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Thread: Funniest Way You Died?

  1. Just getting started
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    The funniest way i died... Heh..

    1. I was on L4D with my firend and we where trying to do ADV So we where going into the safe house again cause of a tank right outside of it. Yes i know tanks can break down the first safe house door but.... When we entered the safe house a boomer was in it [MAGICAL SPAWNING BOOMER *brick'd*] It threw up on ALL of us and soon enough the tank killed us but threw me out of the safe house killing me from the Fall+ the fact a horde was raeping me.
    I was on a silent hill map Add-on xDD

    2. This was me being random with the spawn cheat with a few of my firends. Since we wanted to do random crap on survival. So my firend gose into the lighthouse and while shes there i spawn 4 witches RIGHT ON HER...but instead of her getting attacked i got killed and i had my flashlight off and everything. Then after i respawn I walk over to the house to find the witch trying to escape but failing so i tried to take a screen shot but got killed AGIAN. Another time i respawn i aviod the house and my firend spawns 3 tanks behind me...they trow me off the cliff....Then somehow i dont know what happened i glitched and live so im walking around thus glitched area...and notice TEE END OF TEE WORLD!! Im serious the water stoped i think i have a screenie idk,....but ohlawd...XDDD and somehow when i go by the end of the world area i die.

    3. My team died safe house right there...but right in the door way...witch i mean..WTF....this was an add on map i forgot which one....So i do my 'lolrun' and somehow make it...but the door woulnt close and then witch go rage and kill me.
    I love south park, APH, Mabinogi, L4D, G-mods, AVP. ಠ 3ಠ

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Someone tricked me during the lighthouse survival map. Said if you jump up the corner of the fence, you can get out of the map. I shrugged and said why not.

    ...Was not the case. If you jump in the corner, you fall to your death despite being 2 feet off the ground.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    Someone tricked me during the lighthouse survival map. Said if you jump up the corner of the fence, you can get out of the map. I shrugged and said why not.

    ...Was not the case. If you jump in the corner, you fall to your death despite being 2 feet off the ground.
    We've got to do that shit!


  4. Junior Senior Member
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    Not my death, but a topper nonetheless. Me and the people I normally play with were running the parish finale. For whatever reason, we stopped and stood for a minute. One guy was standing over the edge by the pile of gravel, and a hunter pounce. He flew off the bridge to his death. Tried to replicate this on many occasions, it was the greatest thing ever. Wish I had been capping.

  5. Just getting started
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    Tank pwns me on bridge

    I was playing the Parish on the bridge and a tank just kind of threw me off xD I look behind me like what the fu- and BAM. Yeah, pretty much.

  6. Community Staff
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    Eh, this thread is a few days inactive but might as well post.

    I just played through all the L4D campaigns for the first time (W00T!!! was so much fun!! !) And I was about to run across one of the plank bridges on "Dead Air" To another roof top, when I just magically fell down (I wasn't jumping up at the time) and didn't even grab onto the ledge. ._.

    I lol'd a bit after that, considering Zoey and Francis were both dead. so my sister (Bill) had to make a run for it to go get them out of the closet LOL!!! was great. I think thats the only time I died. xD then again, we were playing Easy. oh, and I did kill Zoey.. haha.. in the gas station.. xD my sister told me it'd explode, but I thought only a LITTLE bit.. anyway, the AI was under it and it sort of collapsed on her~~

  7. Junior Member
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    i played some Crash course on expert, with friend.We were rushing, and then smoker catch me, next bomer vomited on me and hunter pounced on me.Nice fatality hah.

  8. Chicago Ted
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    MY GRANDPA DIED THAT WAY... all of those ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  9. Chicago Ted
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    Tank was stuck between the 2 trucks leading out of the bridge in the finale of Parish. I tried to jump over his head since he was unavoidable any other way. Big mistake. He punched me above his head and I had a long fall off the bridge.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  10. Witch
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    Tank was stuck between the 2 trucks leading out of the bridge in the finale of Parish. I tried to jump over his head since he was unavoidable any other way. Big mistake. He punched me above his head and I had a long fall off the bridge.

    Sorry, I hate when that happens to me. Only way to go through, but can't move. But that's really funny to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

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