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Thread: mutation review

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    mutation review

    just showing my opinion on the mutations

    1) realism versus: a great idea through and through. it goes a long way to making the infected team stronger and making sure that survivor stupidity is punished accordingly

    2) bleed out: i wasnt as crazy about this as others were. but its still a fun and challenging twist to campaign. while i dont understand on why a constant horde is needed, it seemed a little fun to RLH

    3) follow the litre: pretty bad IMO. what it does is force the survivors to bunch together constantly which all but nullifies most infected attacks. the beauty of the 2 teams of 2 strategy for the infected is that they could counter it rather well and do real damage. that and while the mutation claims otherwise, the infected dont know any more about the gas can's whereabouts than the survivors. which makes ambushing almost out of the question

    any thoughts?

  2. Join Date
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    1. Never played it.

    2. Had fun with it for the week it was around, but wouldnt vote for permanent placement.

    3. I like it. Just saying that much.

  3. Senior Member
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    1) Like it.

    2) Crap.

    3) I want Realism Scavenge instead.

  4. Just getting started
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    1. Too difficult, not very fun. You get one bad team mate and lose the round.

    2. Best so far. I love playing with zero health when the screen goes black and white, gets the heart racing.

    3. Maybe too easy, but still fun to play. It does help the Survivors work better as a team.

  5. Been around a bit
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    1. Awesome and fun. I'm glad this is becoming permanent.

    2. Very challenging, especially on Expert (which is the only difficulty I played it on). I really liked this one. Not something I'd like to be permanent, but I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

    3. Haven't played it, but it doesn't sound very good. Then again, I've never been much of a Scavenge fan.

  6. Feet under the table
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    1. Not all that hot playing on Realism in general but had some fun with this. Voted for it to be permanent.

    2. Actually, I quite liked this. I liked the urgency of it, even though it forces you to rush through the game a bit.

    3. Still not had time to play this but will definitely have a round tomorrow afternoon. Haven't played a single game of Scavenge before, so I guess we'll see how I feel about it.
    Exorcising demons with a creative touch

  7. Junior Member
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    1) I liked it the few times i played it, but wouldn't have made it a permanent mode, like as someone said before, one bad teammate and the team fails...

    2) Liked it a lot... put a little urgency to the game so you had to keep moving..

    3) Since i never really played Scavenge before, I think this was cool... I think the reg Scavenge is better tho since more strategy is needed and kinda easier for the infected, where teams go 2 and 2...

  8. Zombie Rat
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    1) Like it. I voted yes to keep it around.

    2) I like it. I kind of wish they will bring it back for another week.

    3) I think it is really cool. It encourages randoms to not leave their team mates behind. Something that happens way too often in normal scavenge mode.
    X-Box Live Gamer Tag: gabrielzer0
    That is a zero at the end not the letter "o".

  9. Feet under the table
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    1) realism versus: Never been one for Vs before so only played this once, but I did vote for it to be permanent for you guys, and if it does become permanent I'll play it more.

    2) bleed out: I enjoyed this apart from everyone I played it with was stupidly rushy, would like to see it pop up again for a week

    3) follow the litre: I'm liking this although it's been stupidly easy to get all 16 cans so far, but it makes everyone work as a team on both sides as you don't get some smart arse trying to do the furthest can away on his/her own

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