Okay so L4D3 HAS been announced and so i just wanna know....what are some of your ideas for campaign locations/concepts <>here let's try this<>

Location(city,state, or just a general environment):
A steep mountain in rural Tennessee

Concept(what are the survivors headed for?):
A helipad they spotted from a small house at the base of the mountain (hoping to signal a nearby helicopter)

Special Features(uncommon common, variations on SI, do they meet any other survivors):
uncommon common are normal infected with rock climbing gear, the tanks are modeled after lumberjacks, and eventually meet up with a biologist who has locked herself into a log cabin (she has a key to a fence that you must unlock to proceed)

Chapters(how many and where):
4 Chapters...Base of the Mountain,System of Caves,Steep Incline, Helipad

Final Stand(where does it take place):
In the radio station at the helipad...Survivors must continue to call the copter and survive while zombies swarm into the 2 story house

THE NAME (and tag-line): Dead Man's Peak<What goes up must come down>