. I've done my time
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    Thumbs up The New Idea Bout L4D3

    You start the campaign by yourself. You battle your way through a city, where you start meeting up with the other survivors, two in each campaign. (So that's only two campaigns.) After you complete 'Gathering Mode,' Other Three campaigns [unlocked] now bring you a new element. Real-time Rescue and Recruitment. The Finale ends by your actions, whether you save any people or not. Well, I know this sounds a bit wayside, but the truth is, it's time Valve put their Zombie Apocalypse to a whole new level.
    The Recruitment thing works like this : IF you succeed, you now have a temporary member. The more people you save, the bigger the number. If you do fail, they will be killed ; infected is another possibility. Well, the game shouldn't save the people when you start playing next time, since that wouldn't quite make sense if you're making another run.

    Overlord says: lol dude thats a great idea, but how about this? at the begging all 4 players are playing similtaniesly on diff maps, each fighting small amounts of zombies (more depending on difficulty level set) and then they start meating up, at the end of the first level 2 survivors meet up in a safe house, mabey they could even have cutscenes showing them meatingup, that would be cool, then as a partnership they set out for more survivers, then the two groups meet up and again, cutscene. they then go searching for MORE survivoirs and find people who they temporarily recruit, mabey one of them might (randomly selected) be infected and you have to make a deceision on wether to take them on with you, however you never know which of they different survivors are infected and so its a risk to take on one of them. You them have to take them to the nearest safehouse and there you drop them off. But your idea is great and i just trying to expand on it. Im not to sure about multiple ending but i guess it COULD work, this is a survival game after all not a RPG. But i will stay nutreul on the multi ending and see what other ppl say. OPAH!

    - Any Thoughts?

    I am open to ALL comments.
    When the world is going to end, grab some painpills!

  2. On the way to greater things
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    lol dude thats a great idea, but how about this? at the begging all 4 players are playing similtaniesly on diff maps, each fighting small amounts of zombies (more depending on difficulty level set) and then they start meating up, at the end of the first level 2 survivors meet up in a safe house, mabey they could even have cutscenes showing them meatingup, that would be cool, then as a partnership they set out for more survivers, then the two groups meet up and again, cutscene. they then go searching for MORE survivoirs and find people who they temporarily recruit, mabey one of them might (randomly selected) be infected and you have to make a deceision on wether to take them on with you, however you never know which of they different survivors are infected and so its a risk to take on one of them. You them have to take them to the nearest safehouse and there you drop them off. But your idea is great and i just trying to expand on it. Im not to sure about multiple ending but i guess it COULD work, this is a survival game after all not a RPG. But i will stay nutreul on the multi ending and see what other ppl say. OPAH!

  3. I've done my time
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    Oh, yeah! Thnx man, I'll add that in.
    When the world is going to end, grab some painpills!

  4. Banned
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    I have a new idea!
    How about all these L4D3 threads stop popping up? Just add it to one of the 5 MILLION l4d3 threads already out there...please.

  5. Zombie Rat
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    The only issue with starting on your own is the special infected. It's fairly easy to get smokered/pounced/chargered/jockeyed to death and have no way of saving yourself because there is no one to help.

  6. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Robotnik View Post
    The only issue with starting on your own is the special infected. It's fairly easy to get smokered/pounced/chargered/jockeyed to death and have no way of saving yourself because there is no one to help.
    ya but point being either 1 there is a way to get em off by urself in the new game (button mashing or whatever) or 2.) there wont be any special infected in the first bit.

  7. Zombie Rat
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    My Thoughts on L4D3 would to have a party of four qualified survivors, like a bunch of marines and some police officers. At this point you just let them run through odd locations, like random estates apartment complexes, maybe one huge ass open field. and through the usual L4D events at them.
    Weird stuff....

  8. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayli View Post
    I have a new idea!
    How about all these L4D3 threads stop popping up? Just add it to one of the 5 MILLION l4d3 threads already out there...please.
    couldn't have put it better myself, will everyone stop talking about a l4d3 please, its ridiculous that we still haven't even got the dlc covered for the 1st and 2nd game, plus everyone would just bitch if they released another one so soon, so just wait until they are done with the 1st 2 games please

    these are ridiculous threads, keep your ideas to yourselves until l4d3 is announced... if that ever happens
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]moneymurphy AKA the BoomersBestFriend
    (Fighting for survival on the journey home...)

  9. Just getting started
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    awesome ideas i thought about that also. here are some ideas for uncommon infected; babies (lulz), older people, haven't seen any of those yet, unless i'm just not paying attention. maybe some of them can run on all fours? people all seem to have darker hair, maybe include redheads, and blondes. Give the special infected more variety in clothing or more severe mutations. i think the screamer would be pretty neat, they could give him a bright white straight jacket so hes not impossible to catch. and uh i think everyones thinking this, can they start biting and clawing us soon, i kind of feel bullied when they curb stomp and bitch slap me, arent they hungry? :P plz no flaming just let us run around with our imaginations pouring out

  10. Just getting started
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    my l4d3 would consist of zombies from outside space. and a sexy lady by the name of lola.

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