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Thread: Where's the funniest place a Witch has ever spawned for you?.

  1. Just getting started
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    Once the Witch spawned in a bathroom... my friend and I were looking SO hard for her. And eventually my friend startled her, and I found her in the bathroom. Of course, I was dumb about it, and opened the bathroom door the opposite way, and the Witch incapacitated my poor friend XD

  2. On the way to greater things
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    I haven't actually had a funny or weird witch encounter ever, but I was watching my friend play Dark Carnival, and the witch was right in the doorway of the safehouse. He startled the witch just for being there, but the AI team mates killed her off (yes, he was playing single player).

  3. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    I had a Witch spawn on a table in Dark Carnival once. I failcr0wned it before Betty had chance to take a photo, and she yelled at me for like ten minutes.

    Seriously. Betty gets cranky if you ruin her fun. I'm actually scared of her.

  4. Junior Member
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    During the L4D2 demo, she was right in the doorway of the safe room as i ran for my life because i was the last person standing. I think i managed to scare it, run around the bus, then get into the saferoom

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Yesterday on Dead Center Chap 2 the Witch spawned at the beginning of the level near the Police Car on versus. As it turns out one of us decides to throw a pipe bomb to kill off the horde, and once the pipe blew up it startled the witch. After like a minute of looking for her, we realized she was stuck in-between the Police car and the fence. She was just standing there, arms spread out with a angry face. We just shot her with the shottie and left her there :rofl:

  6. Chicago Ted
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    One spawned in Dead Center 4, right off the bat. I look in the bathroom and see her kneeling by the urinal (which has some pills)
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
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  7. Just getting started
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    it was funny to me
    me and my friends were playing at the Hard Rain and was waterlogged and had a witch in the water I did not see her and she started funny and I caught the wall and suffered damage after I killed her I was dead out of nowhere

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    One spawned in Dead Center 4, right off the bat. I look in the bathroom and see her kneeling by the urinal (which has some pills)
    In versus? I didn't like the spawn at the bottom of the elevator, but that one just sounds pointless since you could walk right past it.

    I'm not sure why the game doesn't like spawning witches in finales in L4D2... as far as I know the only finales that can spawn witches are Dead Center, No Mercy and Dark Carnival. I suppose that's a different topic though.

    Anyway, another weird place I had one spawn was on top of a food/concession stall somewhere in Dark Carnival... either The Fairgrounds or The Barns. I had to shoot her for the lulz.

    Also, one spawned in Dead Center 1, at the end of the first hallway. I was shooting commons right ouside of the saferoom and didn't expect one to spawn that early. Didn't want to get incapped so I jumped off one of the ledges, and my team killed her with melee and I only took about ten damage. Then when it was our infected turn she spawned in front of some fire and killed herself . I think Ringo remembers this.
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  9. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    I had a Witch spawn on a table in Dark Carnival once. I failcr0wned it before Betty had chance to take a photo, and she yelled at me for like ten minutes.

    Seriously. Betty gets cranky if you ruin her fun. I'm actually scared of her.
    true story...
    Im still pissed off about that.

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  10. I've done my time
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    I've had a witch spwn in the water in SwaFev i couldnt see her and she got startled by me. Luckily i wasnt on Expert.

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