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Thread: Funniest Way You Died?

  1. Zombie Cat
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    Once I was playing NM finale and my brother was in the chopper while I was waiting for te slow bots. We are on advanced so they arent donig good. They end up incaped and as soon as I start to jump in BAM! rock in the face from outa now where. As the chopper leaves me behind I see a Tank on the corner of the roof under the chopper.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The_friendly_smoker View Post
    On the first level of No Mercy, I have occasionally been a victim of the 'instakill car' as a hunter. It's the army vehicle that is partly crashed through the ground floor hall of the apartments, and whenever a hunter (and possibly other SI) touches it, they instantly die.
    You mean the "Heart Attack Hummer"? lol Same thing happens to survivors.

  3. Just getting started
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    Funniest way I died? I have too many! One time on Dark Carnival, me and my friend were running on the Screamin' Oak. My friend went down the slope but a Smoker caught me and pulled me off the track leaving me hanging. My friend (who was Coach at the time) had a Hunter on her, so the A.I (Nick and Ellis) teleported down the slope leaving me hanging at the top. The bad thing is that the A.I couldn't even save my friend and just stood there and watch her die. Then they did the same to me until I fell down. I would post some more stories, but I forgot.

  4. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonshadow View Post
    You mean the "Heart Attack Hummer"? lol Same thing happens to survivors.
    I do - how strange!
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    Immz & I were screwing around in No Mercy [as Infected] & we were trying to get to this platform on the roof. & I jumped over it.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    I actually spawned as tank falling to my death on Dead Center.

    Also. At thr end of Dead Center 2, we were screwig around eth the door, taunting the other team. They actually managed to get a charger in there, followed by a hunter as we were dealing with the charger. We were all at low health and didn't bother healing before so they ended up killing us in the safe room. We were do far ahead in points we didn't really care and just laughed.

  7. Just getting started
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    In the finale of swamp fever(expert) I was on the Turret will the AI's just standing there shooting with pistols instead of more powerful weapons, but what i didnt know is there are 3 tanks behind me(glitch), one of the tanks knocks off one of the AI Survivors which when he hit the floor he became incapped while the other tank knocks me off and only have still have half life left. the boat finally comes and I ran to the boat to see a tank spinning in circles as if he's stuck. I ran to the boat and i acidental touched the tank and it instantly killedme. do you think there something going on with my game.

  8. Regular Joe Member
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    Dead Center I fell in the Window hahahaha

  9. Zombie Cat
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    The funniest death story I have was me it was my brother. We were on HR 2. Its was versus and he spawned as a Tank. Since we were offline you can only have one special infected at a time. Unless you run the Tank's control meter all the way down. Then you spawn as whatever. He did that in one of the mobile trailers. But then I noticed the AI Tank wasnt coming out even though I was shooting him. I walk in, and he had gotten the Tank stuck behind a table. I shot him in the face with a Desert Eagle. It was realy funny.

  10. I've done my time
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    I got a couple of good ones, but nothing tops what happens to my friend. A little back story. Me and said buddy in question (hence known as Victim) have a mutual buddy from college (hence known as Oblivious). Me being young, optimistic, and full of myself as a player, took it upon myself to turn oblivious into a quality l4d player of stature to myself. Ok, maybe not EQUAL to me. I'm kinda great, and that's a pretty tall order to fill. Anyways, back to the story.

    Me, Victim, Oblivious, and our other mild-mannered partner in crime (hence know as Bunny) were playing l4d on NM finale. We were trailing more that usual because we were teaching Oblivous the ropes. Without him, easy domination. We had a slight lead. We were coming out of the ladder, the one were the instant kills are, and we didn't run into the usual instant kill. However, we were met with resistance. And to this day, I never remembered how me or Bunny let the next events transpire.

    At some point, me and Bunny ended up on the helipad. Maybe one of us got pulled off? I don't know. Oblivious and Victim were left on the top by the ladder. Although the ambush was foiled, Victim lay incapped. Luckily, Oblivous was there to help....Right?

    Victim asked for help. Oblivous stood staring over the edge...No response. Victim thought maybe he was clearing out left over horde. A smart move. Seconds pass.... This time me and Bunny join in. We plead with Oblivous to help him up. Time is running short and Victim is fading. Victim's tone grows more dense....Frustation sets in. Oblvious, still pondering his next move, looks around vehemently....and LEAPS FROM THE ROOFTOP TO THE HELIPAD!!!!! In unison we cry out, "OBLIVIOUS WTF?!?!?" To our utter dismay, he responds, "Wut?"

    Victim, to this day, is deeply scarred by the events that transpired that day. Our fate, as one could imagine, was sealed. We lost that game by a sliver. A friendship died that day, along with Victim coincidentally. Was it worth it? Maybe. Maybe not. But where I come from, friends don't let friends die on rooftops. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE WITHIN EARSHOT OF ONE ANOTHER!!!!

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